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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. No. Too many upset fans. Make fans happier by letting them choose who Revan is.
  2. Someone is going is going to be even more pissed off by the end of the game...
  3. PC. With consoles, you can't add items and all of that other stuff. While with consoles...you can't.
  4. I think a KOTOR I rerelease COULD work but there are slight problems. They would have to create entirly new dialouge for KOTOR II being that one of the cut-scenes was the death of Revan and Carth. And tecnically, thats the only worthwhile cut feature.
  5. You'd probably even more pissed off if they showed him/her and it wasn't the character you had in the first game.
  6. Anyone who doesn't really shouldn't be here... But yeah. Its an indirect reference to Lukes journey through the cave. Being that Luke was seeing his future. While this was showing the Past and the Present.
  7. You. The person standing next to Revan is your character, drowned in the Dark Side. No idea exactly why Revan attacks. I assume the same reason why Malak attacks you.
  8. Leia is a force sensitive woman. Usually, force sensitives can remember the past, and sense the future. Obviously Leia remembers those short moments that she had with Padme because she is FORCE SENSITIVE! I thought you guys played KOTOR I...remember all of those locations that PC remembered from her/his past?
  9. You sure? I've played the game without mods and got it. And when you first meet Atton after relasing him, thats when the decisions are made through dialouge.
  10. If you have enough persuation points, you can get the HK droid to say it, thus having it recorded in the sonic sensor.
  11. Bastilla: When choosing who Revan was, select MALE. Doesn't matter the alignment. Then, on Korriban, in Uthars room, the holocron will have Bastilla and T3 will have a holorecording of her with the right influence and stats with T3. Carth: Revan must be lightside. If male, then you will only see him during cut-scenes with Lt. Grenn and holorecords on the Harbinger. If you choose Revan to be DS Female, you will see Carth in T3s holorecording. Same with LS Female. And at the very end, right before Malachor, you meet up with him, if Revan was LS. (if Revan was male, you see Bastilla after you leave) Canderous: He is Mandalore. A Party Member in the game Jolee: Nobody knows but there are mentionings of him and items based on him. Juhani: 0 reference Mission and Zaalbar: There is an Armband called the Vao Armbad. To Mission -Z HK and T3: T3 is automatically a member and HK you can repair by finding all of his parts.
  12. From the looks of the current KOTOR series, it appears to be going in the same direction as the Original Trilogy. The first one, everything sets the stage and all that other stuff, the second one is everyone is on the run, hunted and getting out of the hole at the end. Then the third one should be on a good note. Revan returns...Return of the Jedi? Or Sith....
  13. The Onderon who was wounded. When he is killed, you get that dialoge again.
  14. Only two ways to use it as a PLAYER model. 1. Find whatever the person used as an item 2. Savegame Editor
  15. Strange....I think the Topic has been deleted.
  16. Atton: "Your eyes...that bad huh? Always was..." Exile: "No! Atton!" Atton: "...urgh...don't worry...hurts...this scene will be cut from the game anyway...urg...I'm glad you won't see me die...hurts when I laugh...hurts..."
  17. As of now, its working. Obsidian has contacted Lucasarts for permission on a Content Patch and is awaiting a confirmation to go forth and make it with what they have. OR with the Email that someone received, they don't have enough money to do it. But that might have been a long time ago and things change. (like fans agreeing to pay for a patch )
  18. Something seems weird...it seems like they love each other.
  19. Bao-Dur probably found him (or T3 considering he is always in the Engine Room) and repaired him. Not sure how much time goes by. Its the same when T3 blasts HK at the Navicomputer.
  20. Heres them side-by-side Remember that its slightly at a different angle and Atris is tainted by the Dark Side.
  21. They probably wouldn't need permission from LA. Unless everything that goes on requires permission...
  22. Okay, here is the image I posted. Atris was supposed to be the Sith Lord instead of Kreia, depending on the choices you made. But that was scraped. <_< Just like everything else cool.
  23. Thats Atris. I posted a better picture in the Cut thread.
  24. Screenshot of the DS/LS Status. I had the save game file for the Hidden Droid Planet (which was incomplete so you can't do anything) and whoever made it had stocks of "disguises" clothing. One of them was Atris as Darth Traya but that was the only model that the person had that was missing from the game. Unless you include Malak and Calo Nord. Shame that file crashes alot...
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