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Everything posted by archangel979

  1. I mostly agree with Luckman. And to design a better society we always have to look at history. And history is full of people with too much power bullying those with not enough. Be they kings, lords, rich merchants or just a guy with a better sword. We have got rid of kings and guys with bigger swords (mostly, or at least within one country), but lords and rich merchants are still bullying others. Until we also curb those, there will never be a good society. And we are pretty Off topic by now :D EDIT Something on topic: I don't agree racial bonuses and penalties represent any kind of racism. I am also a person that would give bonuses and penalties based on sex as well because no matter how much SJW complain there is science behind it.
  2. I never even noticed any anti-communist bias. I never played Dragonfall though. You encounter a orkish Communist policlub calling themselves the Arbeiters. Turns out they're just a bunch of thugs spouting vaguely Marxist dialog lines. You can express sympathy for them but the dialog lines read like whoever wrote them had a manager standing behind their back going "Write them! Write them or you'll never work in this town again!" It's striking how different their portrayal is from the F-state anarchists. It's quite clear where their sympathies lie. Which is perfectly fine of course. But a game based on Iain M. Banks's, China MiƩville's or Ken MacLeod's unabashedly Communist ideas would be very cool too, and not only because my politics tilt more that way. Communism is outdated and not needed. Communism we all talk about was a system that was supposed to protect workers from factory owners. Today robots do most of the work and average people need socialism, not communism. Anarchy is often considered very positive only because it was never tested in a bigger and more complex society. Personally I don't see it working as humans are too selfish.
  3. Gnostic knows something we don't: PoE is going to be sold on Origin?! :D
  4. I have learned a lot by playing other KS games like WL2 or Shadowrun and that is to always wait for few patches first
  5. Haha, when you get to BG and have Dynaheir in party she says "Oh, such bustle! Cities in Rashemen are empty when compared" She can say than again for other places as well :D
  6. That is a bad idea. No game in this day is good on day 1. Give it two weeks for critical patches to be released and then take two weeks off.
  7. I also don't find that Bg2 combat music very good. BG1 combat music is better and PoE music reminds me of that one but much worse. I cannot listen to PoE battle music. All streams and VODs I watched of PoE as soon as combat starts, my brain starts bleeding.
  8. It does not need to be long, just so it is noticeable. It would also slow down a bit enemies moving from standing still on one side of screen to being in melee with your party.
  9. I don't mind certain races being better for certain classes as it represents their tendencies but 2e IE games had it restricted too much with many classes not even being available to different races. And best way to present these tendencies is through racial bonuses to attributes like in NWN games. It would seem in PoE racial bonuses play an even less important role than in NWN but they added culture and background as well.
  10. No need. They can get it off youtube :D
  11. If they cut out walking at least I want to see acceleration and deceleration added to running. It looks incredibly stupid to see anyone go from standing still to full run in miliseconds...
  12. When PoE comes out, and it's awesome, I'm going to send you so many "I told you so" messages and pictures of majestic horses. You can, but only if I say it is awesome I don't care what Obsidian lovers think, I am here because of their IE games pitch. If they used NWN2 or FNV in their pitch I would not be here. This is also a reason why I hold them to a higher standard because IE games still blow anything Obsidian done (since they are Obsidian) out of the water.
  13. F:NV lol. Not. InXile and Larian so far leave more of a sense of being capable of what you are talking about. But after PoE releases we will revise that. Smaller town maps than both bg1 and bg2 dont bode well
  14. Yes good idea just list them - but i have a feeling this game whould benafit greatly from 1 more long delay. There will be one. But it will be a paying one while we wait for Expansion to fix stuff :D
  15. I haven't played PoE since beta v1.0, have quick slots been removed? With up to four quick slots it seems every possible eventuality can be accounted for; one set for slashing weapon, one for crushing, one for piercing and one for....? The weapon quick slots are still there, everyone start with two of them and you can increase that number via talents...it also work in the last beta.Dear god, like I am in one those comic book opposite realms. Not only the limit is here but they add talents to make it even worse?!Now lets waste talent slots on this bad design lol Now the only question is if they put in talents because of bad design or made bad design so they have more "different" talents to put...
