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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That was funny. Much funnier than the actual picture.
  2. Words are tricky. It has a lot to do with context. There is a difference between using a word in a humorous way and using it in a negative way. Unfortunately "gay" is one of those words may be funny to use in certain contexts, but can also be very offensive. In order to prevent offending people, I've always recommended that it not be used in a humorous context. I feel the same way about a certain N word that is used racially.
  3. Sniping is pretty tough, but it's by far my favorite kit. I think I like the second unlockable rifle better than the new third one. The range isn't as good, but it seems more evident when I actually get a hit. I also need to have a really good ping rate to be effective. If it's a bad server, sniping is a waste of time. I try leading guys, I just wish it was more clear if I'm actually hitting. I've sent a couple choppers down, but I can never tell if I'm killing the pilot or just getting the last bit of vehicle damage.
  4. Yeah, and down goes freedom of speech. Banning somebody for using the word "gay" negatively is among the stupidest reasons. "Saying something like: "Why would you do that? That's so gay!" For one thing, the word used in that context has evolved into generally something that is stupid. If you're going to scream "homophobe"! and ban them everytime somebody says something like that, then you really need to reconsider your position. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So does that mean you are ok with people being racist and attacking religious groups? There used to be pretty common racial slurs, but society has managed to slowly weed them out of the mainstream media. It may infringe on the "Freedom of Speech" but it sure helps with bigotry and discrimination. Using "gay" in a negative way is not a civil right, particularly in an online game with rules and regulations.
  5. I'm sure this has been posted already, but I haven't gotten through the rest of the thread. 20% of $1,000,000 on the PC = $200,000 12.2% of $2,000,000 on the console = $240,000 Is it really better making a game for the PC? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think this would depend on the costs of making the game. Is it cheaper to make a PC game? Does that $40,000 get eaten up by advertising? $40,000 is one salary for a year for a pretty low end person (or a dozen testers , so who knows. )
  6. I see no reason to reveal your sexuality unless you are looking for a partner to begin with, which, suprise, is against the rules of the game. Blizzard shouldn't apologize for this... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This has nothing to do with revealing your sexuality or finding a date online. People in general chat and in many large guilds openly bash gay people. The term "gay" is used in a negative way on a daily basis. This woman was creating a guild to get away from that talk. I don't have to disclose my sexual preference to be offended by such behavior. It's not acceptable to bash people based on their race or religion, so why is it ok to make rude comments about being gay?
  7. I applied the patch, so I'll have to jump on the new server this weekend. Will it be ready by then? Jumpers have always driven me nuts. BF2 for the most part rewards tactics over reflexes, but bunny hopping could ruin a good ambush.
  8. Well, it's Mr. Hurlshot for the students It's actually a tricky line between being a popular teacher and an easy teacher. Obviously it's no good to be the latter. Each year I find myself getting less popular but more effective in the classroom. It's still an extremely entertaining job. It just takes patience.
  9. Well, since I teach World History to a bunch of middle-schoolers, I'd like to comment here. 1. Education is constantly evolving. The most important thing I teach is not historical facts, but the fact that history is ever changing. Never trust a single source, and alway keep an open mind. 2. Black History month was crucial in allowing a teaching majority of white women to reach black students. Bridges need to be built. Teachers today are required to take many classes on cultural diversity, English language learners, and equitable management. 3. There is still a long way to go. World History is dominated by the Renaissance and Reformation. I would love to spend more time in West Africa, the Islamic world, China, India, and Japan, but I have a ton to cover in one year. Still, every couple years the textbooks get more interesting and so does my supplemental stuff.
  10. The player was violating the Blizzard rules by creating a guild that is centered around sexual orientation, but she had very good cause to do so. Players discriminate and bash the concept of homosexuality on general chat on a regular basis. This is also against the Blizzard rules, but it would be a massive undertaking to ban all the people who do this. They would also have to educate all the kiddies about the fact that using the term "gay" in a negative way is, in fact, discrimination. I think it was initially a knee-jerk reaction by Blizzard to threaten a ban. I would love to see there not be a need for a guild where gay people are gauranteed respect, but that will require an entire shift in society. Blizzard made the right choice, in my eyes, by relenting and apologizing.
  11. I read a review for that somewhere. Supposedly pretty average, but it was at a budget price.
  12. I got a dozen roses on the corner for $10, made a card, and we cooked dinner together. We did buy a couch this weekend, which is really the best thing in the world. A comfortable couch is just priceless. We also just bought our condo a few months ago, so money is really impaired. But honestly, it's not worth going out on Valentines Day.
  13. I'm surprised it took two days for this story to pop up here. I find it a bit scary that our VP takes a shotgun to go shoot small birds. I'm not against hunting, but I don't think it's a good hobby for a person who leads our nation.
  14. Hurlshort


