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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  2. ok ok .. break it up you two! You both inhabit the same body so at one point or another you need to work this out! I suggest some very serious therapy!
  3. you can borrow my +1 mace!
  4. why not? I really think it's a beautiful picture ..
  5. By Camille Kuo you can find some of her work or that of other great artists at the elite galleries at http://www.gfxartist.com/community/elite_galleries
  6. I just came for the free booze .. and I've been painstakingly sober for a year+ now .. tells you a little something about this place doesn't it??
  7. The best relationships (imo) are the ones where you are best friends and really love each other .. the two things compliment each other nicely! being friends first can pose problems, but simply because sex does change things! not necessarly in a bad way, but once you've entered into that arena you can't go back .. and trying to do that will really mess things up! if you are able to stay cool about it, then it can be a plus to the friendship and you can be a little more intimate without it being wierd (simply because you've been closer than that before) .. and if you try to ignore it, intimacy, which is a part of friendships between boys and girls, will suddenly become a negative thing and then you distance yourself to avoid it, thus ruining what you had.. it's also important to realise that love can change character over time .. love can turn into a close friendship, or the other way around .. but since feelings are involved people are more vulnerable! and more vulnerable means more hurt if things go bad! the reason you can hate an ex (I think) is becaues you loved him/her and s/he hurt you (be it intentionally or not), which is infinitly more painful than if love wasn't mixed into the equation. For me one of the most important things in this regard - is respect .. if you love someone and her feelings change, it's gonna hurt, but you have to respect the fact that it's not the same for her anymore.. talk it over and do what's necessary, but don't get mad or angry.. because you'll lose alot more than a friendship that way! Hope that was useful (even if most of it is simple common sense apparantly I like stating the obvious)
  8. Jesus said something to the extent that; religion was there for us, not the other way around .. so **** doctrine, it's humans it's all about - and I hope God agrees!
  9. Rosbjerg


    I read alot of X-men comics .. but I must admit I've never been much of a comic-book reader! Mostly because the ones I've picked up were to childish imo .. X-men is as well in some regards, but better than the majority on the danish marked!
  10. The only good these kind of tests are for is training you in these particular kind of symbols or matmatical problems.. I think Howard Gardner has got the right idea in his theory of multiple intelligences! and that intelligence is a much more vibrant and flexible size than mere logic and recognition of patterns.. as well as subgroups of different intelligences overlapping each other thus forming the actual "intelligence" of a person .. I think the smartest people are those who can use their strenghts to compensate or enforce for their weaknesses .. and develop their mind as a whole!
  11. what? only someone in a drug-induced coma would come to that conclusion .. and if that was the case his respirator would have to be shut off immediatly!
  12. I think you dozed off for awhile when seeing EpIII .. started dreaming etc .. either that or you need some help son! I mean you are talking CRAAAZY here!!
  13. ... ...
  14. where's the comic option?? you can't make a post without a comic option .. *Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right? *quoting pixie here aka Lou Gutman:
  15. ahh yes .. remember back in the day Mkreku when we ruled the Iq thread .. those were the days! hehe ^_^
  16. give an example dammit... we're not getting any younger here!!
  17. I'm a necrophilia .. so I don't really care!
  18. I recommend Google ..
  19. :ph34r: shh!! they are listning!!
  20. actually I believe that has something to do with synthetic alloys ..
  21. you've got this all backwards .. in thruth we are the space chickens and what we call chickens are actually the original inhabitans of this earth .. and acident invlovling a particular unstable rubberband and a midly rotten tequila was the cause of us switching bodies! leaving us (the original chickens) in our current form, unaware of what has transpired .. and the aliens in chicken form.. this also explains why George Bush is president ..
  22. we should appeal to her beaten selfesteem.. point out that she doesn't need a boyfriend but rather 500 rebound guys to get her confidence boosted .. and if there's hot steaming sex, I'm sure most here wouldn't mind being used!
  23. why are you so competitive? couldn't the have arrived at the same time?
  24. hmm I got a distinct different score from when I last took it .. that's funny.. (hmm it's actually very close to who I am! :ph34r: ) Your Type is ENFP Extroverted - 1 Intuitive - 62 Feeling - 62 Perceiving - 22 You are: slightly expressed extrovert distinctively expressed intuitive personality distinctively expressed feeling personality slightly expressed perceiving personality General: ENFPs are both "idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and everything as part of an often bizarre cosmic whole. They want to both help (at least, their own definition of "help") and be liked and admired by other people, on bo th an individual and a humanitarian level. They are interested in new ideas on principle, but ultimately discard most of them for one reason or another. So very very true: ENFPs hate bureaucracy, both in principle and in practice; they will always make a point of launching one of their crusades against some aspect of it.
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