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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I have about 10 pounds or marinated tri tip sitting on the counter, and I'm getting ready to BBQ it for my wife's 40th Birthday Party. I'm enjoying a super hoppy IPA while I wait.
  2. How about a Warhammer 40k version of Fiddler on the Roof? Or a Steampunk Mary Poppins? Scratch that, Mary Poppins was already Steam Punk.
  3. I thought the reformed troll aspect was interesting. Granted it could be entirely made up, but the idea that there was a rock bottom where said troll realized they had a problem presents an interesting parallel to other kinds of abuse.
  4. This was an interesting read: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/feb/02/what-happened-confronted-cruellest-troll-lindy-west?CMP=share_btn_tw
  5. Obsidian does not run the AW forums, it is off-site. The status of the forum has little to do with the development of the game, so I wouldn't worry about it being in limbo. If many people are getting regular errors on the forum, it likely has to do with whoever handles the hosting.
  6. Good luck disobeying a police officer who thinks they have a right to demand of you whatever it is they are demanding and not having violence soon visited upon you then. And if you actively defend yourself from that violence, or even just reflexively react to it so the cop can say you did something threatening, good luck not getting killed. And if that happens I'm sure a thread here will be started, and many people will say killing you was justified because you didn't comply with the officer's demands and then threatened or attacked the officer (they will completely ignore the fact that you were attacked first). It requires no luck at all. It would actually require a metric ton of bad luck to get into such a situation as a law abiding citizen. Most people are never going to be anywhere near an escalating force situation with the police.
  7. We should also probably keep in mind the fact that the police are dealing with a very different audience than a teacher or a bank teller. Hostility is the status quo in many places that as police officer has to go. If you walk into Wells Fargo shouting "F the Roth IRA!" then you will probably have a pretty bad banking experience.
  8. I am a bit surprised so many of you are interested in American Sniper. He seems like a classic unreliable narrator to me, and so I've avoided a good deal of the story, both in book and movie form.
  9. I use verbal coercion about a thousand times a day. Is that something serious?
  10. You fail at math. The average based on the data there is about 1114 deaths a year. Regardless, even 500 is no small number given what we're talking about. I blame the meth/lottery tickets for my bad math. There are a lot of flaws with these statistics. 1 death caused by police could be seen as too much, it depends entirely on the circumstances.
  11. Considering they source everything, if there's anything erroneous it's more than likely due to an article being wrong. The number of deaths it cites in 2014 is 1104 as of this post, not 1966. The 1966 number seems to be the total number of police killings listed on the site since it started tracking them in 2013. There are no accurate governmental figures on how many people are killed by police nationwide, so someone took it upon themselves to start compiling the info. Go them and hooray internet for making it relatively easy. Yeah, I see that is pretty egregious. The government should be tracking these numbers closely. The police are a paramilitary group, despite being run at local levels, they should still be expected to meet certain federal standards, and accurate reporting on a major event like this should not be hard to find. I am all for full disclosure. I know some of you think I'm all about defending cops. On an individual basis, I believe many of your low opinions are baseless and dehumanizing. As an organization, however, I see a ton of ways that police departments across the nation need to be overhauled and reformed. Basically I don't think many of you are seeing the forest through the trees. Demanding reform and better accountability = good Treating every cop like a thug = bad One accomplishes something, the other accomplishes nothing.
  12. So about 500 deaths caused by police a year in a nation of 316 million people. Basically I have about the same odds of winning the lottery as I do of getting killed by the police. I think I can increase my odds by buying more lottery tickets OR buying more crystal meth.
  13. We also have a ton of new tools to keep track of our own security. Sure, my credit cards are vulnerable, but I can also check my balances every second of every day if I want, and raise a red flag if I see a problem. I can track my credit scores more clearly, I can dispute things more easily, etc. Consumers have a lot of tools to protect themselves, and they can do so from a device they carry around in their pocket. Your personal risks are very well mitigated.
  14. Yeah, I'm concerned, but it's not like Sony was doing a ton to develop their MMO's. They had downsized quite a bit over the years. Still, it had a nice stable of games and they were all receiving decent support, so hopefully that will continue. It will be interesting to see what this means for Everquest Next.
  15. Every parent I know has their kids using a tablet, so I'm guessing a decline may be overstated. You basically have an entire generation growing up with tablets as their primary entertainment device. Personally I use my kindle every day for reading, it has replaced books. I still prefer my laptop for everything else, but I think moving forward, that will be more niche than using a tablet.
  16. I'm not all excited about this one either. Honestly the little demo video looked pretty rough. I pledged Shroud of Avatar, and I've been unimpressed by that, and this looks fairly similar, just underground and in first person.
  17. If it makes you feel any better, the colonoscopy is much easier than the one where they put the camera down your throat.
  18. Is it our already?? I want to play it so hard. Damn. Early Access is out. I want the game but will wait for the PS Vita version. As Labadal said, it' still early access. But the game is pretty polished, at least in the early going. The narrator is soooooo good. I have started over about 5 times.
  19. If you get them all for $12, that's not much of a gamble. They are all pretty good. Battlefront II might be a bit tough to play, since it's an MP game and I doubt there are a lot of active servers to play on. The rest should be fun to tinker with.
  20. Darkest Dungeon - Fantastic atmosphere! I'm struggling terribly, which I believe is the point of the game.
  21. Yeah, Pete Carroll explained it pretty well as to why they went with the pass. Still, conspiracy theories are fun.
  22. One time I stopped in at a place in Portland. I was just moving through, and I asked if I could take some beer with me. They filled a few mason jars and sent me on my way. It was fantastic.
  23. The problem is she is going from Jason Momoa to this new guy, so any casting will be a letdown, unless they get Brad Pitt.
  24. http://www.thenation.com/blog/196697/conspiracy-theory-surrounding-seahawks-last-play# Apparently I'm not the only one who thought that might be it. It does sound pretty crazy, but I had the same question when the 49ers were a few yards away from scoring two years ago and tried to hit Crabtree in the same spot 4 times, despite the fact they had run it very well. It's like they were trying to choose who to make the hero instead of going for the best plays.
  25. My wife works in a school with gang violence. She has had students physically confront her, one girl actually shoved her when she was pregnant. So I'm pretty comfortable with the idea of having an officer or two on her campus.
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