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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. I thought birds migrate before winter comes so they can avoid it. You also have to take into account that different kinds sparrows have different migratory habits. Heres the White-throated Sparrow Migration for example. http://www.nwf.org/wildlife/whitethroateds...w/migration.cfm Introduction This common backyard bird is known for its distinctive song "Old Sam Peabody, Peabody, Peabody" or "My Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada." It spends the summer in Canada, New England states, northern New York and around the Great Lakes. It winters in the southern United States. It fills forests of both countries with its melody Heh, thought so. Forget if Sargy, there are too few sparrows in Icewind Dale to make your story credible It was Nym all the way.
  2. From game development to timber exports? Hmmmm....ok. Interesting career choice. Thanks. Must have something to do with being Canadian...
  3. I'll have to test the thing with using coconuts to undo virgins. Sounds very interesting. There was a few details that I didn't understand though. I can understand the need to trade for coconuts, the climate in Icewind Dale being generally unfavourable for coconut growth. But wouldn't it be more likely the Nym started the coconut trade in the first place (in secret) to destabilize the market ? And also, I'm pretty sure that Orrick's so called "Mythal Studies" were a cover up for his real studies, the aforementioned virgin undoing abilities of coconuts. Come on, the guy has been living alone in that tower forever (except the company of a goblin, Eek!) Sparrows are birds. Birds live in nests. Nests are build in trees. Kuldahar has friggin big tree. 'Nuff said. It was bound to happen that sparrows would be involved somehow. Leaves the question, do sparrows migrate during winter ? Icewind Dale is sort of one long winter.
  4. Hitchhikers guide to coconut carrying swallows
  5. Sunflower seed fed african swallows might have a greater chance of carrying a coconut then the Squirrel Posse. Although... there is still the problem of getting a good grip on a coconut ?!?
  6. Poor spam quality.
  7. Well i think you are right. What i am actually saying is that the programming of the KotOR`s engine was bad cause i have a AMD 2700+ with ATi 9600XT & 500MB RAm and still can`t play it well at 1024x760 resolution! :angry: It may be the drivers you're using with your Radeon. Any drivers later then the 4.2 Catalyst drivers seem to have serious problems with KOTOR. I had to go back from the 4.5 drivers because I was getting less then 5 FPS in some places of the game. After I re-installed the older ones I got much higher frame rates. I would suspect your drivers too of playing tricks on you. I have a slightly similar setup, though with a nVidia card. Runs absolutely smoothly in something like 1600x1200 with all effects on.
  8. Coffee has to be fetched correctly. The right coffee, the right time of day, the right size of cup. Never underestimate coffee! No coffee ? mv -Rf ~/gorth/work /dev/null
  9. Would probably be an ungrateful task with the engine they have at the moment. Enemies line up to the left, friends to the right, there you go, start hacking and slashing at each other. While having other limitations, isometric 3D actually offers a better tactical view for games, where you can expand your one dimensional combat into two dimensional combat by having "depth" and manouvres (spelling?) as part of your tactical options.
  10. Ewoks = low budget wookies ?!? He wa$ probably already con$idering $elling the right$ for children$ daytime tv...
  11. Leather clothing, rivets, high heels and a whip ?
  12. Combat was probably on the easy side (most of the combats, with a few exceptions). Problem was that you levelled up too fast and too high in the game.
  13. I'm guilty of voting Don't care... They could remove more of the combat of they wanted to, it was just a tedious distraction from the story and the game. No bonus points for guessing like I like roleplaying better than combat games (unless of course, you consider Kill Bill style combat games as roleplaying ) As long as it comes with a combat difficulty slider where I can adjust combat to suit my casual attitutde towards combat, I'm perfectly fine.