  16. I just try the beta again and I gotta say, the AI really is terrible. I hope it is not the final game. One guy was just standing stuck behind one of my guys because he was wanting to attack someone further away... I find the game is pretty hard even on easy, in the backer beta. But it looked easy for Josh on hard in the stream. Maybe I just suck, but I barely finish any fight. Maybe it will be alright once i start from beginning of the game Josh was playing a newer version where damage was scaled down for everyone.
  17. 3. Oh, you're talking about it in that way. That would be pretty cool... knockback the enemy or something, run away, hide, have them look for you. What I meant is that it's not impossible to kick some ass and then retreat back or run back a bit. 4. I'm advocating a limited stash option or no stash option, not forced limited stash. "No Stash" could be a simple thing to implement a la "Stash = True" or "Stash = False" (Stash = 1, Stash = 0). Could even be possible to mod the Stash out of the game entirely without bugs, but it depends on how the code is written and how much the Stash depends on other variables or vice versa. 5. As I thought. Why is this one even "can't change weapons"??? o.O 6. Eh, what? Why are the one-handed guns gone? T-T also, it wouldn't need a UI feature if done like I conceptualize. You'd simply drag and drop the "Ammo" item in the "Off-Hand" slot. You wouldn't need a designated "Ammo Slot" (Like in the IE games) if the Ammo is limitless anyways~ Nonek listed design "problems" in shorter form that are now confusing. Like I mention that escaping combat is not about engagement and I do say swapping weapon from inventory, I don't mention quickslots.
  18. Wouldn't an elder lion be stronger? If they lived so long it means they were strong enough to survive fights with rival pack leaders. NO, it means they are old and weak now. Just like humans, lions also become weaker with old age. Any by your logic, why do you then run into multiple Elders at one location?
  19. I think it was from some video where he talked about D&D, cba to find it now. If I got it wrong, I apologize to Sawyer in advance.
  20. Expecting modders to fix basic problems of games is wrong attitude. Modders should be adding options and content, not stuff that is expected and basic in other games. Bester is awesome but he should not be expected to fix stuff OE failed to do.
  21. Moving the combat idle animation to recovery time would fix this. Maybe to you. I prefer to see what my characters are doing in a more clear way. BGEE editions have that on character portraits. PoE could have it by putting that action circle also on or next to character portraits.
  22. Well mages having unlimited simple spells through implements (wands, rods and staffs) is from D&D 4e (which is Sawyer's fav D&D). It is not about wands having infinite ammo but mages wielding them having it. In 5e they scaled it back a bit and just given wizards infinite cantrips (0 level spells) that are simple attack spells which they can use without anything but their magical power.
  23. I also hate HP overhead and damage numbers popping up in games I play. I turn off those in aRPGs and RTS as well if it is possible. I usually just leave critical hits numbers for aRPGs and show HP of units only for damaged units in RTS if such options exist.
  24. Well in that, they are following IE games :D In IE games warrior classes could get +5 bonus HP per level from 19 Con (which you could get with any of them in BG1 due to Con +1 Tome of Health) which non warrior classes could only get up to +2 bonus with same Con.
  25. @Gorbag: As Prime said. I also like to do solo Ironman runs in BG1 and running away from combat not going my way it very important. And even anyone trying to load the game as little as possible is going to be wanting to run away if they can. @Prime: I hate any game that uses quickslots UI feature to create stupid gameplay restrictions. I hated it in D3, I hated it in Path of Exile and I will hate it in PoE. Bester's mod already allows this, I just want to see it in normal game as well. At least put it as an option like they did with access stash anywhere (which I will be sure to turn off). Another problem: 11. Turning off UI helpers, you have no idea what your characters are doing. The current action icon that is normally over the head of character also needs to be somewhere else on UI (like next to their portrait).
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