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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. Overall looks great. Happy with most of the decisions. For future would like a couple of things changed - druid spirit shift, tweaking ranger and paladin classes, though with the change to fatigue on an AC plus the marked prey being instant, rangers don't need to much work. Good stuff Obs.
  2. Does anyone know who voiced Aldhelm? It's one of the best performances I've heard.
  3. To be honest I don't really see the point of a ranged rogue. A melee rogue, on the other hand does huge damage, of course they die pretty easily too. If I were going for a ranged damage dealer I'd gone with ranger instead. AC, marked prey, roots and great accuracy.
  4. hmm... a substantial amount of what the op referred to has it's roots in various cultures - it is not made up nonsense, and for the most part it works for me. But having said that there are a couple of names like the op said that don't work - Fampyr being one of them. I really like the setting and background, it's well thought out and really different from the usual high fantasy D&D nonsense. Which frankly is getting a bit stale by now.
  5. Yup, not much wrong with the spells on rest, though it would be nice if Druids and wizards got per encounter earlier than 9th level. To be honest if they changed all their spells to per encounter instead of rest that would be seriously imbalanced. Nothing would be able to compete with a druid or wizard then. And the devs would then have to nerf the 2 classes which would be rather silly. Best to avoid this mess by conserving your spells....
  6. Depends on my character - my orlan rogue walked into the crucible knights stronghold and said "Thanks, but no thanks" For the rest I tend to go with the knights, the dozens are pretty much thugs. You can run across them a couple of times threatening people...
  7. Never played "a bards tale", but my first rpg was Might and Magic - book one, released in the mid eighties. Seem to recall it was more like a word processor than a game. Wonder what people today who constantly complain about the graphics would think But the ones that really got me interested were "Quest for Glory" and "Warcraft: Orcs and humans." I don't like MMO's or the direction where Blizzard have gone with warcraft, but I will always have a soft spot for Warcraft.
  8. Never liked the first witcher, frankly I was appalled when I first played it - for reasons that I don't want to get into here. But the second one was stunning. I'm also waiting for the sequels for Dishonored and Tomb Raiders reboot which were very good games. I also reckon from a developer point of view having a fixed protagonist makes it so much easier, both from the story and mechanics side. So they really shouldn't have an excuse to screw the games up! If they are not as good as Pillars I'll be disapointed.
  9. "Stun" is actually a program someone has written It just keeps going on and on... I think the problem with POE and any game is the expectations - maybe the reason I really like the game that I've toned down my expectations with all games... Witcher 3 is coming out - which I pre ordered, and I'm not hugely enthusiastic over it because while I loved the Witcher 2, I reckon they have bitten off more than they can chew with the open world. But gaming is good at the mo - Torment is coming out, SCL hopefully by the end of the year. The thing is, I can see why people didn't like the story in Pillars, it was quite a departure from the IE games story wise. I thought it was great - I'm tired of the good v evil stories you get in D&D. Considering how much games costs - we shouldn't forget to enjoy them.l
  10. Yeah first fires was probably the weakest area in DB. But as a whole I though it worked well, though I preferred Gilded Vale. Twin Elms was for me the weakest city/village. Not from design but content. It really felt forced. Probably more a pacing issue from the story though. The last act happened very suddenly - not sure if some one from OBS suddenly realized that they had just run out of money...
  11. Do you mean how to write a proper article, or good and bad writing in games? More from the review side - I am not sure how old the writer is, but I do know where he is coming from, he's trying to be edgy, much like PJ O Rourke/Hunter S Thompson. Which is very difficult to do. The bottom line is that games are all about personal enjoyment and taste. What I don't get though, is that why the people who don't like POE hang around in the forums? That's a bit odd. If I don't like a game I move on - it's been a long time since I posted on Biowares forums for example.
  12. Well, superb is going to be really late game - so if it where me I'd rather not wait until virtually end game. Regardless of stats or min/maxing.
  13. Yeah, I must say that my enthuasism for arguing with trolls has diminished over the years. Life is 2 short. If it makes the haters feel good that's actually fine by me, make as many threads as you want, post as many badly written - wanne be gonzo like reviews. Feel free to troll all you want! Just please learn the difference between good writing and bad.
  14. Jeez Wanderon, I seem to remember you on the old NW2 forums, (think it was bioware forums). You would always get involved in arguments with countless. As a certain gnome would say, "good fun".
  15. Try "the dragon wailed" it's an insane chant. But you need a tank chanter to really benefit, it works better if you are right in the action. And the drakes and ogres are really cool.
  16. I'm not arguing... They are support but very good support and if you already have a cipher in the party you are going to benefit from adding a chanter, heck or even a rogue. Also chanters are good, darn good in the tough fights.
  17. I really don't want to get into an argument. By all accounts people are soloing with chanters, ciphers and apparently even Paladins. Also my point is that Cipher is very powerful for most of the game, but compared to wizards/Druids they seem somewhat lightweight in the boss fights. Like a good ole warlock in fact. And chanters are pretty darn good.
  18. One thing that makes a massive difference with chanters is actively controlling/switching chants. Ideally you want only one quick chant up, when it rolls along to 2-3 switch to a slower more powerful chant. I'd definitely take kana though, I'm one of the few people who find ciphers really underwhelming, particularly in tough fights. Also chanters get insane high level chants, like the dragon wailed. Just make him a tank, put him in good armor, and he will work better than gm
  19. Pretty sure traitors merit comes from finishing Hiravious's quest. I seem to recall its from his soul brother on the island in twin elms. Sorry don't remember the names.
  20. What truth? DA:O was bad... yes, bad for you perhaps... It's always good to try and keep some perspective. Other people do like things you don't...
  21. Oi vay, seriously, people are entitled to their own opinions, it would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things... I do find it strange though, that people hang around a forum to make posts about a game they don't like. I, oddly enough did it with DAI, mainly because I was disappointed in the game. But after a couple of rather obnoxious posts I came to the conclusion that why should I spoil it for other people. If they like the game more power to them, why should I hang around and be miserable. Frankly dosn't suit them or me.
  22. That may very well be true, but for the remaining 10% fights you can just use comsumables. There's one that looks like green stuff in a mortar. +4 focus on hit. That would only have issues if you can't hit the boss at all, and I can only think of one such baddie in the game. That may very well be true, but for the remaining 10% fights you can just use comsumables. There's one that looks like green stuff in a mortar. +4 focus on hit. That would only have issues if you can't hit the boss at all, and I can only think of one such baddie in the game. Yeah, absolutely, but equally for the other 90 percent of the game do you need an overpowered cipher. Wizards and Druids can use guns, scrolls or the occasional spell. I'm not saying one class is better than the other, they are just different. It depends if you want an easy ride for the majority of the game or if you want a class can really lay the smack down on the few tough fights.
  23. DAO>Maskofthebetrayerr>POE>WITCHER2>BG2>IWD2>NWN2>ID>TORMENT>WARCRAFT 3. But they all really good.
  24. Come on guys, there was no balance whatsoever in the old games... Just nonsense to suggest otherwise. You can build a perfectly good all round fighter in this game. People are just upset that they can't build a kensai/mage who could do everything.
  25. Is cipher really more powerful than a druid or wizard? I'd say it depends... For much of the game, yes. But my experience with them is that they are underpowered for the big boss fights. When the crunch comes I'd much rather have a wizard/druid. Basically they play like NW 2warlocks, they ARE great for 90 percent of the game, but they cannot match a druid or wizard in the important fights when the big guns are free to unload all their spells. Of course if they have used all their spells then it swings back to the cipher. So I reckon they actually got the balance between cipher/wizard and Druid spot on.
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