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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. 2. Snip, snip. It was cut from the game. That and a bunch of other cool stuff. But not to worry. Theres always the Telos Restoration Mod thats coming to a PC near you. 3. Its not that your not talking to her, its that you have more influence with Visa. You probably take Visa with you too many times.
  2. Palpatine/Sidious IS the ultimate manipulator. He not only can hide his dark side prescense, but hide his true face behind a friendly smile. Kreia just hides herself completley.
  3. There is mention. When you land at the Khoonda, the droid, if you repair it and talk to it there is an option to display a holographic message with Vandar and Vrook. Vrook is basically yelling at Vandar because the Exile is highly disliked and that sort.
  4. Oh good. You saved me alot of time by telling me that I don't have to refresh WIP page every 5 minutes. (I refresh every 2 minutes...)
  5. KOTOR 1: 10 Times (going through 11th) KOTOR 2: 7 Times (currently going through 8th) And I'm probably the only guy here who likes Female Revan and Exile.
  6. Well, the real reason where he went was because he was one of the Jedi who went to Katarr when it was destroyed by Nihilus.
  7. Because KOTOR II has a random item generator. Items appear in different places randomly. Except for a few quest items.
  8. I would say she would be in Atris's place at the academy.
  9. Monday or Tuesday probably. Of cource with Lucas Arts, 1-2 days means about a month or so.
  10. Unless you get more influence with her so that her and Visa are with equal influence. (or she has more)
  11. Problem: I start up KOTOR 2, blah blah. But the main screen seems way too dark. I've attempted to fiddle around with the game brightness but whenever I exit (and come back later) or a movie occurs, the screen goes dark again. It seems to have a dark invisble layer, that when an image is taken, it comes out normal. Solutions people? (yes I have the patch and this has been going on for awhile but I decided to get it fixed right this time)
  12. Korriban was supposed to be bigger. With you having to enter the tomb to save Lonna Vash and her droid or padawan. I'm not sure which is which in the files. Very disapointed but the Tomb is still cool none of the less. (also wish they kept Dustil Onasi there also...)
  13. Am I the only one who thinks she looks like one of the female heads from KOTOR 1?
  14. Its especially apparant in the Visa and Nihilus movie...
  15. Wow. Fixed the problem by tricking my game into thinking its already got past that part. (before the dialog happens, I run back on to the facility and come back.) :D
  16. I can't believe you guys are praising Obsidian. WHEN IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK!
  17. This patch sucks. I'm getting more errors with it then without it.
  18. Whenever Kreia starts "Something is wrong. I sense no one on board" when you come on the Harbringer and Atton starts, I get a windows error! I've saved it right when I got on the Harbringer and it happens every single time. Yes, I do have the patch but its never happened before I got it.
  19. You have to ask her aboard the Ebon Hawk (you HAVE to ask her there) that she seems uneasy or something (first option) she'll talk about being always on the ship. You should eventually get to the point where you talk about what Kreia showed you. THEN you get to that point. And it should happen automatically.
  20. Its the risk Console users take. You decided to take the risk and you came out flat. Its really not anyones fault you bought it for Xbox.
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