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Everything posted by magicwallis

  1. Not sure what caused it but one of my Paladins is stuck in a fast walking animation. Not game breaking I know, but it is irritating. Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz6i9xNwJBLcODB3aFRnTjJoSnc/view?usp=sharing Thanks for any support you can give.
  2. Yep, have the same problem also. Save file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz6i9xNwJBLcODB3aFRnTjJoSnc/view?usp=sharing
  3. In relation to only-in-combat-buffs. Perhaps you'll be able to sneak ahead with your scout to encounter enemies before they become hostile. Giving the rest of your party a heads up to buff before charging in. The encounter/combat* technically started with your scout. *Are these two interchangeable?
  4. First off, I totally dig the portraits art style. Second. AHHHHHH, I want to play a druid now. Third. All the spells sound cool but my favourite is the Garden of Life druid spell. I like the concept of producing life out of fallen enemies. Its sort of karmic or something.
  5. Is that a model? Because if it is, whoever painted it is some kind of genius.
  6. Awesome! Super happy about this. Gonna save so much time. Also it introduces an interesting element of choice into character creation/stat allocation. PS: Could someone point me to where Sawyer/anyone mentions this?
  7. Okay, so I couldn't find reference to this anywhere else. Do we know how starting attributes will be determined? Will it be a virtual 3d6 roll? Or a standardized point allocation system? Or something else? The reason I ask is because the problem I have with a simulated dice roll, is that I imagine most people will be clicking re-roll until they get suitably large amount of points to allocate to attributes. Is it worth admitting this and just say "everyone gets this many points for attributes"? Thoughts? Preferences?
  8. This game is the Pillars of Eternity. Maybe it's going to like the Bourne series with Eternity being the subject of each title. Like, err...'The Roof of Eternity'.
  9. Agreed. Past tense gives the impression of reduced agency in the goings on of the story, even if it practically makes no difference. Keep it present tense, please. Second your agreed. This was the first of many reasons why I hated (hate is a strong word by I think it's the right one) Dragon Age 2. I tried to persevere with it because, you know, I spent money on it, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm aware that other views are available. Just replaying BG2 and a narrator really adds to the immersion of the story.
  10. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *shakes fist furiously at sky* As someone of a colour (that's right, i'm Britlish) blind persuasion I have absolutely no idea how any of my characters look, so they probably all look horrible and garish.
  11. Got to be a gritty noir crime thriller. Involving ridiculously complex plots intertwined with crime solving. Sort of a fantasy 'Altered Carbon'. I think PoE's concept of disconnected body and souls matches with Altered Carbons notion of disconnected consciousness. Also means you could chuck in 'super badass' Takeshi Kovacs as a companion.
  12. I finally backed because of this update. Almost asploded with excitement. Now I can't wait ARGH!
  13. Absolutely yes! I am the Arch Procrastinator. I will literally do anything to avoid doing work. Even if that involves a vast investment of time and energy itself. "Bow down and tremble before my almighty...oh I can't be arsed!"
  14. Wait...did you say 'Horse feathers'? *Scuttles away to store in box of Wonderfully Absurd Exclamations*
  15. Totally has to be a tiny, pointy eared, hairy, spell slinger, all the way.
  16. *sigh*... If person A says "this is true," THEN person B can now actually correct them, definitively, and it's not just "well that's your opinion." If person A simply says "I'm worried this might happen," then person B can't actually correct them on anything. But, person B can still say "Here are ways in which that wouldn't be able to happen," and they aren't correcting anything, or challenging any opinions. They're simply supplementing the discussion. That's what I'm "claiming" is true, in the portion you bolded. This is relevant because you accuse "random posters" of telling you you're wrong, which I have yet to see here. So, it seems as if you're simply perceiving people's supplemental opinions and perspectives as corrections or truth claims. *shrug* From this... ... I don't gather what's causing it to "seem" as though I've taken such a stance. I'm very curious to know, so that I might avoid giving people that impression in the future, because all I'm doing is responding to your words with my own perspective on the matter. The reason I'm quoting you is because we're addressing the same things. You seem to be defending your opinions from my opinions, for some reason, and I don't know why. And, apparently it's because I seem to be correcting your opinions, which I'm not doing. So, seems like if I could take efforts to not make it seem like that, we could avoid an awful lot of back-to-back clarifications and "I never said"s. *shrug* 'SOCRATES: If you own an original Daedalus, unshackled, it's not worth all that much...because it doesn't stay put. But if you've got one that's shackled, it's very valuable. Because they're really lovely pieces of work. It's the same with true opinions. True opinions, as long as they stay put, are a fine thing and do us a whole lot of good. Only, they tend mot to stay put for very long. They're always scampering away from a person's soul. So they are not very valuable until you shackle them by figuring out what makes them true, And then, once they're shackled, they turn into knowledge, and become stable and fixed. So that's why knowledge is a more valuable thing than correct opinion, and that's how knowledge differs from a correct opinion: by a shackle.' - Plato's Meno
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