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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I have a pretty sizeable spider living near my outdoor camera light. Every once in awhile the spider will crawl across the camera lens and trigger a terrifying recording. I also have a bird that seems to delight in setting off the motion sensor.
  2. I remember the picture and there was a very negative reaction to it internationally. The US military condemned the picture and said there would be an investigation. I have no idea what came of that, but pointing to a disgraceful moment for the US military doesn't excuse what Russia is doing.
  3. I'm not sure how that applies to anyone transitioning, though. I'd hesitate to change physical requirements if they are deemed necessary for combat efficiency. Of course, if a woman can meet the requirements, or someone transitioning, then why does the biology even matter? I'm sure there are still plenty of men that can't meet the requirements either. Actually what I'd like to see if more requirements that clearly favor the female biology. Sure, the beefy guy can lift a bunch of stuff, but can he push through labor pains for 12 hours? edit: More serious example - Is speed more important than endurance? My wife is not going to beat my time in a triathlon, but she is going to outlast me on a course. Do these tests accurately assess the importance of that?
  4. I'm just not sure where this becomes an issue. Is it bathroom usage? Sports? Where does it really matter to you or I how someone identifies themself? The biology would seem to be a non-issue for the vast majority of people, and yet it has become this huge point of debate.
  5. Huh, the example looks more like a late high school/college problem, but I am not keyed into math curriculum.
  6. I'm curious how large those ethnic studies classes were, as well. Having smaller class sizes is such a massive difference in how I am ale to teach. My smallest class has 27 kids and my largest is 34, and there is a world of difference between the two.
  7. Ah, if only basic math was exciting enough to engage 8-year old kids by the numbers alone. I'm going to address the last statement "We are lagging behind much of the rest of the world" first. That is tied completely to economics and poverty. It isn't the textbooks. It isn't the teachers. It isn't the curriculum. Poor states have poor test scores. States that don't spend money on students don't see growth. It is a cycle of inequity. This is, of course, a simplification, because poverty can change drastically, county to county, district to district, and school to school. Now back to the SEL, or CRT, or whatever buzzword you want to give to teaching to the whole child and not just their number-sense. It's important. They are kids. A few will probably be really into the numbers and will thrive no matter what, but most are going to need incentive. They are going to need to be engaged. Representation is important. Girls Who Code is a great example of that. Ok, I'm on Spring Break, so I'm out of energy to talk about education.
  8. I am pretty sure that is just called common sense. Who wants to be in a large crowd?
  9. Test taking is a skill that can be developed through practice. The student has learned the content, now how do they demonstrate that knowledge? Of course, it is just one way to demonstrate it and I dislike how much weight we give it.
  10. Whelp, after two years of successful dodge rolls, I finally got the rona. My whole family had it a few months back, so hopefully they are safe from me spreading it. I picked it up at school or hockey, I guess. So far it is just a bad head cold with some chills. Bleh.
  11. Alyssa Nakken makes history! https://www.mccoveychronicles.com/2022/4/12/23023181/mlb-news-san-francisco-giants-alyssa-nakken
  12. Ah man. His special Gilbert from a few years ago was really well done. I feel bad for his family.
  13. I don't see it as a problem to respond to each question in a separate post. That is easy to read.
  14. I picked up Vagrus: Riven Realms on a whim. It is a pretty well-written survival death march type game with turn based combat. I guess it is like Sunless Sea and Battle Brothers combined. So far it is very engaging.
  15. It does not make me feel better. I owe the state 2 gaming rigs. Honestly it isn't terrible, I knew I would owe because I did a fair amount of instacarting, but it is still no fun. Also none of my federal deductions seem to really work at the state level.
  16. Hah, I assume ComradeSonicYellowMage uses the same generator to create his posts.
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