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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. Okay, I agree completely with the fact that Gwen Stacy was just used wrongly. However, I don't agree with this comment. If I want the exact same experience as the original, I'll just read the comics again. I have no intention of shilling out 8 bucks for a newly released movie I've already seen. Okay, nowhere in the post am I asking for a verbatim copy. It's about not having much in the way of recognizable traits.
  2. I'm not even miffed about the Venom origin, even though it is crap beyond belief. "Hey guys where did it come from? WHO CARES? SPIDERMAN SPIDERMAN, BLUNDERS EVERYTHING A SEQUEL CAN". The fight scenes were terribly automated and lifeless. The most impressive thing was Sandman and his encounters with Spidey which felt, at least earlier on, like classic villain battles. But they pretty much ridiculed Parker's seedier side (good means preppy hairstyle, bad means emo style!) and Harry's dementia went on severely underplayed. And I just can't stand Drunkst. Not enough spiderweb would fill all those holes. Silver Surfer was pretty awesome but then... Restoring Doom just shows a lack of ideas. Galactus... Ok, that says it all. Funny thing, a guy a few seats behind me and my squeeze kept going on "This has nothing to do with the comics" during the movie. He walked out during the scene where Galactus is dealt with, haha. Something that also bothers me is the underuse of major characters. In Batman Begins, Mr. Zsasz was a random killer with no personality at all (I'm sure being played by Tim Booth had something to do with it). In Spider-Mangle 3, I kept hoping Gwen Stacy would fall to the hands of a darker, bloodthirsty Harry. But they couldn't even tie her in significantly. Seriously, what's the point of using a recognizable character if it plays out nothing like the original? I can't wait for Spider-Man 4 where Aunt May will be a flying guy with lasers coming out of his eyes and an adamantium wang. Spider 3 was also another missed oportunity for movie-tie ins. I can't believe directors haven't yet considered the possibility of featuring brief cameos or small roles for other characters of the same universe. IIRC, it was the Fantastic Four that originally gave Parker the idea that the symbiote disliked fire and sound. It would have been cool - specially since both movies were at the cinema - to have the FF in Spiller-Man 3 give Spidey hints on how to deal with the symbiote. Not only is it a comic book geek orgasmatron, it's also great to generate awareness of other Marvel movies and possibly interest people enough to go see them. It certainly beats placing goddamn Coke ads in films.
  3. You know there's something wrong when people can't understand the story of PotC 3. Anyways, saw it and yawned all the way. Also got to watch Spider-Man 3 and Fantastic Four vs. the Silver Surfer. Both of them crap and should have come with the subtitle "How to ruin a comic book adaptation and not to learn from Batman Begins".
  4. The Strogg are gonna have a field day.
  5. Now all Bioware has to do is to target the real Sonic fanbase.
  6. Wasteland was top-notch back in the day. This might turn out to be an interesting game to look out for, if Fargo doesn't pull another Bard's Tale.
  7. Which is a separate issue in regards to how well it pleases diehard fans, yes?
  8. Well, that certainly worked for X-Com: Enforcer. I also hear Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel sold an amazing 17k units. Go go brand recognition!
  9. I think every single encounter of those I experienced started with the thugs just running away from my PC, they never seemed to charge head on. The problem, I think, is that the map used areas to spawn enemy groups. Travelling around between San Fran and Navarro never triggered Highwaymen, for instance, so it was mostly a challenge. The odd trip back to Vault City or Redding triggered them more often. Then again, considering the ungodly suplly of Jet they carry you could always reason their discernment was lacking
  10. The PC will leave the Vault at age 19. This isn't forcing the PC to always be of the same age; it's likely comparable to the Fallouts' minimum starting age of 16.
  11. Except that argument is based on the assumption that good players that participate in a session and a good Game Master are a constant in PnP, when this isn't true. Bad GM
  12. Ok, I feel dirty now.
  13. By that logic, why would people want to play perfect emulations of Formula 1 racing? That's what real racing is for. The same applies to hunting games, flight simulators and others.
  14. I'm from the Codex - I can't be the voice of reason!!1!1! I still think the concept of the nuclear catapult is silly, even when placed side by side with weaponry like a Gatling Laser. As you said, it could be argued just what "nuclear catapult" itself means or how it operates, but not only does it seem a bit off in that 50's pulp comics feel, it's also a bit incongrous in a gameworld where radiation seems to be a grave concern. You have to measure the rads for stuff like water but are using a weapon that catapults nuclear material? There better be some drawback to using it, at least.
  15. Yes. Talking plants, horny ghouls, porn movies and experience for finding obscure pop references is what Fallout is about. The Micro Fusion Cell, used to power up the Highwayman, was a self-contained fusion plant. So, you're basically saying it's unreasonable to have nuclear car engines but appear to have no issues with each MFC being a small, portable nuclear fusion plant.
  16. White Stripes are my new musical high.
  17. And reading is for those that lack imagination!
  18. 2005 called, they want their testicles back. I TOTALLY NAILED THAT ONE AMIRITE?
  19. Also, what's the point of having Action Points if you can still perform all of your actions even when you've used up all said APs? You're just being a fanboy living in the past. You have to trust Bethesda, it's going to be cool
  20. Yes, because there's definitely no one in the whole of the intardnet falling into the pedestrian mindset I was joking about. ****'s sake.
  21. I'm glad we don't live in an age where just about anyone can cobble up something that's made to look like Fallout. Power Armor, ruined city, Ron Pearlman... I guess that's an indication Bethesda know what Fallout is about and I have to say "I'm sold!" or something like that? Wake me up when someone has any information on the gameplay. ktnxbie
  22. Considering that developers can't possibly create unique - as opposed to proceduraly generated or random - large scale content that simultaneously adapts to player choice and presents a concise main narrative, how difficult would it be to implement a system where player decisions in a gameworld were instantly recognized and actually left a deep impact? Let's say you're traipsing around this month's RPG flavor, which is released through episodic content, and that at given points during the episodes you're confronted with decisions with considerable consequences, possibly at the end of each chapter. Players reaching the end stage of every episode would submit savegame information to the developer, who would then simply alter the previously or ongoing design template for the game and send it back, so that upon loading the next episode, the save file would alter whatever needed altering in the next episode's template. Basically, the game would have an inbuilt system of possibilities which would fetch the relevant set of outcomes from a database and edited the game status accordingly in realtime. Alternatively, how possible would it be to have this function during gameplay without requiring too much from the engine? If it were to download content from an online database while people are playing, it would likely require mucho resources. Maybe devs could build such a database and have the game load it locally? Maybe even update the database with added possibilities. All of this probably means ****e but the gist of it is simulating the gameplay mechanics Eldar enjoys in MMORPGs and fitting them into a singleplayer CRPG, without it requiring investment in a social clique limited to a hit or miss social environment. So, gah.
  23. They are probably processed through some other filter beforehand since I only get ****-related spam on my inbox. Enlargement pills, reduction tablets... Funny how that goes. Like "this guy was stupied enough to buy Neverwinter Nights, we ought to reward him for that: less inches!".
  24. It's a long process since it's a multitiered boss. I'd recommend a guide if you're not keen on trying dozens of things until you get it right, like I did. Basically it involves distracting it so you can shock it out of the water, then escape its attacks in a manner similar to escaping the Gilman hotel, escaping some more then being forced to get back and kill it using gas leaks to blow it up. It's an interesting sequence but can get enerving.
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