But true none the less.
When I was young and green and went to the university, we started out learning a fairly structured language (Modula2) first, simply to have a starting point. And it was really just that, a common ground for students to learn what was much more important, the underlying mechanisms of programming. Things like syntax, semanthics, parsers, specification and verification of algorithms. Later in A&D, it was pretty much the same. Learn a methology for problem solving and you can use it to solve a multitude of problems. Once you understand the basic theory in general, learning any new language/platform or analysing any given situation was trivial. Same thing probably applis to many other professions, once you get a "feel" for and an intuitive understanding of your work, changing tools is just that, new tools.
Oh, and my nostalgic rambling sidetracked me, same thing probably applies to 3D applications as well. Once you know the basics, Nurbs, UV space, the math, an understanding of the physics of light and surfaces, materials etc. The application becomes a simple tool to express your thoughts.