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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It really depends. A 60 year old dating a 40 year old isn't that crazy. I'm assuming you are at more of a 30 year old with a 20 year old place, which isn't terrible. But you'll need a pretty mature 20 year old if you don't want to regret it. The best scenario is a 3 year old dating a 2 year old. The creepiest is an 18 year old with a 12 year old.
  2. After the recent interviews about the game, it sounds like a safe bet for the holiday season this year. I would think it would be out before Christmas, to be honest. It might not get to Australia until later though.
  3. I'm right with Amentep, I was enjoying Oblivion until they sent me through my 3rd or 4th gate. That seems to be an issue with Bethesda, I thought Skyrim was better but the dragon fights become repetitive as well. The only Bethesda game I've ever finished was Fallout 3, and I never felt that was repetitive. But I don't really regret buying them, they are great looking games that usually always give me at least 20 hours of fun. I regret buying Perfect Dark for the N64. That is probably my biggest game buying regret.
  4. I got a pretty long list, all for decent prices. With Kickstarter I had not bought many games this last 12 months, so it was nice to splurge. Saint's Row 3 Farcry 3 Farcry Blood Dragon The Cave NBA2k13 Risen 2 Organ Trail Chivalry Fallout: NV last two DLC's. I still think I kept it around $50, so that's not bad.
  5. So I got the Summer Badge, and then promptly went and sold off all of my extra cards. I'm hoping to raise a buck or two to help pay for Farcry Blood Dragon.
  6. I've found that they have a lot of body issues and use tats and piercings as a distraction. But of course ymmv.
  7. The original or Warband? Mind you, there really isn't much difference. I'd say Warband is much better at giving you a clear sense of purpose and how to become a powerful lord.
  8. I just voted for it, and will snatch it up if it wins for the flash sale.
  9. What I'm saying is they probably have to observe the activity for themselves. They can't rely on your detective work, no matter how good, when banning other players. When you report players, they probably make a list of those names, then have a DM to watch the reported players to confirm. That's just my guess on how the system works. It's how I manage my classroom, after all.
  10. I would assume they have their own policies on dealing with exploiters and cheaters, and a youtube video taken by a player may not be considered admissible evidence.
  11. Prison Architect (the game, not the cards ) looks very cool, but it's still too pricey for me at $20.
  12. I played it during the free weekend a couple months back. I couldn't figure out how to attack. You would think in a first person combat game it would be left-mouse, but no. I gave up after 15 minutes because it was just terrible. That's odd, did you play the tutorial? Left mouse slashes, mouse scroll up jabs, and mouse scroll down overhead hacks. I managed to kill a few people in my first two fights, so not too bad.
  13. All this talk about Jordan playing baseball reminds me of the greatest athlete ever.
  14. On a whim, I just picked up Chivalry. I'm interested in seeing what the deal is, hopefully I don't suck too bad.
  15. The crazy thing about Elle Macpherson is she is 49 and still stunningly gorgeous.
  16. This is my BBQ weapon kit. The spatula is nice, but the brush is the real centerpiece. Look at those edges.
  17. Yeah I don't get the Charlize Theron attack, the woman is gorgeous. If that ice cream pic is the worst you can find, that's amazing. She's also not all caught up in her looks, which is part of her attractiveness. If you really want to post a bad image of her, take anything from the movie Monster: I feel like I'm killing this thread, but I'm ok with it
  18. Not as subtle as the Shake Weight.
  19. I haven't even bothered installing Risen 2, I'm going to try and get farther along with Far Cry 3 before I jump into something else.
  20. Oby's taste in women is frightening. He seems to be looking for the barbie girl.
  21. US Credit checks are pretty bizarre, there are 3 big agencies and they can have vastly different scores.
  22. I just bought Risen 2 with all the DLC for $7.50. That pretty much wraps up all the games I was interested in getting this summer.
  23. That doesn't look very promising. I'm a huge Firefly fan, but that does nothing for me.
  24. It's nearly impossible to police that. Some teams just suck.
  25. That's funny, I just bought a Stone Brewery RuinTEN IPA. I'll be opening it Friday.
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