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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. Obsidian is under contract. They couldn't help if they wanted to.
  2. I believe that thread was deleted by the staff. Cover up by Lucasarts. And Bioware has said that they are not going to work with Lucasarts anymore since they want to work on their own projects.
  3. OOOLD news. Thats ancient. You might want to post that article here but its most likley a hoax.
  4. If ya don't like it then download the mod. Its possible that they had no images. Or Revan destroyed them. Facial features can change as one grows up. Safety first. Something (like what happened) may happen and so its good to have those there. You answered your own question. "It corrupts all who walk upon its surface" Malachor V corrupted Revan and Malak after the War (or durig the battle) They knew that the Mandalorians and Sith Empire were not the true threat and wanted to wait it out and then strike when it does. GO-TO answers this. Revan knew about the true sith and intended not to destroy key points in the Republic so that she can use them aganist the threat. Funny thing about the Dark Side. It can do weird and strange things to the mind. Plus, all Sith know that they will eventually betray their master. Uhh...yep. Basically. The results were that she lost her memory for an extended period of time and eventually, the memories would come back. Slowly. Not all at once.
  5. Not really. The only thing it would really do was show that Nihilus does spend time off of the Ravager.
  6. Sorry, but that never ever happened. I've checked the files and there is nothing on Nihilus being there.
  7. Leaving solo mode on- Never once turned it off characters not following you when they're supposed to- Hate it when this happens. Thankfully, they return during cut-scenes. Random Loot generator- I guess it adds to replay factor Kreia's 'you can't please me' attitude- No, I actually like that missing a hit during a fight- Can't win them all. missing a hit during bashing - Can't stand that! the constant word 'Echo' as well as others - I actually like that. barely being able to upgrade jedi robes - Oh well.
  8. You managaed to draw all the attention of Brianna from her face to..well...take a wild guess where.
  9. What more is there to explain? Except that KSE stands for KOTOR Savegame Editor.
  10. Its more like in the Trade Wars. You do something, you get an extra look at their supplies. Except this was silent. Its probably not random.
  11. The fate of the Holocrons is actually said. "No, Mistress! It was you who saved the Jedi Relics on Dantooine!"
  12. From calculations last week or so, it was about 50-60% done.
  13. It wouldn't exactly be a good idea to even release a mod like that. Because when you "Yes, I agree to blah, blah blah" it said that you weren't going to export any of the items in that game and release them raw. Legal stuff. And like, w666tvr said, you can't export the models and skins into the override willy-nilly. Believe me, I've tried...Boom....
  14. Its simply because you had more influence with Visas. Got to be careful there.
  15. No. The Bantha Skull emblem won't be around for awile (Boba Fett dons the skull) its probably just some srcribble.
  16. It ain't a miracle until a Content Patch is released. :angry:
  17. Thats a good 3-4 hours of TSL Restoration. How much do you usually get done?
  18. I simply assumed that the stories of Revan, Malak, the Star Forge and Exile were lost in the archives. Just a thought.
  19. It will be released as an installer so that it 1) Doesn't conflict with your other mods and 2) There are so many files and so many places to put them that it would be alot easier on both the downloader and creators to just make an installer. So, yeah. Probably like a patch.
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