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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm really enjoying the way the A's keep getting it done. I'm more of a Giants fan, but they are still a local team so I'm happy to see them succeed, and the way they do it with a small budget and few big names is just fantastic.
  2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/09/14/obama-to-labor-unions-multi-employer-health-plans-drop-dead/?partner=yahootix Obama the Labor Union killer? I'm not sure how widespread the impact of this is, since it only affects small businesses that are part of larger Union groups. But it is an interesting wrinkle in Obamacare.
  3. Bono is to blame! I've never trusted U2.
  4. There is no way they go after Bonds for obstruction of justice of he isn't Barry Bonds. The perjury charges were a stretch and he wasn't convicted of them. Basically he was put on trial for not telling the truth (while not fully lying), which is absolutely ridiculous. The slap on the wrist is simply something they wouldn't bother with if it was some no name guy, but they wanted to make an example of him. We are going after a baseball player for being evasive in front of a grand jury about performance enhancing drugs. I really can't think of anything that sounds more silly. In the baseball world Bonds is going to suffer the consequences, which is more understandable. Him and Roger Clemens should be obvious 1st ballot HoFers, but instead they are going to get the cold shoulder for a bit. But it would also be ridiculous not to have them in the HoF, because they absolutely dominated their era of the game, even if it was the steroid era.
  5. Fallout 3 is the only Bethesda game I've ever finished. So I'll give that an edge. But it could just be I prefer the Post Apoc. setting to their fantasy one.
  6. Somebody should go after the prosecutors for a colossal waste of taxpayers dollars on the Bonds case.
  7. I'm giving Dishonored another shot, I'm not sure why I stopped playing it originally. I am enjoying the setting and the writing. Hopefully I'll be able to devote some time to it. I'm also toying with Blood Bowl. I'm learning new stuff every game, but I'm still terrible. The pre-game options are mind boggling.
  8. Ah, so he's really a business guy. So that makes Volourn's concern even more unlikely.
  9. I can work around the time differences pretty well. It just might mean weekend game times.
  10. What is it that you enjoy in Bioware games, Volourn? For me it is the story line and the characters. That's pretty much why I keep buying them, the game play takes a backseat. I thought TOR was a mediocre MMO. But it had one strength, and that was the story line and the characters. So I see no need for concern here. Also TOR is free now so you should give it a whirl. Then your scorn can shine brighter.
  11. Did you ever play TOR? Quite a few folks here seemed to enjoy it. Regardless, it's really not the same genre, so you might be overreacting..
  12. I guess it can be complicated when it comes to spouses. This may sound odd, but I'd say the results matter quite a bit when it comes to nagging and pressuring. If the pressured party feels victimized at the end, that's a serious problem. But a spouse is like a workout partner, you don't always want to go to the gym, but if they can guilt you into going, then you will probably be glad you did afterwards. This in no way resembles rape.
  13. My first touchdown was a pretty fun one. There was a fumble on the kickoff for the other team, so I had my ogre through a goblin into the offensive zone. He picked up the ball, made one dodge, and was in the end zone.
  14. Syria capitulating basically gives Obama an out on the whole call for military strikes. I'm guessing he will take it.
  15. This is disturbing, but it also utterly ridiculous this op/ep piece is: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/richard-cohen-miley-cyrus-steubenville-and-culture-run-amok/2013/09/02/1cecafa6-11af-11e3-bdf6-e4fc677d94a1_story.html
  16. Andre Johnson gave me a beautiful come from behind win in fantasy football. I can't believe Houston came back and won that game.
  17. Don't worry Raithe, when we play each other we can both fumble about like chickens with their heads cut off.
  18. I tried the story mode, which was actually pretty useful. It sticks you in a few different scenarios and gives you goals.
  19. So I got beat down for my first two matches, then I finally scored a TD and the game crashed on me. Seems pretty fun though.
  20. I'd like to play against Raithe first
  21. I'd prefer the rookie league, since I've never played before. I picked up the Chaos Edition. I'll give it a whirl tonight when I get home for work, but I expect to get trounced a fair bit until I learn.
  22. I have always been interested in this game, so I picked it up and would be happy to join the league.
  23. I did homemade pizzas for dinner. I made the dough from scratch, and then my daughter and I made two personal pizzas. It was actually very tricky. We have a stone baking tray, which I heated up for about an hour ahead of time. Then we made the pizzas, but transferring them onto proved to be very tough. Mine fell apart a bit during the transfer. I also put way too much sauce and cheese on the thing, and it made a big mess. My wife learned from our lessons and made two beautiful pies after us. We just did tomato sauce, mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, and then I put some cheddar and a bit of smoked turkey on mine. It still came out delicious.
  24. My condolences Alan, it sounds like you handled it well with the Aunt.
  25. Time has a wonderful way of making differences irrelevant. There are tons of examples in history where two sides eventually unite for the greater good. It's already happened in the US. We have a bunch of non-denominational mosques in my area alone.
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