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Everything posted by Zoma

  1. Those awesume Witcher's Assassin of Kings animation you saw are pretty much QTE. The basic gameplay remains unchanged from the first Witcher.
  2. Makes sense. Considering Dark Sun will make its return to the D&D franchise and for the 4th edition, I have high suspicion it would be Dark Sun. Otherwise its the usual NWN3 or BG3.
  3. Though I agree that giving an unlimited amount of time to reply would break immersion, I prefer that during less 'hectic' interactions with the NPC, we will be given additional time to make a decision to consider over the consequences. Afterall, I admit I don't have a sharp wit. I think its fair to some slower players like me to give a breather room to ponder a while longer for a few more seconds after the NPC has finished talking. At the mean time, the time given for the player to make a decision with the NPC is executed immediately after the latter has finished talking which feels too much of a rush.
  4. Zoma


    It'll happen. I'm just waiting for the smashing announcement by Feargie that goes along the lines of "OH YAY! WE OBSIDIANITES GOT BOUGHT OVER BY BETHESDA. Nao joo all PHAIL while we is buying diamond studded sweeeming pools!."
  5. I love Berserk. Sure it started slow, but watching the anti-hero struggles against all odds against mystical creatures with his hared and exceptional will as his only weapon makes the struggle so . . . disturbingly enticing.
  6. There's additional content for second playthroughs, especially if you play again at Veteran difficulty where your character will role play differently.
  7. I enjoy role playing as females, as shown with my long list of female PCs played in various NWN and NWN2 Persistent worlds. Heck, I even enjoyed playing more as a female Shepard than a male one in ME, with obvious voice acting quality reasons. The only principle I keep while playing these characters would be they should never ever get involved in sexual situations. Because if I do, I will definitely get gender confused like Tony Evans since like him, I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body afterall.
  8. I haet joo.
  9. Playing Killing Floor. I love the concept and sometimes do find it much more fun to play tha L4D due to the chaos. But I can't help but feel the game is still incomplete. Crossing fingers the devs will continue to update the game with new things.
  10. Yup. PAX's a playable version for the public. But you have to play the Sega's Amazing Race to get it I heard.
  11. As much as I want to make a constructive post as a reply the thread, I'll just clear the way with my single thought. LOL
  12. Super TEASE.
  13. Hard to say. It could be a surprising hit like Shadow Complex, or a slow build up of fanbase like Planescape Torment. Doubtful it will be anything like the Halo or Call of Duty Series popularity though which is designed for the mainstream.
  14. Try to do a crouch run yourself with your mates looking at it and comment on it. Even Gears of War's roady run looks very stupid. But Epic cleverly positioned the camera with shaky motions in a waythat it looks awesome. Splinter Cell managed to get away from the criticism since it doesn't have crouch run, but rather uses crouch steps (slower pace) to move around instead if I remember correctly.
  15. Narcissu has awesome music. nuff said. But no Japanese visual novel is ever more depressing than the one and only "Kana Imouto". Prepare to eat your heart out.
  16. Smartass Thorton is always better than an emo or self-dellusional gentleman.
  17. J.E seemed to be carrying a (No offence) grumpy, bitter outlook these days due to the cancelled Aliens RPG. Its understandable though. But I think he ought to have taken a vacation first instead of jumping into another Lead Designer role immediately.
  18. Is Obsidian unable to simply make unarmed combat as a third weapon slot instead?
  19. I believe he's known as the "Silver Fox". A character you'll probably meet in Taipei.
  20. I believe Activision was the one who published Bloodlines. So its not even likely to happend.
  21. Many wuvs, hugs and kisses to Obsidian! <3
  22. Sorry to hear that. Looks like AP may not meant for you afterall.
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