  14. The game plays in two time periods, one is a flashback to the Mandalorian Wars where you do stuff, then flashback to the "present" where past actions impact your choices, then flashback to the past, to the present etc. Then you'll have a game that happens 5 years before and 5 years after Kotor1
  15. Not even two swallows are strong enough to carry a coconut. Not even if trying to use the thermals of Lac Dinneshire
  16. They could be carried. By a swallow ? Yeah right
  17. Speaking of Tribes... How does a game like Halo compare to Tribes 2 ? Are they similar ? Completely different ? I tried Tribes lots of years ago and Tribes 2 a few years ago at a net party. The game was awesome. Actually having to walk on your feet without a jump pack has sucked in FPS's since then
  18. From personal experience, I found it easiest to copy the text I want to quote to notepad or similar program. Then I use: (QUOTE=Sorgoth) My own comments (QUOTE=Sorgoth) Further comments of my own Repeat until message delivered (oh, and use [ and ] instead of ( and ).
  19. So much for world peace...
  20. Oh, and nodwick is quite funny too, unless you're a henchman... http://archive.gamespy.com/comics/nodwick/ The weekly Nodwick is just plain funny DnD self irony...
  21. Heh, our laptops at work have "speakers", but 2x0.25 watt isn't that impressive. And Red-Vs-Blue is all about hilarious dialogue
  22. I don't read that many web comics, but have you ever watched those short Halo movies Red-Vs-Blue on their web page ?
  23. Terror is never a solution, like I said, its a sympton. You have to remove the cause. The tricky bit is that, if you were to remove the cause in this case, you had to kill off all the jews (being the agressors) or all the palestinians (the reactors). Since genocide in the western world is increasingly frowned upon, it's unlikely to happen. As for Europe being "Anti-Israel", it would be more correct to say "less pro-Israel" than the US. Like I said, if the media didn't keep bringing it up, nobody in Europe would probably give a damn about the middle-east conflict. Being the occupying force, the initiative currently lies with the Israeli's, therefore they are expected to take first steps. You have to be pretty naive if you think any palestinian leader has a chance of stopping "terrorists", when there is nothing to gain from it. It would be political suicide for him to preach that/ Thats why I mentioned in a previous post, that both sides have to have the will at the same time for it to happen. There was a chance a decade ago, before the then prime minister was murdered. That was probably the greatest chance for peace the middle east ever had. If only one part looks to gain something from peace, there will be no peace. And yes, the palestinians have frequently asked for internatial observers and military presence. Israel refuses the observers and a foreign military presence has a snowballs chance in hell with Sharon in power. Not to mention that the US would veto it on sheer reflex in a UN vote. So currently, its a Gordian knot Ah well, Sharon doesn't live forever, heck, even Eire got peace eventually. They even play sports against the English again... Unthinkable in 1916
  24. Perhaps less than people would think ? At least in the case of UN resolutions. If put into context, lets take whatever atrocities and aggressions have been committed since the inception of the UN. Most of the worlds military powers were allied to either Nato or the WP during the cold war years, that meant they were pretty "safe" from resolutions, as there was always a permanent member to veto a resolution. The middle east was more of a proxy battle ground, that meant what happened there would get less attention, and more likely to get resolutions passed as long as it didn't involve anything that shifted the military balance in the area. Israel is an ally of the US and Turkey was/is a Nato member. Syria and others were supported (logistically and morally) by the Soviet Union as a counterweight to US and Nato interests. Nobody was interested in any conflicts that could threaten oil supplies to the western countries, therefore nobody was interested in any new full scale, prolonged wars. The underlying general (historical) anti-semitism is probably more widespread in Europe than in the US, but Europe being all focused on the millions of WP troops camped at their doorsteps might have put a dampener on any interests outside their own continent. That pretty much leaves it a conflict between the henchmen of the soviets (quite a handful of arab nations actually, this was before fundamentalism became widespread) and the US/Israeli alliance. Pretty much all (not all, but close) world politics was dominated by Nato, WP and China from WWII up to recent history. @Enderwiggin: Their motivations are different. Bin Laden and Co. are foreigners striking from foreign territory against the US, the Isreali/Palenstine conflict is way more complex. The germans also called French, Dutch, Scandinavian whatever partisans for terrorists for bombing trains, killing soldiers, buildings, factories, train stations. These "terrorist" attacks also killed women, children, old and infirm. But since those former occupied territories were on the victorious side, they are no longer labeled "terrorists" but "freedom fighters" But history and oppinion is written by the victors and those who have the media to convey their own points of view.
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