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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Good point. When the rules of the game universe only applies to the player
  2. Boss Fights: Tedious, boring, game stoppers that reminds me that I am playing a video game (insert sound from Galaga or Invaders here). Respawning enemies: Especially in completely impossible locations. I just cleared out room A, which has impenetrable concreate floor, roof and walls, just to be stabbed in the back by critters appearing out of thin air the moment I turn my back on it. It doesn't give the impression of vast numbers, it gives the impression of bad design/shortcuts Forced companions: 'Nuff said. Unkillable npcs: Just as bad as indestructable environment and 1 foot obstacles that you can't jump over. I don't care if it turns the entire world hostile and prevents me from completing the game. Powerword Reload is the lesser of two evils (immersion breakers). Save points: Somebody once tried to convince me that it wasn't a limitation of the very first game consoles and their flash memory sizes. They didn't succeed. The idea that first person perspective somehow equals immersion: No, artificial tunnelvision and lack of peripheral vision does not equal immersion. The constant need for "streamlining" (politically correct term for dumbing down?): Ok, so the mainstream population might have a short attentionspan. Games designed for those who doesn't have that seems few and far between. Yeah, I know, it's all economics. Rogue Trader *was* more fun than the current GW drivel that they pass off as WH40K Romances: Muahaahaa!... (see "streamlining", alternatively "shallow"). Nice dress, let's have sex. Hybrid games: Action is fun, roleplaying is fun, adventuring is fun... lets do everything and achieve none of the above ... Insert long continous rant here
  3. Thats it! I really need to get a joystick this coming weekend I liked the X2 demo so much that I bought X3 (Terran Conflict) unseen. It has been sitting around on my HDD for days now waiting for me to get my act together (and get the darn stick that can be used on my current PC)
  4. It does. Literally from earth You came, to earth You shall return.
  5. Congratulations Ahh the smell of new computers is only rivalled by the smell of new leather
  6. Disc drive as in optical drives or hard drives?
  7. Just finished The Witcher EE for the first time (first time because it is definitely not the last) It had that thing that I've been missing from games for a number of years now, sheer level of detail. I can't remember a game with that much attention to detail since the IE games (MotB came close, but it was a considerably shorter game). S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky is up next, while I search around on the net for a Joystick for newly acquired X3 - Terran conflict
  8. Nothing beats Quake 2 for old school FPS action. Whether it be the single player campaign or just blowing up your best friends
  9. Did you find a good joystick? I just bought X3 (I blame Crashgirl) down at the store (no X2 unfortunately), so I am myself on the hunt for a decent joystick now. It being about a decade ago since I bought my current Saitek Cyborg 2000, I haven't got the slightest clue where to start looking. The only thing I know is my curren't sound card has no midi port for old sticks
  10. I think there is a "Manage Your Attachments" if you go to your profile/control panel
  11. I don't think they like chaotic neutral Urdlen-worshipping deep gnome bards / clerics Nice read Still waiting for comments on whether the game will feature sewers (and rat slaying)
  12. Presidental elections continued Here
  13. Start of old thread End of old thread The votes have been cast and the American people has spoken.
  14. Painkiller ("Heaven has a hitman") Mindless, furious action from start to finish. Just plain fun. Released around 2004 I think.
  15. Agreed Time to play nice again. (aimed at no single troll in particular)
  16. I wish I had time to check it out, but once I finish The Witcher EE, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky is up next for presumably quite a while. Anyway, I better leave the podium here for those who do appreciate Fallout 3.
  17. Channel Z can now be found in this successor thread
  18. Start of old thread End of old thread I hate FO3. There, I said it. No rational reason for it whatsoever. Haven't played it. Don't intend to. I am a bitter old skull
  19. Well, I did wonder at the very first if some fellow forumite felt bored and wanted to pull a prank, but he seems to be gone again. Maybe he got abducted?
  20. Do these even exist at this point in time?!?! Seagate makes some nice 1.5TB drives. Get 2 of those and you are covered for the next 6-12 months
  21. Fallout was in many ways "better" and felt more consistent throughout the game. Fallout 2 (and BG1 for that matter) had way too many easter eggs. However, the simple improvments in inventory management and sheer size of the game just gave so many hours more of joy. Fallout 1 was too short. Fallout 2 gets the vote.
  22. Never heard those words before... But Google to the rescue with a link! Urban Dictionary on Juggalos/Lettes I don't think I qualify.
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