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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. Increase graphics quality when taking such screenshots! :D I just snatched it off google. ^_^ My own adventure in Velen has been over for a year now sadly. ^^
  2. The visual representation of the 2m dollar goal. Not sure if the game won't have AI if that isn't reached, I hope not. But nice to see spanish! Arriba, arriba, Andale, Andale! ^_^
  3. We all know that the maps are gonna look total BOSS, but seriously, just look at the graphics upgrade on Eder both face and equipment aswell. This looks really bloody good and is a big improvement from the first game! Furthermore, this guy looks really dope aswell! What do you guys think?
  4. Now this is how you romance!
  5. If that means more fleshed out companions, I'm all for it. Both Josh and Adam has uttered wishes about fewer but deeper companions. Let's hope a few of the early goals will be atleast a few more thou.
  6. First one is done! Good job everyone! Here are the new ones. :D More companions, and only 200k for each. Hurray!
  7. My guess is that alot of people out there is gunning for payday before pledging. There should be a surge in the next couple of days, then a slow progression until near the end of the campaign. Ofc it also depends on how much media it will get, and how well OE runs the campaign. Fergus said in the documentary that a crowdfunding campaign is like a political one. So let's make PoE great again!
  8. You have very high standards then. GTA V and The Witcher 3 had alot of amazing VO work. And femshep? There is alot of well done VO work out there. A voiced/not vocied protagonist is in my opinion more about the type of game you're making and how much money you want to throw at it. Cuz it can be done. That said I don't think it fits the IE type games at all.
  9. That would be the 10 million dollar stretch goal.
  10. Thread to discuss the stretch goals. May I start by saying, that sub classes are very cool, and this needs to happen ASAP guys!
  11. Damn that was quick! Beat me to it. :D But yes, congratulation on your second succesful crowdfunding Obsidian!
  12. Somehow I think Sensuki will take a pass on this one. However, we do need to get Bruce rolling with 20 romance megathreads. :D
  13. 150000 bucks in 40 minutes. Oh this is gonna be grand!
  14. Oh BABY! This looks so freaking good! Gonna rekt my piggy bank today for the KS! And may I just add, that an Aumaua hunter with a bird pet would be OFF THE HOOK AWESOME! HYPE! EDIT: Just spottet the dual wield pistols. EVEN MORE HYPE! :D
  15. new picture on OE's frontpage ya'll. Aloth hype COMMENCE
  16. Stellar interview by all involved, and.. surprising reactions from most codexians. That was largely a pleasent journey through the comments. Really good stuff.
  17. I noticed that aswell. Maybe it's happening after the next PoE?
  18. Nah that would make it worse. It isn't just about sample size, it is also about bias. This is why you should never trust poll data at face value or based on sample size. RPGCodex is extremely biased about Eternity, so their data wouldn't be particularly useful and would likely skew the results. This is why the best market research is blind, and or comes from someone who doesn't care one way or the other. Because they have nothing invested in their answer, they will answer honestly. I meant it as a joke. I guess I'm just horrible at execution. I'm a statistics major myself, so that's probably a bad sign. Using the codex as data about PoE made me chuckle abit thou, so I tried to be funny. ^_^
  19. I feel like you could get an adequate sample size, if you included the codex users aswell. : ) You might need to do a few different tests to identify outliers etc. in the data thou. ^_^
  20. Are you suggesting that OE isn't running their business according to the demands of random people on the internet? How dare you!
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