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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. When the second part of the expansion comes. With patch 3.0 the game is more than ready to be played and enjoyed!
  2. http://www.pcgamer.com/first-look-at-a-mysterious-new-pillars-of-eternity-location/ pcgamer just posted some new info, atleast new to me. Sounds pretty cool!
  3. Yes! I got other all new and revolutionary design ideas for weapons you are FREE to use. - A sarcastic talking sword. - A holy avenging blade for paladins!!!!! - A super rad ninja blade which has a chance to rain lightning on your enemies! - A warhammer which grants a grand boost to might and slays certain constructs on hit Such innovation, such awesomeness!!
  4. Superb needs dragon stuff to craft right. So Legendary needs... Thaos bodyparts maybe?
  5. So... Why don't you hear the youtube version instead? It's not actually a problem.
  6. Fishmen gets scruffy beards at best. And the last thing we need are Aumaua hipsters.
  7. Just wanted to congratulate OE with the Spirit of the PC Award from pcgamer.com. An award that solidifies PoE's succes in creating something true to its predecessors. Link to the article below. ^_^ www.pcgamer.com/spirit-of-the-pc-award-2015-pillars-of-eternity/
  8. All i want added is a pirate class. With such vast oceans in Eora, pirates ought to be plentiful. + they wear fancy hats!
  9. I don't want to be the guy who mentions DA:I, but if that game did anything right, it was to make your "stronghold" feel alive. Lot's of people and some nice progression. Bleak and Archangel979 both have good additions. Personally I suspect that the lack of people is mainly because there is no tavern at Caed Nua.
  10. But during the period immediately after the game's release, he seemed to be taking a pretty "glass half full" approach to Pillars of Eternity. For example, see him lavish praise on creative lead Eric Fenstermaker here: https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/583680931774373889 https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/582593216542744576 I think something must have happened afterwards. I have seen several places, his lecture etc, that he often doesn't mention PoE when he talks about his back catalogue. I'm not going into the speculation game here, but it's obviously not the title he is most proud to have worked on. He has however, since last time I saw his twitter, added the game to his list of some of the stuff he has designed. Even if his departure wasn't on the best of terms, both Obsidian and Avellone seems to be in pretty good places now. Let bygones be bygones, as they say.
  11. The IE games certainly had some very powerful spells. Most late game spells were epic in scope, and effect. Since PoE is more of a mid range adventure, and even thou the "spell levels" go high, it isn't that high level in comparison. So max level wizards in PoE shouldn't be Elminster epic. The IE spells weren't very innovative. Honestly, I find that PoE has more complexity in it's spell arsenal. To me atleast, the IE games had a few must use spells, which made wizards very strong compared to other classes in the late game. The combat was hardly epic thou, it was formulistic and repetitive.
  12. I'm not pro a "BG 2" checklist setup, but a villain as good as Jon wouldn't hurt. ^_^
  13. Oh my, you certainly come off strong. What made you make an account here and post this rant? I mean, it's not like you're giving a single example? You're bashing the game for being incomplete and buggy now, having bought it "very recently", and that's not really valid critique at this point. You're also confusing the two part expansion with two seperate ones. Furhermore the vanilla game is being improved along side the expansion content, so they havent stopped fixing stuff. Anyways, let's hope you find more value for your pennies in the future elsewhere then.
  14. There is an option to always be able to open stash in options. Just toogle it on/off in there.
  15. Fair suggestion, however, it should increase intelligence alot. I'm only talking from personal experience here, but I find that consumption of large amounts of beer, makes me very smart!
  16. PERIOD? :D It might have been hyped in the circles you traverse Volourn, but the major sites has hundreds of titles in their feed every week. To the mainstream gamer, PoE is an unknown, and most people are unaware of OE, and their involvement in other titles. That said, you're right that other devs have managed to be very succesful with their KS campaigns and small budget games. But don't throw random numbers around like that as ultimate criteria of succes.
  17. Let's remember to consider that PoE had next to no marketing. BAdler said several times, that all marketing was left to the development team at game shows and interviews. Besides, games like PoE sells for years to come, since for many people, it's a "when I got time I will pick it up on sale game". The numbers might be abit lower than some here would have expected, but it's in no way a failure.
  18. This is quite the advice coming a guy, who started a third identical thread on his own opinion of a game, after the two others were shut down by moderators.
  19. This is probably the wrong sub-forum to discuss this, since it's (NO SPOILERS). Hopefully an admin will swoop in and move it, so you can get your answers. ^_^
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