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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. yeah .. which is silly I guess .. it's just the small part of me that still believes in free will, which has a problem with the potential misuse of the device! But tricking someone that way just seems to inhumane to me .. since you are messing with intuition, the need of balance etc ..
  2. yeah but you aren't being tricked .. it's a real feeling, the other is provoked by humans .. which makes it a very different thing imo
  3. if they serve a purpose .. I can accept alt accounts if people use them to spice things up in a good way! But I'm just me .. I even use my real surname!! it doesn't get more sincere than that .. ^_^
  4. and we go to Germany because it's so expensive here .. and they go to Poland - who goes to The Chezch Republic .. maybe we should just go to the last stop and get hammered?? 1 liter of beer was 2 kr last time I was there .. and a shot of Vodka (4cl) was 5 kr .. + they make better beers there than anywhere .. and they hve Absinth (the original)
  5. and Swedes are good at drinking our beer!
  6. What I find most disturbing is the fact when affected you "feel it is the right direction" .. that kinda screws with free will!
  7. yeah I know .. but some seemed to take it a little too serious .. hence the closing of the thread! and this was meant as a last word, to say it was in good jest .. to Kaftan: hey we are a peaceful people, if we can settle our differences in a drinking contest we are happy! we got all the violence out of our systems back in the viking era!
  8. Now tempers ran a little high in the other thread .. so here's one to get the northern brotherhood back in shape!! how Danes feel about or neighbours: Finns- great drinking companions Norweigens - great drinking companions Swedes - great drinking companions Icelanders - great drinking companions cheers - sk
  9. about language .. I always laugh when Swedes insult Danish .. you guys sound like castrated children with your highstrung "singing" .. I'll rather sound like a guy with a potato in his mouth than that! and Finns .. I don't know what evil experiment went wrong which created that "language" .. But it was surely meant to spread misery upon the world! your country motto should be "shh!!"
  10. Russian- Commie Rosbjergov Nastrovia!!
  11. Ok, thats funny. True or not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> true .. but it's because Danish is a rather complex language .. since we don't really have a logical system like German! " but the same could be said for any of the other northern languages!
  12. I'll just say Douglas Adams .. I love everything that guy writes! but one of my favorite quotes must be "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes."
  13. huh? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What kind of lame-ass flaming is this? Did the marijuana wipe out all your braincells so all that's left is a "huh?", Rosbjerg? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Huh? oh .. Well better smoke than drink you know .. it's proven that alcohol fries more braincells, and we all know how much Swedes drink!! and if you are wondering just how much it damages you - just look at the finns! btw .. Cool sig Lucius!
  14. kinda makes me glad I joined at a time when there weren't so many regulars ..
  15. that's just sad .. what's next? Rambo 5?
  16. and Sweden has big problem with the fact that they were literally owned by Denmark for quite a few years .. while the opposite was never true! and the fact that we understand swedish and you don't understand us kinda makes me think that Danes are better at languages .. and since you take the time to insult us on numerous occasions tells me that you care quite a bit! ^_^ but you do have a more diverse country .. I'll give you that.. I miss mountains.. but then again all the ice scraped the best off Sweden and Norway and made our little kingdom.. I find some comfort in that.. and the fact that more Swedes visit Denmark than vice versa .. apparantly we have more to offer?? (cheap alcohol hehe)
  17. Back in the old day the "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION" was a favorite in these kinda threads ... ^_^
  18. Denmark is known for their pastry and beer .. Sweden .. ehh.. for bad cars and music? .. Norwary ... oil ... no cheese!
  19. You obviously haven't been to Sweden. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> of course I have.. and you have mighty fine ladies as well .. But I still prefer ours! although in all of Scandinavia Norway has the best chick imo
  20. now you understand why Denmark is such a great place to live ..
  21. huh.. oh wait .. yes! leave the Danes.. Oy Hades .. leave our chicks alone! Helena Christensen is ours!!
  22. no you clearly don't know us very well ...
  23. hehe.. I see you've learned something today?
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