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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I just think people are way too uptight about religious themes in movies. Religious stories have weathered the ages because they are timeless. Just because a movie has biblical symbolism doesn't mean you are suddenly going to become Christian or Jewish. I judge stories based on how well they are told, not whether they have religious undertones.
  2. I think a few of them got a percentage instead of a full salary for Star Wars, I know Princess Leia did so. The reason was the budget was pretty maxed out for Star Wars, and there was no gaurantee it would be successful. It was a major gamble to take a percentage over a paycheck, but it paid off huge.
  3. Sounds like the Old Testament.
  4. Since the original post says he only has $20, he's clearly looking at the original Battlefront. I heard it's way inferior to Battlefront 2, so I'd save your money.
  5. Why does everyone feel that borrowing religious elements ruins a story?
  6. I thought the first Kill Bill was an excellent martial arts movie. It also had a soundtrack that worked perfectly. The second part dragged on a bit, and I thought Darryl Hannah pretty much ruined it.
  7. Battlefield Modern Combat and Battlefield 2 are NOT the same thing. BFMC is a bad console game. BF2 is an excellent PC only game. They share nothing but the word Battlefield.
  8. Hurlshort


    Alright back to business. I need the Sharks to beat Detroit. Luckily all the swedes will be out of the line-up, that should soften the Wings a bit.
  9. Ok, they are two totally different genres. If you want Battlefront, go get Battlefield. It's better in every way, except it's not Star Wars, but I'm sure a mod will come out eventually. If you want Battle for Middle Earth...well I hate RTS games so I won't touch this one.
  10. Ok, I'm still trying to enjoy ToEE, but I'm having problems. I'm level 3 now, but it's not clear where I should go. I went to an outpost and got romped on, I killed most of the undead at the battlefield... Also, a good chunk of the quests in the village are either too lame to finish or seem broken. I also can't loot bodies...it's a bug, but I guess they never fixed it in a patch.
  11. Oblivion is the 4th, although Arena was more of a tech demo for Daggerfall. They had an action game called Redguard that was set in the ES universe as well, but I don't think that really counts. I'm not including expansions either.
  12. It's worth it just for the Lionheart manual. Yippee.
  13. Anyone here play Star Wars: Republic Commando? I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a fun FPS game with some interesting squad elements, and it gave you a grittier side of the SW universe. It was short and not too difficult, but I have trouble finishing any shooter that's over 25 hours.
  14. Fallout will not reach commercial success as a 2-D top down RPG. While I would love to see them go the way of NWN in terms of game engines, that is still a major evolution.
  15. I'd accuse Volourn of bashing, but then that would be bashing. In the end, it's all baldurdash. It's all opinions here. Certain people will pop into every MMORPG thread and bash them, as others will do for any Bethesday thread, and so on. It's an endless cycle. Do we expect different results? I think we are all insane.
  16. I think I'll throw in the fact that we still haven't seen anything on Fallout 3. No gameplay videos, no screenshots, not even concept art. This is pretty silly until the design becomes clear. All we know is that it won't be 2D, and it will probably allow 1st person. Even that isn't solidified.
  17. Bethesda only published Pirates of the Caribbean. It was actually developed by Akella. It was originally going to be Sea Dogs 2, of which I enjoyed the original, but with the movie coming out near the time of the game, they switched it over. Technically the game had little to do with the movie, but I hear it was a bit of a mess. Still, hard to blame Bethesda, as they didn't develop it. They might have made the movie license call though.
  18. That was the most depressing movie I have seen in awhile. I related most with her husband.
  19. Here's one I use in some games. http://somafm.com/listen/
  20. Many Star Trek episodes are based off classical literature. You can find the same themes in Greek and Roman mythology, as well as Shakespeare and many other famous authors. The writing really was superior, although I don't think it fared as well after TNG.
  21. I'd go, but it sounds like y'all are kinda nitpicky with this stuff. Shoulda, coulda, woulda...Plus all that posting of pics and journal sounds like school work. I think I'll go grade papers instead.
  22. That is unfortunately true. Olympians are forced to pay their own way pretty much all the time for US competitors. It's a bit better for Summer gamers because Track & Field and swimming don't have much inherent costs, but ice time and year round snow are expensive. I think other countries are a bit more supportive financially with there potential Olympians.
  23. Can you give more info. on Domino? I've been thinking about renting it. It doesn't cost me anything, but is it worth the time?
  24. Good finale to a very good Olympics. I was rooting for the underdog Finland, but there is definitely no shame in the silver. Selanne looked pissed.
  25. I keep on trying to find a way to get into Temple of Elemental Evil. It has the trappings of a good game, but the first town is huge, confusing, and boring me to death. I went off to some outpost and got romped on. Now my cleric is dead and my party just barely hit level 2.
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