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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah, I kind of regret getting Lords of Xulima myself, the fantasy world is boring the heck out of me.
  2. He's right about Frank Gore. That's the one guy worth rooting for on that team.
  3. I watched a couple episodes of Inside the American Mob on Netflix, it is a fantastic documentary.
  4. You will not make it past IV, I forsee the future.
  5. They still have an awful lot of hard to like people on the team, starting with the QB. What was his beef with Harbaugh? I do get that you can't have a toxic relationship with the entire management even if you are performing at a high level. But still, 44-19-1 with a Super Bowl appearance and 3 NFC Championship games is pretty hard to ignore. Heck, this was a terrible year with 4th stringers starting all over the field, and they still went 8-8 in the toughest division in football. It will be interesting to see if they drop back into obscurity with a new coach.
  6. Harbaugh has a cushy landing zone though with an $8m per year pillow. lol As he should, his record is crazy good. What a bizarre situation.
  7. That would not be surprising at all. It's basically the sequel to Pineapple Express.
  8. I enjoyed a couple playthroughs of The Long Dark. It is a good looking game and an interesting setting. Expect to die. Like, that is the point of the game.
  9. You haven't actually played Dragon Age: Inquisition, have you.
  10. You've got to be kidding, DA2 was a terrible game, DA:I is better by a mile. I don't even know how you can prefer DA2 over DA:I.
  11. Do they have a volunteer program like they do in the US? Might be a nice thing to do once a week, go train with and assist firefighters.
  12. GTA V continues to entertain. I decided it was time to visit the therapist, and sure enough I got called on the carpet for taking a working girl home. Hey, I was still upset that my wife was getting extra lessons from the tennis pro! This game is masterful.
  13. So GTA V is fantastic. The controls are super confusing and give me fits (where is the easy mode) but the story, characters, and world are brilliantly realized. I also have to play it late at night when the children are fast asleep. I woke up at 5 AM to play this morning and my son finally cracked open the door around 7 and caught his dad jacking cars are living out his Boyz in the Hood fantasies. It went too fast. I also grabbed Avernum: Escape from the Pit and played for awhile. It looks much better with the remastered stuff.
  14. Are you cryptically announcing you have a date, ManifestedISO? Congrats! I'm guessing an Asia, as Antarctica wouldn't be quite as alluring.
  15. Join or start a club? That's really the main reason churches are still so relevant, they give a sense of community. But even if you aren't the religious type, there are a few good options for the holidays. When my family and I had a falling out a few years back, I decided to spend the Christmas Eve I typically reserved for them helping out at a church food drive. It has been wonderful.
  16. Dragon Age: Inquisition has been a very pleasant surprise. Other than that, I agree with most mentioned. I haven't tried Lords of Xulima, that might be worth picking up.
  17. That was some refreshing candor and humility, Luridis. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  18. The only way she is 47 is if she has been living in a zero gravity environment.
  19. If it makes you folks feel better, my children have kept me from playing my games by hogging the main TV. Also, they've been able to play Super Smash Bros. and Skylanders Trap Team with no problem. It's hard to find a better example of the childishness of hackers than trying to ruin Christmas morning for a bunch of people. It's literally a Dr. Seuss book. You're a mean one, Mr. Lizard.
  20. Yeah, I've been interval training on the bike for 20 years, I think I've just hit the absolute boredom point. I used to love the whole uphill hard push for two minutes, two minutes off, two minutes on, etc. It is great training for hockey, which is basically about a 90 second sprint every shift. I should probably try some different machines, but really I'm just trying to give myself a few days before I get back out on the track.
  21. Merry Christmas loser. My ratings would be: Dragonfall - It's awesome and relatively short, giving you time to play the next game. Wasteland 2 - Stick with it through the bugs and glitches, it's a great character building experience. M&M X - This is almost tied with Wasteland. If you loved the old M&M games, it captures the feel perfectly. Blackguards - Pretty cool little combat system, I had fun with it. Dead State - Only one I didn't play, so I have no idea. Bleh to zombies though.
  22. I think you are oversimplifying a rather complex issue. If you have a cop that is being beaten by a suspect, and the cop's partner pulls the suspect off and then commits police brutality on the suspect, do you expect the cop who was just beaten to rat his partner out? You also have a tremendous amount of doubt in these situations, at least until a full investigation is complete and often even then, doubt lingers. You are automatically going to doubt the officer, because authority or whatever, but do you really expect other police to not give the benefit of the doubt to the officer? I don't think it would be healthy to have cops walking around looking at all their colleagues as criminals, like some of you do here.
  23. I injured my knee a week ago, so I haven't been running, and I tried to go use the stationary bike at the gym. It was really a bore. I used to do that regularly, I'm not sure what changed. I guess I'm just addicted to running now, I feel terrible not being able to do it.
  24. I have no idea why they thought a 100+ hour game really needed MP. I haven't gone near it.
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