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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. I will not participate in this debate. If you really believe so, then more power to you.
  2. I won't go into a long winded argument here, but dude, you gotta be a bit nuts, if you think PoE plays more like Diablo than the IE games. That is absurd.
  3. Nipsen are you okay buddy? You sound like you're in a bad place.
  4. It has been stable for a long time. But now is a good time to play it. Most stuff has been fixed, and alot of features has been improved, and added.
  5. Well you can hide the minimap, and you can get a full screen map just by pressing the M button and holding it down. I thought it was weird too, but once you get used to it the system works okay. The holding M down thingie is not a keeper thou.
  6. Hey guys, I thought it was a good idea to have a discussion about our experiences and observations from Tyranny. Both what you like about Tyranny, which could improve PoE and what you don't want to see moving forward. I'll start with some initial observations from what I have seen sofar. I like: That NPCs react to your companions comments and presence in conversations. That NPCs (those I met) feel more interconnected to each other and the story. I don't like: The character "portraits" in the side of the conversation box. The same character is early on already recycled many times, and their reactions seems too much JRPG like for me. The binary faction system seems restricting and acts "mechanical" instead of immersive. I don't like that the portraits are just male and female versions of the same guy. I suppose it's a budget thing, but no.. Other: I really like combo moves for this game, but I don't think they would fit in well in a PoE game. Again, abit too JRPG for me. I will update my list as I progress in the game. What do you guys think?
  7. I give this troll a 6/10. Go back to Dragon Age "bro".
  8. Just saw that post. That is VERY promising. I am very happy with that tease! BG 2 style sequel, you heard it here first! ^_^
  9. You gotta work on your communication dude. What are you trying to say?
  10. Josh spoke several times about development time and deadlines during the kickstarter videoes. they're not that long and worth a watch. Find them on Obsidians youtube channel. I personally don't think we will see another Pillars game before 2018, that seems to be the deal. But hey, it took them 15 years since BG 2 to make another great cRPG, so I bet we'll manage the wait.
  11. Use the pause function (spacebar) alot. That should be the big one. More than that, you should adjust the difficulty to fit your gameplay preference. If you want the story, and beautiful backgrounds, but find the combat hard and tedious, play on lower difficulties. If you like the challenge, the tactical RTwP combat, play on harder difficulties. It may seem like logic, but finding the right game settings, is in my experience, the main problem new players run into. It's also a good idea to get to know the core mechanics of the game early on.
  12. If Pallegina returns in PoE II, we can begin to speculate about which formula OE is going to use for the game. We might even get a direct sequel with cameos or returning playable companions, and an importable watcher. That would be my first choice.
  13. So you play 140 hours, 7 freaking playthroughs and decide that the game is bad, cuz you can't beat some of the encounters. Holy ****, you bring a whole new level of butthurt. The white march was literally and factually one of the worst purchases I have ever made, and you're either going to ignore my complaints or mock me. You don't give a **** about your customer's enjoyment. Well, that's not even close to being true. I, however, am more than happy to oblige. You're a sad person and hopefully your complaints, silly and unwarranted as they are, will be ignored.
  14. I honestly don't care the slightest how and why OE chooses to run a kickstarter for PoE 2. They delivered on PoE, so extra crowdfunding for a better game is fine by me. I'll throw in a buck o'five for sure.
  15. http://www.pcgamer.com/brian-fargo-josh-sawyer-and-gordon-walton-on-the-history-and-future-of-rpgs/1/ Pretty rad interview overall. But I'd like to focus on the very last section by Josh. "JS: We wrapped up Pillars, we released the second part of the expansion. We have a few ideas for more patch stuff that we want to do, because there’s still some balance things or content tweaks, but otherwise we’re kind of prototyping for things we want to do in the future, just looking at things that we tried doing earlier that we weren’t able to do, technologically, that we think could make for a much richer experience. We’d really like to do a sequel. Obviously we don’t have anything to announce about that, but that’s what we’re kind of looking into. And people are putting out some really cool stuff. So yeah, that’s extremely vague, but there you go." Personally, I will take that as an official announcement of PoE 2.
  16. I think we all got our own "things" when it comes to isometric rpgs. I always clear all fog of maps even when I played the game many times, and know where everything is located.
  17. uhh, it looks pretty great! A new run is almost a must do for the game, now it's in finished or close to finished form. Expecting a smooth and epic ride! ^_^
  18. Well, at this point playing before wm II and 3.0 is stupid. Your gaming experience shouldn't be ruined by backer npcs. You can easily skip em, and some of them are actually pretty interesting.
  19. If you look really closely at the headshape of your moon godlike priest, you will discover the answer to your question.
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