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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. The Nightsisters were back in the glory days of old, when Lucas was still handpicking the authors. As was said earlier on, since then it went to hell.
  2. Advantages of the Gamecube: It has a handle...which is pretty much it... Disadvantages of the Gamecube: Too much to list... Waits for nerdy fanboys to start flaming him...ah, what a life I lead... Well, besides the handle, I would say it is definitely the most mobile system, I mean, you can fit the Cube in a minivan alot better than a PS2 or a Billy Gates Box. I won't start flaming, but I will say that you can't play LoZ: The Wind Waker, or the new Metroid games on any of the other systems. They sure messed up when they made it like they did though. If they keep making all this bad decisions, I see them going the way of Sega.
  3. s***, if males with pink is supposed to be associated with gayness then thats just a fluke to me. If there were an crystal to have a pink lightsaber I should would get it, along with a blue saber. Hell, I have 5 pink shirts in my closet right now and one pair of white/pink Phat Farm shoes. Maybe its just an African-American Up North thing. You gay-ass homo.
  4. I can't bear to get rid of my cycling PA Wallpapers unless you give me a few more KotOR 2 wallpapers so I can cycle them too.
  5. The thing I left out is that my 5200 is a PCI card, and my power supply shouldn't technically be able to support it. I *do* run on high textures, (runs just as fast or slow as low textures... same wierdness I have with NWN, incidentally) that's one advantage, but I really care about gameplay. It's nice for taking screenshots, but it has a lot of hiccups, and I haven't seen an in-engine cinematic play smoothly since I turned on per-pixel lighting effects the first time. Also, it's a Dell, so that pretty much destroys the option of upgrading. If it weren't a Dell, and if I had saved for maybe an Ibuypower, I wouldn't have this problem at all. I hate myself. The fact that you apparently run it better is odd, to say the least. Fragmented harddisk? I don't think so, but possibly. I like to think I maintain it well. And the loading times are fast, if you didn't catch that. Much faster than X-box, it's just the playing and the in-engine cinematics that drag and hiccup. GAH! Don't buy iBuypower whatever you DO! I had the worst experience with them!!! I got a defective machine three times in a row, and the guy on the other end of the tech support had such a thick Mexican accent (not Indian, Mexican) that I could barely understand him, and he knew less about computers than I did even though that was back when I had just got into modern ones. Save up for longer and get an Alienware, they're comparable in terms of price to a high end Dell system, or better yet, Voodoo. B)
  6. That's so wrong but so true it's not even funny. Imagine what plastic surgery would be like in a galaxy far far away. Talk about your darker storylines. :ph34r:
  7. Duncan McCloud of the clan McCloud could block a musket ball with his Katana. B)
  8. Those were the days. ^_^
  9. Battle cries can be cool. Especially when from wacky, kinda crazy characters. Good example: "CAAAAARLSON AND PETERS!!!" said by Double H in Beyond Good & Evil. That one pwnt. :D Perhaps in the story of Exar Kun? His three distinctive scars along his cheek were from a Cathar Padawan in training at the same time as himself who gave them to him with her claws when he struck down their master IIRC. B)
  10. You mean like you when you were spouting your prejudice Klan idealogue....oh, no, you didn't look like an ass, just a techno good ol' boy with some serious problems.
  11. Yes, yes you do. <_<
  12. I'd say yes, as I'd love to have a kick ass version of swoop racing similar to the hovercraft races in Beyond Good & Evil....but I suspect that the Black Isle and **** fanboys will be in here to complain about 'twitch' games pretty soon...
  13. Ah, yes, The Cardboard Tube Samurai. I have him as one of my Webshots alternating desktops.
  14. stripped straight out of the annals of BG2 goodness! taks Damn, it was in BG2? No wonder it was gotten so quickly. They stole it from The Hobbit. <_<
  15. The Cantina scene of old (also with Obi Wan) is also awesome. B)
  16. Digipen's drop out rate is probably due to the heavy math. If you fancy yourself not intimidated or (gasp) liking calculus and linear algebra you will do fine in a curriculum like Digipen. We've recently hired a Digipen grad that we are more than happy with. If you are more of a logic/problem solving person, I would just get into a Comp Sci program at any 4-year college/university. While there, focus on the mod scene and get to know game code so that you have a good portfolio to present. Having extensive mod experience or making a demo using DirectX or OpenGL would also get you pushed to the head of the proverbial heap. Well, I imagine I could learn Calculus. I usually seem to take a bit longer than most to learn math, but once I learn it, it sticks with me for eternity.
  17. Plus my hexxed and debugged out PC would pwnz0r just about anyone else's.
  18. That would be Mid-Range IMO. Every good gaming PC needs at least a gig of ram to keep it happy.
  19. Yes, they are much faster, but they still have every single loading place that the Billy Gates Box had due to the simultaneous development. Stupid Billy Gates Box, if I have a freaking gig of ram I shouldn't have to load ever few steps. <_<
  20. It definitely was too short. I've found that if you do alot of running around (going to get Jolee and HK before getting any of the Star Maps other than Dantooine then coming back to do the side quests on Dantooine etc. ) it lasts alot longer.....but if you do it in just one straight shot, staying on one planet 'til you've done everything....it's alot shorter. <_<
  21. ...remember this in 5 years when ya wants clean water...or timber...or real beer... <_< ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... Anyone who actually thought I was serious needs to dunk their head in a commode. (I think that's what you guys call it, or is that just the brits?)
  22. I HATE simulataneous platform development, but it seems to be a neccessary evil these days....it also means that us PC people get our version at the same time as the Billy Gates Box people.
  23. ***snuggles up with Drakron***
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