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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. JT Griffith: Land-Mine Badger J Griffith: Land-Mine Salamander Jim Griffith: Land-Mine Beaver James Griffith: Land-Mine c0ckroach (Had to 1337 it up because the word c-o-c-k is censored. ) JT Griff: Felonius Otter J Griff: Felonius Jellyfish Jim Griff: Felonius Panda James Griff: Felonius Scorpion Thomas Griffith: Land-Mine Ladybug Tom Griffith: Land-Mine c0ckroach (Had to 1337 it up because the word c-o-c-k is censored. ) Tomas Griffith: Land-Mine Hare Thomas Griff: Felonius Bumblebee Tom Griff: Felonius Scorpion Tomas Griff: Felonius Bass James-Thomas Griffith: Land-Mine Cricket James Thomas-Griffith: Liquid Cricket Jim-Tom Griffith: Land-Mine Raccoon Jim Tom-Griffith: Grenade Raccoon I'm too tired to try anymore combos.
  2. Actually, it has been on my personal wish list that somewhere in the EU materials they'd have a story about a robot that attained self sentience rather like Giskard or R. Daneel Olivaw from Asimov's books; and thus gained an affinity to the force.....it would ruin that concept if we made all Robots wielding sabers though.
  3. Hey, hey, hey, don't shoot the messenger, I never CLAIMED to know anything about modding.
  4. Seriously...no death threats in the Who would you most want to meet thread for the past few days. No more discussion of Vol's gender or her (His? It's?) genitalia.....Have we already discussed all the off the wall things there are to discuss or what?
  5. That would be awesome, only make sure that they only do that with the short lightsabers....it just wouldn't look right with a full size one.
  6. No, I'm still not happy. She's farcking nineteen years old Chemix, not to mention this is munchkin gaming exhibit A. <_<
  7. Just don't make a comparison between the Sithies and my beloved Harvey.
  8. MAN! I'm ON the team and I still have skepticism and/or doubts.
  9. Well there you have it! That what makes the Rakata so cool, they go back before the republic and is really smart! You make it seem like it isn't nothing as it was just something that Bioware came up with to just come up with. Well if that is the story then I guess you can say the same about everything else KOTOR, Bioware just came up with the Star Maps/Star Forge to just have something to create a story around. Bioware just came up with Revan/Malak to just have villians to be in a story (And yet people label these two as some of the top Sith of all time), Bioware just came up with with the Ebon Hawk just to have a means of transportation, Bioware just came up with having the Republic vs the Sith to just have an protagonist vs antagonist storyline, Bioware just came up with your party members....so that you'll have some party members. I can go on and on and on and on forever man! Yes Bioware just came up out of the blue about the Rakata and making them have all these ablities but they also came up with other aspects of the story. Its called story development things to enhance/progress the story and make it deeper and give you a better insight on the SW Universe as a whole. The Rakata is a unique race, simple as that. Oh and No! The Rakata isn't the only race that Bioware gave a backstory to. Juhani's race the Cathar had a backstory as she explained it. And even if the Rakata WAS the only race in KOTOR to have a backstory, that doesn't take away from their uniqueness. They are still cool and unique cause they story dates back to when time was created. GAH! Bad Gr4mm4r attack. "is really smart"?!! How did you get a job writing reviews for "the biggest SW fan site on the web".
  10. I'm interested in getting into computer science, namely the gaming aspect of it. While I don't have much programming experience yet, what I've dabbled in has been enjoyable enough. I'm also good at real world art, and am starting to dabble with some 3D art editors. I also consider myself a rather good amateurish writer, which is why working for a gaming company that does lots of RPGs like Obsidian holds so much appeal. I love to create stories, and sting ideas together and make a flowing tapestry of words. What would be my best advised course of action for learning skills I could use in the gaming industry? This Digipen school sounds intriguing but a 75% dropout rate?!! I do want to do more art/story based jobs should I succeed as a game dev, but that doesn't mean I want to skimp on coding either. Thank you for whatever help I may recieve, JT
  11. Yes but just thinking it through logically, that the only weight of the weapon is the hilt, that you have not one, but two blades to make sure you don't cut your own ass with....means that it really SHOULD be infinitely harder to wield a Saber Staff effectively than a normal saber. Same thing goes for dual sabers, but to a lesser extent IMHO since they're not on opposite ends of the same hilt. My $0.02 worth, JT
  12. Nah, Snigs is right...it's Duro man. At least, assuming that Duro was polluted to the extent that they couldn't live on it 4000+ years earlier than in THIS BOOK.
  13. Holy Sh!t! The Shredder's gone Jedi!
  14. Even though I know it will probably NEVER, EVER happen, I think fully destructible enviroments/enviromental weapons/objects would rock.
  15. she has a head? Yeah, but i think what he was referring to is her having a guy's other head....IN HER MOUTH! <_< I was here before it was announced officially...I was curious about Obsidian, but I hadn't ever played any Black Isle games. I rather liked that view....according to the stalker at least.
  16. <pimpslaps duck> <shoots duck with bird shot> <plucks duck> <guts and stuffs duck> <deep fries duck> Mmmm, finger lickin' good. B)
  17. I want a Jedi Pimp, who pimps his apprentice out to the Sith Lords, then goes in a guts them while they're in the sack. :D
  18. I always thought Max Payne described the type of villians shown in the **** games best when they talked about "Cardboard cutout villians, hiding the REAL players." Meh. <_<
  19. Man, that analogy is so wrong is so many ways. Do you see the Rak playing a friendly game of ball between tribes, where the losers are beheaded, their decapitated heads wrapped in bandages and used for the ball next time around...do you see the bloody Rak making living sacrifices to the sun, ripping the still beating heart of the chosen victim out, and draining it of blood before their eyes?!! Pfft! I think not! <_< The Aztecs were much cooler, and more blood thirsty. B)
  20. Skepticisism aside, please do NOT have "ancestors" of famous or known Star Wars characters show up in your game. I don't want to see Han Solo's great, great, great (to whatever exponent) grandfather in there, called Ran Solo. I don't want to see Jebediah Skywalker. I don't want to see Dodo Fett. Make all new characters. It saves you having to worry about people being upset if you didn't capture what THEY believe these "ancestors" would be like. It also doesn't screw up any continuity issues. s***, there goes Yodarn.
  21. Just kill me now would you? <_<
  22. It depends on whether or not we're talking Chris Avellone or Akari here... ^_^
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