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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. Am I the only person who thought the Genohardan Visor and the Bothan Goggles were cool? In fact.....all the the Genohardan gear was cool.
  2. This from the person who said we should bomb all of Islam into the stone age?!!
  3. I'm not saying all the classes should be allowed to, or even all the characters. I think that it could be a good addition to allow maybe the Guardian class, or even a certain party member to wield a melee and ranged weapon at the same time.
  4. Servant of Jesus sounded lame....but I'm more of an agnostic now....Meh. <_<
  5. And Spellmar had heart palpitations at the genius of the AE mod team. Good thread Wiggster.
  6. LMFAO....Yeah, sheer genius.
  7. You'd be surprised, our poodle thinks that my sister's guinea pigs are puppies, as do our cats. Stupid retarded animals. And all of them are so scared of my iguana they just leave it alone regardless.
  8. My cousin's just let theirs have free run of their house.
  9. Not to mention some of the camera's crosshairs appeared behind the astronauts like they were a static part of the scenery, the footage taken was studio quality, when the guy who designed the camera said that it was near impossible to get a good shot because of the way it was mounted on the chest of the space suits, the lighting had shadows cast in multiple directions as if in a studio, if it was really on the moon, there should have been shadows from one direction only as the only source of light was the sun, and MAYBE whatever lights the astronauts brought with them....many, many flaws in that video. Do I think they actually landed...probably, but they leave themselves open to attack faking a video.
  10. Ferrets ROCK. They don't allow them in California though. If you do end up getting the python though, make sure you keep 'im away from the ferrets. :ph34r:
  11. That's what's got me excited about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. Realistic day/night cycles, along with sleeping AND eating periods. Not to mention if you decide to sleep during the day and play during the night, there's a new stealth aspect to it, as well as the opposite being true if you decide on more conventional sleep patterns.
  12. That's harsh. P.S. You KNOW you're a head case when you are a Christian and you're regularly accused of being the Anti Christ.
  13. I'm holding out for the eight endings of KotOR III.
  14. I have tried it; I love Urban Legends. I was told by a grunt who had just been in Iraq. He was on leave. Maybe they started the legend for kicks?
  15. I thought Obi sacrificed himself to help Luke...but I could be wrong... Yeah, I seem to recall him winking at Luke right before he became one with the force....but it might just have been too long since I've seen the OT.
  16. But are you honestly naive enough to think that we'll ALWAYS be the top dog on the pile? There's always someone who comes along after awhile who's bigger and badder than you...
  17. But most places where human life can survive naturally are like Earth, at least in terms of general range of distance from the sun, rotation, etc. What makes you think all lifeforms (hypothetically of course) are carbon based?
  18. Yes, just like the young Obi-Wan is the person we see most associated with him, and the young(er) Yoda is the person we see most associated with him. What a load of tripe. Like I said, of course you like it, Georgey wouldn't want his mouthpiece who writes all his articles to badmouth him now would he? <_<
  19. There's also an upcoming X-Men one being developed by Raven if I remember correctly....looked right kewl from what I've seen of it, but alas, it doesn't come out on PC. <edit> Here it is, X-Men Legends, it looks so awesome, but alas, it's only on every system but the PC. RAVEN!!! WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME!!! http://www.x-men-legends.com/ </edit>
  20. Is my sig still too big. I tried shrinking the comic down more....but then it was too hard to read the text....and I had one person compliment it....
  21. No, that one makes me hungry. :D
  22. You think that thing has crazy fangs....you obviously haven't seen the bird killing palm tree spiders (don't remember the real name) or the camel spiders in Iraq. Those things are nasty! :ph34r: These things are evil, their venom is an anesthetic, so they'll be gnawing on you, buy you won't feel it, and you can literally wake up and be missing an ear....or worse, an entire limb. They've been known to eat entire camels, ravenous little beasties.
  23. I like art and I'm also a kick ass writer. Coffee fetcher works too though.
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