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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. If I'm playing as my "main" character (the one I consider canon) then the lightsaber color is a mod. Violet with a blue core. The Guardian Lightsaber.
  2. So, once finals week is over, then the project will be back on track and updating. Correct?
  3. You must be force sensitive if you are a jedi, but that does not mean if you are force sensitive, you are a jedi.
  4. It wouldn't hurt. Cameos and little extras from the first are always good.
  5. George isn't continueing the series. You have given in to the power of the Dark Side (supershadow...) What he will do though is release the OT in 3D. No episodes 7-9. THANK GOD!
  6. I'm definitly buying. Question: Is Nihilus's real name in the comic?
  7. Your correct, sir. It was ALL cut. Every single one of it was cut. Snip snip snip. Just like that.
  8. So can someone post the ways to get into Window Mode? (1. Do this. If that doesn't work, try this, etc.)
  9. That means that Obsidian and Lucasarts are going to be honest from now on! And Obsidian plans to return everyones money and at the same time restore all cut-content!
  10. Another year or so. Maybe during the holidays.
  11. They wouldn't be able to even if they tried. And if they did, it wouldn't come out that great since Vash was supposed to be on that planet, and thus have dialouge that was never recorded.
  12. I think I know the problem. Download the Savegame Editor and go through the Globals Booleans. Get to 300NAR_Visquis_Call. Its probably checked off YES. Switch it back to NO and return to the Ebon Hawk and leave again.
  13. I will definitly buy it. Hopefully Obsidian learned their mistakes and won't make them again. But if they didn't. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  14. Perhaps its possible using the models from Kreia for custom hooded robes. But I have no idea how.
  15. What ending? Remember, pratically everything was cut from the ending.
  16. They did have time for a proper ending. And they made a proper ending. And its still in the files! Don't tell me that Obsidian didn't have enough time to finish. They did. They just let a guy who was fascinated with chopping stuff up cut the game.
  17. LS Male first, then LS Female, then DS Male and then DS Female. I decide which one I liked the best and pick that to my official KOTOR canon. At first it was LS Male but I switched it after I found out about the cut content. And will just pretend its official unless KOTOR 3 does something stupid.
  18. Lets say I wanted to know the conditions needed to see the cut-scene of Kreia and Bao-Dur (obviously its being heavy on dark side but I'm just using it as an example) or certain dialouges. How can I view them? Is it possible with the KOTOR tool?
  19. I think its a big bug. You might have to restart from a saved game.
  20. Because nobody likes an incomplete story.
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