While I was out running today I thought of a commonality between Eastern Mysticism and Classical Skepticism (and indeed scientific method):
The practitioner is always trying to strip away the distractions of the illusory world we think of as real life, trying to get back to who we are through meditation, back and back and back until we are one with the universe. (Or at lesat that's how I understand it.)
So to, when considering the events of life, a skeptic or a scientist must strip away the detail, deconstruc the minutiae and re-construct a trend or some sort of shorthand (equation) to summarise what is really going on. (Leaving aside for the moment that Eastern Mysticism is not interested in deconstruction and Western Philosophy is.)
In order to do this, I must go back and strip away the distractions of life and endeavour to find -- perhaps not a single union with the universe, as in the East -- but a vector (direction and force of the flow of events).
So in effect there is a lot of commonality with the two thought methodologies, just with Oriental thought one is subsumed in the result and with the Occident one is left watching the universe go by and checking its heading and speed.
Am I making this clear?
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying..
but although I may seem like I know Buddhism, that's really not the case .. So I can't say what the goal of their philosophy is .. I've just read a little about it and adapted it to my own world view ..
but my understanding of it is that you do not strive to be one with the universe, but one with yourself .. the problem is that you can never "see" yourself, and if you look inwards you will only see a mirror reflecting the immediate self .. so you have to transcend the you of now, to reach the inner self .. but mainly it seems to be about enlightment, to simply understand yourself and thus your surroundings .. but you are like a river which is forever changing even though in whole you seem to be the same .. so it's, suffice to say, a little difficult .. ^_^