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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. Technically, you copied it from your thoughts.
  2. Freaky party: Trying my luck as an arterial decorator: You can tell someone hasn't cleaned the place up: What a beautiful night. Too bad about the respawning armie of rednecks with rifles: Trick or tre--uh nevermind, I'll be going now...: Shhhh! Be vewy, vewy Quiet. I'm stabbing wascally tainted ones: I bet he's going to regret making jokes about gutting people like a fish: I'a Dagon!: How come the fugly ones always have the best sense of decoration?: Mom and Dad, this is Hydra. Hydra, this is my Mom and Dad. Now show'em them *******:
  3. Don't you mean navigational bacon? HAW HAW HAW.
  4. You should've seen me before I started exercising.
  5. But... But isn't all about the mammaries?!
  6. Possibly, I'm not sure. The games I would be more inclined to miss would be some older titles - like several Castlevania games in near perfect condition - but this is largely offset by recent remakes orports to other consoles (like the ports of several Final Fantasy games for Gameboy Advance or 3D remakes for the Nintendo DS) or the possibility of acquiring them via things like the Wii's Virtual Console or even emulation. In some cases it pans out. For instance, I sold a copy I had of Hidden and Dangerous, only to find an improved build of the game relesead for free on the internet to promote the sequel some time after.
  7. It was hard for me selling some of them, that much is true. But right now I don't miss them one bit.
  8. True. The reason it's small is that I usually sell some of the games I purchase, because I favor experiencing as many games as I can instead of ending up with a large collection, of which I'll only cherish having a few. A couple of years ago that list had about four or five times the size, but what would I be doing with games I no longer play or have no intention of holding on to? It's quite likely some of the games in that list will eventually be sold, even.
  9. What hellish fansite did you copy that pretentios wank from?
  10. Current list.
  11. Sure does. Hey, did you get to play Final? If so, what did you think of it? I think I can get it dirt cheap but have been holding off for a while...
  12. So, R-Type is an RPG now: turn-based sux lol
  13. Tell us how you really feel.
  14. The last picture is probably the one that better comes close to giving a Fallout vibe.
  15. Oh snap!
  16. You mean the "hi guys im a gurl lolz" shtick? That's a timeless classic for your information. It will *never* go out of date.
  17. Diogo Ribeiro


    Richard III - by Supergrass.
  18. You know what you have to do. Go tell people to talk to a wall.
  19. Currently playing Dark Corners of the Earth, I'm finding it hard to answer that question. On one hand, it's good to see a depiction of several creatures in the Cthulhu mythos and how they impact on the main character's - and seemingly, everyone else's - sanity. The boat level in particular is pretty moody and challenging, with Deep Ones swarming and the main character trying to help the sailors. On the other, all the mystery surrounding them is pretty much gone. for chrissakes, or at least send him deep into the sea with a couple of torpedos on his slimy mug. Reportedly you confront as well towards the endgame, though I'm currently involved in a knife party with Sebastian Marsh.
  20. If by awkward you mean creepy then yes. He doesn't actually move, he just materializes behind you. Walk away from him backwards so he's off in the distance then turn around and... HOLY CRAP! I'm betting he's a Deep One in disguise, concealing all evidence of their existence! (that certainly makes it more interesting than calling him a character with apparently lousy AI, at least)
  21. Anyway, that sounds spiffy. Unfortunately I can't commit to anything else on the DS since there's some stuff out I still want to get my hands on - such as Puzzle Quest, Advance Wars, Hotel Dusk - and I can't afford many games nor getting this huge list of them to play.
  22. Yes, but at what point does the major influence is actually reflected in the setting and gameplay? Beside the whole violence angle, the replacement the movies' energy shortages with a global fuel shortage (among other things) and your average social breakdown, where do you go from there? The first Mad Max with its use of special police offers would probably have more of an influence on how Wasteland with its rangers was developed.
  23. Let me know if you ever need a hand with those...
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