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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Hurlshort


    Roloson was a pretty wicked tandem goalie for a number of years. He can play, but he's definitely a back up. He probably has a few seasons left in him.
  2. The guy from Die Hard.
  3. Well, Nintendogs is huge, so I can understand the score. It's like The Sims in that it reaches an entirely different audience. That doesn't mean I'll like them, but I respect them. I think Jrpg's are difficult to gauge based on Japanese reviews because a ton of the quality has to do with localization. A great game in Japan can be butchered in English. I'm not saying the FF games do a great job at translating the story and characters, but they've done decent in recent times. If the translation stinks, the game will not be compelling.
  4. Do you think everyone playing these games pays for it with their parents allowance? I'd say the majority are adults. Personally I never would have been able to afford an online game when I lived with my parents. I barely had any money UNTIL I got out in the real world. Now $15 is about the cheapest bill I have. Next to my mortgage payment, it's basically nothing. I totally understand not liking MMORPG's. There are some very lame things about them. But the monthly cost is extremely reasonable. I want game companies to succeed. I want them to rake in the dough so that they can grow and improve their game design. The monthly cost allows companies to do more than just maintain servers, it allows them to build the game over time and improve on their virtual world.
  5. It only really makes sense if you read The DaVinci Code. They captured the writing style perfectly.
  6. I'm more interested in finding out if it will come out on the PS3, as I owned, played, and traded in a PS2 already and I don't plan on going backwards with my technology. Of course after the news on the Blu-Ray, I'm doubting the PS3 will be out this year.
  7. I don't think I've ever heard someone compare FF to an Elder Scrolls game.
  8. For those of you who seem to hate Sixth Sense...did you know about the plot twist? I had no idea, and I thought it was brilliant. I think that's one of those movies that requires you to be clueless going in. I actually disliked "Signs" but mostly because of the ending. I thought "The Village" was better. It wasn't because of any plot twists, as they were pretty predictable, but just the whole attempt at a Utopian society was interesting to me. It reminded me of The Giver. Adrian Brody was pretty good too.
  9. Clearly the 5 million people paying to play WoW are idiots.
  10. Wait a sec Gabrielle, are you saying you don't like the idea of a monthly fee? That's shocking! Why not?
  11. There is a big difference between being an atheist and being agnostic. Most atheists I know seem hellbent on the idea that there is no higher power. That isn't scientific, that's a personal belief. There is no direct evidence for or against the idea of a higher power. Now there are major contradictions among the world religions. That is reasonable, because religions are a product of man. But just because a religion is flawed does not mean there is no God.
  12. Morrowind was not all that huge. You could run from the southern tip of the island to the northern tip pretty easily. But also remember, after dungeons and keeps are put in, you have quite a bit of ground to cover. Daggerfall had a fast travel option too, so I don't think it will be bad for Oblivion.
  13. I agree with that. I was more poking fun at the fact that every time a MMORPG is mentioned on the board, the same cast of people march into the thread and post an obligatory whine about monthly fees. I mentioned in another thread that Turbine is cheating by doing all instanced dungeons. They are basically providing a large graphic chat room and keeping the actual server strain down with small instances. They offer nothing more than Guild Wars, but they want a monthly fee. The only way that this could be warranted in my eyes is if they release an absolute ton of new content every month (more than GW) or if they have extremely active DM's who go around spicing up the game for players.
  14. A lot of atheists seem to have a superiority complex. I'm not led by blind faith. I don't believe in a higher power because it's the easy thing to do. I believe because I look around and see beauty everywhere. Nothing about our world makes me think it's just a random string of events. I see purpose and order all around us. Just close your mind and think about a loved one. Can you explain your feelings? Probably not in adequate words, but that does not mean those feelings don't exist.
  15. Hurlshort


    I think everyone is afraid to make a trade. We are only a few days from the deadline.
  16. They are both smaller than Daggerfall. Granted, Daggerfall had miles and miles of nothing in it, and randomly generated dungeons.
  17. Yay for repetition
  18. Hurlshort


    Malkin and Ovechkin also have a lot more practice on the big ice, whereas Pronger had to adjust quickly. Not that I'm defending the goon
  19. Isn't pirating a form of theft? Back on topic, the original Xbox controllers are monsters. I briefly compared my old one to the new one, and it's like 5 pounds heavier. The new controllers are pretty easy, although I haven't had a PS2 controller in a bit so I can't make a comparison. I really just love the fact that the wireless capability is absolutely perfect. The only problem I've had has been the headset. I tried to chat with my dad (we don't live close) over the headset and it was causing an odd echo. We tried to adjust the volume, but it didn't really help.
  20. If I was buying it for myself, I probably would have waited for a year or a signifigant price drop. Currently there are no titles I'm really excited about, but with Bungie and Bioware I'm sure something decent will come out. I have no problem making it a movie player in the mean time.
  21. So my dad decided to buy me an Xbox360. I guess he needed someone he could actually beat on Dead or Alive 4. Anyways, it's a very beautiful console, and it really makes my HDTV shine. I've only tried one game on it, but the Xbox Live interface is what impressed me first. I was able to hook it into my home network relatively easy, and with a quicj download I was also able to synchronize it with my computer. That means I can share music and pictures, but I'm a bit surprised I can't do the same with video clips. There might be a way, I just didn't notice. I traded in my old console for store credit, but there really isn't many titles available yet. I bit the bullet and decided to pre-order Oblivion for the Xbox. I was planning on using my PC, but I think having it on a high definition widescreen television might overcome the lack of a keyboard. Anyways, I'd like to hear if anyone else has or is planning on getting the 360. The only game I have is DoA, but I'm an easy target.
  22. I agree that someone else would have taken the place of Tolkien. There might have been a different spin on fantasy, but the concepts would all be pretty similiar. I'd be glad to get rid of the fancy pants elves as well, I much prefer the little ones in Santa's workshop.
  23. Sea Dogs was developed by Akella, PotC was by another team, and what is the CoC game? Many people forget about Redguard, which was a fun action adventure title. It's very true that this game will feature different game mechanics. That's evident by the developer comments. That doesn't mean they can't capture the style and feel of the Fallout world.
  24. I've played a few times with a headset, and it becomes a bit more of a team sport. Still, you kinda have to choose the right server and already know a few players in the game.
  25. This really explained why Ethan came back alone to try and get Claire. Rouseau's daughter was hot.
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