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Everything posted by Mungri

  1. Obviously it is not "just fine"! Anytime that actual Players come to the boards to vent frustration at a particularly controversal mechanic means that it is not just fine for them! I knew back then it was going to get some riled up because it just doesn't work - wanna rest? Jump through hoops. Waste RL time. You really mean it is "just fine" for you. I remember you from before *slow nod* Having a simple "Unlimited rest" check in the main HUD would have solved a lot of problems and issues here. The resting mechanic is totally fine for maintaining game balance. You are of a select few if you need to rest a lot more than the camping supply limit allows. Either you are playing on too high a difficulty for your current understanding of the game, or you need to improve your gameplay so you don't need to rest as much. Or ofc you can just mod or cheat in unlimited resting. The game doesn't need to be ruined just to satisfy a few players who cannot handle the limited rest mechanic. Play on easy or normal, if you still don't have enough supplies on those difficulties, the problem is you, not the game.
  2. I rarely need to use camping supplies on POTD. If you find yourself needing to rest a lot more than your supplies allow, maybe lower the difficulty. Unlimited resting will only make the game far too easy.
  3. Critical Focus - +5% of hits converted to crits, +5-10% crit damage (depending on balance, 10% more might be OP). Also works on spells. I want this.
  4. Beamdog are at the full mercy of Atari / Wotc. I remember all their replies to suggestions being 'Atari wont let us'. And yes, they need to beg, grovel and lick Atari / Wotc boots to get anything done.
  5. How about phallus? Erection? BONER! Aha, triple win.
  6. I'll bet that the word **** isn't censored. I lost!
  7. So how come PoE contains adult language, but we cant use that language on the forums? Is it because of the childerns?
  8. It wouldn't be possible because Wotc / Atari are terrible. Also all the original art sources for BG are lost, which was why the enhanced editions couldn't be made higher resolution.
  9. Its not because roll up a fighter tank or two, plus a wizard. Now throw fireballs at your 120+ deflection wizards. No damage.
  10. I don't dislike his T shirt because of feminism. I dislike it because its simply a terrible t shirt.
  11. Deflection defends against all attacks that need accuracy to hit including spells I think. Higher deflection = more hits converted to grazes or misses. Higher accuracy = more misses and grazes converted to hits, and more hits to crits.
  12. That would do nothing as people would just wait 60s. It would just make it more tedious.
  13. Of my poop there cant only be one Single limerick to rule them all So I will continue to sing, As it comes out of my ring, And into the toilet it falls.
  14. You'ld think by now I would have ran out, Of poop poems, but how about now ... I write you another For you and your brothers Just to lol as I gross you all out.
  15. All these poems about my poop, Out of my butthole it likes to shoot. It brings me no shame, Though sometimes causes pain, I hope these poems aren't making you drool.
  16. Put a rymgards mantle on my tanks. Fire 6 chill fogs at them per battle. Lol.
  17. My poop is deadlier than rocks, When I squeeze it out, there comes lots. All that poop, With which what to do? Cook it up and eat it hot. ... Ewwwwwwww.
  18. Oh I swear there's also a backer NPC with that name.
  19. This one time I pooped in a hedge, And another time off the top of a ledge. The poop flew down, Hit you hard on the crown, And that is why you are now dead.
  20. This one time I pooped in a hedge And another time off the top of a legde The poop flew down, Hit you hard on the crown, And that is why you are now dead.
  21. Currently I'm paying 100g per day for a +5 stats hireling ... What a rip off Then some other one showed up that was -4 prestige, +3 security for 350g a day ... How I lolled.
  22. With rings my wizard has 6 level 1-3 spells per day atm.
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