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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/03/tech/activision-blizzard-sec/
  2. My bugbear with Steam is you can't remove Big Picture -mode from menus, so I occasionally click on it and then get annoyed I have to find out how to close it.
  3. 45 hours and Skyhold means you're taking it reaaallllyyy slow.
  4. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1439-ogl-1-0a-creative-commons
  5. I found the most stress-free way to play DA:I was to control a sword&shield warrior tanking everything, and have everyone else be ranged with the AI handling them. Other party compositions are viable, but require more micro management, or specific kind of items to be effective.
  6. I'm trying to play FF7 remake, but gawd, the story is dragging on. Gameplay is ok though.
  7. This is something they did with ME2->ME3 too, having a "teaser" DLC. I hope they don't continue.
  8. https://www.pcgamer.com/blizzard-fires-wow-classic-lead-after-he-protests-employee-evaluation-policy/
  9. They're all -75% at the moment on Steam too.
  10. Here's a video about the same thing. Hope youtube accepts connections from your provider.
  11. I hope they survive the layoffs too.
  12. https://www.wowhead.com/news/netease-response-to-blizzard-entertainment-local-orc-statue-torn-down-331041
  13. Don't be like me and not notice the "in" word. So it's not laying off whole of Xbox and Bethesda.
  14. https://www.reuters.com/technology/microsoft-faces-eu-antitrust-warning-over-activision-deal-sources-2023-01-16/ Dunno what this means in practice.
  15. What does "system agnostic" even mean?
  16. Hidden Path should make Defense Grid 3.
  17. Not monetized enough?
  18. Finished Vampire Survivors base game. It was more fun early on when it was more of a stat dependent game, later it just got too wacky and gimmicky, and there were clearly better weapons and characters. But it was ok overall.
  19. https://www.reuters.com/legal/video-gamers-sue-microsoft-us-court-stop-activision-takeover-2022-12-20/
  20. It's always online because it's an MMO. You might as well criticize WoW for being always online. It's the main reasons I'm probably not playing it, but it's not like they set out to make a single player game in the first place.
  21. I hope they don't, MS seems like it'll treat Blizzard's IPs better than Blizzard currently does.
  22. Valheim Mistland update just went live. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/892970/view/3647382900915760340
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