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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Here you go: http://youtu.be/5Q_Na5Ou5Rs You need to use the [media tag with the link to get youtube to work here.
  2. I am super saddened all these lists are missing Jade Empire. DA:I = Jade Empire!
  3. Ouch GD! Although didn't you marry a physical therapist? Yesterday I took my kids to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. I hate that place. The Lost Boys is basically a documentary about what a terrible place it is. Unfortunately my wife and kids love it, so I put on a brave face and did my best to protect them from the tendrils of darkness and despair that hide under the boardwalk.
  4. That is a pretty important point to make though, the real target for these movies is a new generation of children, not a bunch of grumpy old folks.
  5. It's obvious Gromnir wasn't a fan of my usage of the word obvious. To answer one question, I don't know any teachers that were let go due to the economic downturn. Instead every school district in the area implemented furlough days, which is basically a small paycut for everyone. We did cut back on new hires and ended up with larger class sizes, so that may be a good analogy to the Ferguson situation.
  6. I'm only 20 hours in, but so far it is the greatest game I have ever played. That may change in a few minutes, but for now it applies. I'm glad I got it on the PS4, because I hear it is buggy everywhere else. The game runs and looks like a dream.
  7. Dear Dark_Ansem, My opinion about your conversation with the developers is that you are crazy and they are doing their best to distance themselves. Good luck!
  8. Thanks Bruce, I took some time off from posting to relax a bit, it was nice. I do get that there should be consequences here, but it is pretty obvious that it is the entire department that needs to change in this particular case. The Ferguson PD basically put their officer in a bad position, from the lack of a partner to the lack of a taser, to a lack of proper procedures for handling multiple suspects. This was glaringly obvious when the whole department was sidelined during the protests and they brought in the Highway Patrol.
  9. He will never work in law enforcement again. That is a consequence.
  10. Watching the waves crash on the Storm Coast is one of the most beautiful things I have seen in a video game.
  11. Yeah. Let's start our own forum. With blackjack, and hookers. Count me in It's basically become a place where the active threads are about bashing Americans, the police, women, or video games. We had all that in the past, but it was a lot more balanced with reason and civility. I'm tapering off for now, I think I'll wait and see if the storm passes after PoE releases.
  12. That's good to hear Numbers man. Humanoid was definitely correct, he did me a solid by suggesting I open it up and clean out the dust. I did all the steps minus the new thermal paste, and now it is running way more efficiently. I still bought it on the PS4 though, and I'm glad I did. I'm going to stay a way from this thread for awhile now. I get it, Darkpriest, Qistana, and Boo don't like Bioware anymore. Typically when a game comes out, this forum is a great place to talk about the pros and cons, get advice, and share humorous moments. There has always been a healthy amount of criticism, but right now the needle is swung way over on the negativity scale. I'm not even really sure if some of the people posting enjoy games. It's page after page of terrible reading. Maybe I'll try coming back after PoE comes out.
  13. I'm really enjoying it. First off, the music is surprisingly good, like I wandered into a tavern and ended up staying just to hear the songs. It also does a much better job of explaining why you are fighting people. I'm not slaughtering desperate refugees anymore, yay. In fact they seem to be taking quite a bit of care with intentions, story, character development, etc. That's a refreshing change from DA2. So yeah, it's a very fun game. I know this thread is more reserved for people who haven't played it to post silly youtube clips and complain about teh evils of Bioware, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in.
  14. You know, I've been on this forum for 10 years, and I've never really taken an extended leave. But I'm starting to think that either it has become a different place, or I've just become crankier about the discussions. It may be time to move on.
  15. I think we should also point out that men can be taken advantage of just as easily. Sure, it is going to much less common, and there is a macho culture that makes reporting even more rare than with women, but it should not be ignored.
  16. I took my laptop apart to clean out all the fans and the heatsink. I am not applying new thermal paste, that is a bit above my paygrade, bit hopefully getting all the dirt and dust out will suffice. Now I just have to hope I put it back together correctly.
  17. No, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. The suspects may not have proof they are not guilty, but the responsibility to prove that they are guilty lies with the prosecution. This is the way it should be, as convicting someone for not being able to prove a negative is not a very good standard for a legal system. It would certainly suck of someone was convicted because they stayed home alone and didn't have an alibi for a murder that occurred close to them or involved someone they were in conflict with. To get back to this rape law: you're a father I believe? If one of your kids were accused of rape by someone they had casual sex with and could not prove that it was consensual and the accuser could not prove that it wasn't consensual, why should they bear the burden of proof for a baseless accusation? Shouldn't the accuser be required to bring at least some proof of rape before making accusations? But this isn't a baseless accusation, this is a woman (or man) going into a police station, going through the interview process, submitting to tests, etc. It's an incredibly difficult thing to go through for a victim, hence they high rate of unreported assaults. As for my own children, I hope to raise them with the beliefs that casual sex is inherently dangerous. I want them to take precautions. Do you have unprotected casual sex? Probably not, that would be crazy. Well, making sure that the sex is consensual should be right there alongside wearing protection. It's better to be safe.
  18. So when someone is murdered, do we put the onus on the murdered person to provide the burden of proof? No, we we do a full investigation of the likely suspects, and expect them to provide evidence that they weren't involved or at fault.
  19. So you're pro-guilty until proven innocent? Are you pro-kangaroo court too? Way to oversimplify a complex legal issue.
  20. I'm not sure that it works exactly like that, since clearly you will have repeat offenders among the males. I am pretty surprised how quick some of you are to deny that this is a real problem, considering you all spend a lot of time on the internet. There is a tremendous amount of disturbing bleep out there. Have you ever been to a club where a girl is way too intoxicated? I've seen groups of men move in like moths to a flame, and I can tell you, they aren't going over to her to be gentlemen. I guess it is somewhat refreshing that so many of you doubt these numbers, because maybe that means you all are good guys who treat women respectfully. That's important. But that also means we should believe women when they say they have been assaulted.
  21. Being a bit more serious though, this is actually a very important shift in how we approach rape cases. Instead of placing the responsibility on the victim to prove that she (or he) resisted and was forced to have sex, it is now much more dependent on the accused proving that it was consensual. As a man, I have very little fear here, but that's because I never went around sleeping with people I didn't have a certain amount of trust built up with. And as a father, it is good to know that my daughter has the full support of the law in such a terrible situation. My number one goal is to raise her to be careful and always protect herself, but I can't keep her locked in her room forever.
  22. The details are always complicated. Imagine your girlfriend video taped you and her having sex while she was somewhat intoxicated. The next day she would basically own you. She could go to the police and have you arrested for rape. So yes, how drunk is important. If a law can be exploited; it usually is. I guess another simple lesson would be don't stick your junk in crazy.
  23. A company that just wants our money? *Le Gasp!* What is the crime, exactly? Check out your country commerce law or whatever They sell fake product, they lie, they got profit by it that day, the game isn't build for PC but they say it's build for PC, it's a breach of trust, a scam You are a customer...always remember that Ok, so I actually bought the game on the PC and find it fairly unplayable. My system is near the bottom of the requirements, but it does meet them. So you would think I might support you, but I don't, because you are being ridiculous. In order to fulfill their obligation to the customer, the game only needs to be playable. It doesn't matter if it sucks, if it is derivative, or is the gameplay is badly designed. So not only have they met that requirement, it's also very evident that they spent a ton of money developing the product. So you can ask for a refund if it is unplayable, and that is about it. That is the only legal obligation here. They are offering a product as advertised.
  24. It's not as complicated as you two make it out. Don't take advantage of drunk people. Your girlfriend is probably not going to wake up feeling like she was taken advantage of.
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