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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. I like the engine. In KOTOR 3, I hope they JUST tweak it a bit. I would hate it if they went with an engine like Halo. As for the blacking out, I remember someone saying about the Bastila/Revan kiss. "Have you ever seen two polygons kiss?"
  2. Heh. I'm waiting on line right now. Using a laptop. :D Not really, but I do plan on going at Midnight to see it. Star Wars = my life.
  3. Anakin Skywalker. I hope to one day place a bounty on Georges head for that change to the DVD....
  4. Found a module, downloaded it, and save game file and downloaded it.
  5. Heres what was SUPPOSED to happen. She was supposed to meet with Atton, Handmaiden/Disciple, and Visa. And they were going to attack Darth Traya. Unfortuantly, she dealt with them quickly and sent Sion to put uses to their talents. Eventually (not on screen) Exile would meet with them and I guess board the Ebon Hawk.
  6. I assumed he docked awhile ago, was arrested for theift I think.
  7. Your outta luck. Restart the game is your only option unless you like using the save game editor...
  8. Not true. Visit pcgamemods.com in the KOTOR 1 Sidequests. You'll find an...alternate ending. Where as Female DS Revan, you die with Carth Onasi aboard the Star Forge.
  9. "OH Master! I can't trust you! I won't trust you or anyone..EVER again! Oh master..I love you but I hate all you stand for. But I think we should press our slimy mucus covered lips together in the cargo hold!"
  10. If you want to be LS and have influence with HK, then the only way to get that is probably use the Save Game Editor.
  11. Or maybe when HE is used when you aren't being gender specific...
  12. The only reason why we despise it is because of the cut stuff. We await the coming of the mod/patch.
  13. Your wasting your energy typing that. They don't like to listen to us. Wait for the mod...
  14. Well, I too did notice that you use Force Crush but it was originally intended that you get Force Crush from a Holocron.
  15. No. Jumping foward before the story is even complete? Nuh huh.
  16. ...you call that girl who thinks she is so high and mighty a schutta... ...you attempt to get past the toll booth by using Force Persuade... ...and it works!
  17. You should edit Disciple out since Exile is male in that wallpaper.
  18. So, in that case, we'll never get it, right? Also, hate to ask another question about the content but is the Challenging Darth Traya going to be part of it?
  19. Place a Bounty on their heads...which is the same as get Boba Fett.
  20. Good job. With the endings, is the Atton dead going to be put back in? Or attempted?
  21. Kill the soliders, then go up, enter the door, face off with some Dark Jedi and your in.
  22. You have to make sure Atton's not with you at the time, otherwise they won't talk to you. Or so I understand. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He can be with you.
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