    I think the Russians will be playing Nabokov in goal during the Olympics. I'm hoping that playing will help him remember how to be dominant. Then maybe he'll be good again, he's absolutely depressed me this year.
  15. I think the original Diablo was a masterpiece. It was utterly unique when it came out, and it had an awesome atmosphere. In fact, I would guess that most of the people complaining about the original did not play it when it first came out. It was also out before Fallout and the restoration of the RPG genre, so it really was alone at the time. It also allowed a multiplayer experience that was different than anything else. It was better than Ultima Online (UO was bad news when it first came out, it recovered way later.) and it offered something different than the standard FPS and RTS games.
  16. I should be a member of the squad because... um... I can hold my left foot in my right hand and jump through it with my right leg. It's really quite amazing. I can also eat an entire bag of Goldfish in 47 seconds.
  17. I chose my name like 15 years ago. I was looking for a good handle for Wing Commander. I had chosen Winger, but one day a friend pointed out that's a crappy Canadian hair band. I wanted a term that had something to do with hockey, but Slapshot and Snapshot sounded generic. For some reason I chose Hurl. The name just stuck. It's nice that I've never seen another Hurlshot anywhere, although I do get heckled a bit for the Wayne's World puke reference. I actually picked the name before I knew Hurl was primarily used to describe puking. I go by Taran for most fantasy games because I'm a huge fan of Lloyd Alexander and The Black Cauldron.
  18. Game tends to be worth it on the cut scenes alone.
  19. I actually think we no longer need house phones. If you get a good cell phone plan, it's a better deal to just use that. Unfortunately reception is not perfect everywhere. My house actually has horrible reception, so we are forced to use a land line. I also ignore my phone all the time. I think more people need to learn to do that. Of course, my wife calls 4 times a day, so that gives me a good reason to not pick up.
  20. Stephen King is an amazingly disciplined writer. He's may not be the most talented guy in the writing world, but it's tough to find anyone as consistent. He is a publishers dream writer, always productive.
  21. Hurlshort


    That's the thing. Hockey, like basketball, isn't very conducive to performance enhancing drugs. They might help a bit, but hockey players aren't trying to develop raw strength. Baseball players can use it to improve hitting, football players use it to overpower people, sprinters use it to build leg muscles. But hockey and basketball (and soccer, I suppose) require a combination of dexterity, agility, strength, and endurance. Most performance enhancing drugs boost one but sacrifice another.
  22. I buy a hockey game every year, and that's probably been my favorite type, but I do get a lot of enjoyment out of NCAA and Madden football. They are just super high quality. What I really enjoy is the franchise mode, and drafting future stars. I honestly spend more time simming and drafting then actually playing games.
  23. I gave a 4. I probably would have given a 3, but he got shot 8 times and lived, and that's pretty cool. Cool enough for a 4.
  24. Hurlshort


    They are trying to tie Tochett to organized crime. Gretzky's wife isn't really in legal trouble, the police have already stated that she's more of a witness to the betting than a ringleader. It's the people who organize the betting that are looking at legal troubles. The NHL has also already stated they won't be involved at all. None of the gambling was done on hockey games. Still, it definitely looks bad, and the media is going to town. I also read a few very negative artcles about Theodore and Propecia. Geez, give the guy a break, he's losing his hair.
  25. I'm pretty sure a thumbs up doesn't equal best film ever. A thumbs up means the film was watchable. Walsingham said Oceans 12 was entertaining, and I agree. It's a fun movie. It's not high art. Minority Report was also very watchable. It wasn't awe inspiring, but I thought it was interesting. Honestly, it's all in your expectations and personal tastes. I didn't personally enjoy the first two Harry Potter movies, but that doesn't mean they were horrible movies. They just didn't meet my expectations.
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