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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. ahhhh!!!!! well thats that
  2. I'm sure there will be a couple of books wriiten about KOTOR time period, you can alway count on the swine fighting to get up to the trough
  3. I have never played as a sentinel, I'm not sure if the new game will give me any reason to change
  4. Ya but you don't have the ability to wield three at one time like General Grevious
  5. I'm truely sorry if I stepped on anyones toes with my off color comments
  6. Well if Anakin was indeed an "immaculate conception" then there may be no history of force users in the family, so it might not be so interesting
  7. Ya maybe he had to make his reservation
  8. i like that saber ability thing very good idea
  9. ya who ever posted this thread didn't think much about it
  10. I don't think it says Revan killed mandalore either, it said the sith took him back to Korriban and used there dark magics or something.....
  11. Limey brits
  12. Maybe thats as much ability as your character should have. I mean maybe physically thats a humans limit
  13. I don't think at this point that the cover art has been decided yet, just sampled, and it really doesn't matter to me it could be just white with a big 2 and I'd probaly look at it just as much as if Brohm did it
  14. Ya I don't think if they have talked about making sure what you did on the last game count on this game then they wouldn't just kill Revan.... but you never know what evil lurkes in the minds of game devs
  15. Ya i hope you're right Like you said its got the potential to really irritate some fans. Oh crap DS Luke, limey brits dam them all
  16. its like the word ninja, you never started hearing it until they started killing people in the U.S. mostly investment bankers dealing in the pacific rim. You never heard about the sith until they started killig jedi rim
  17. I just don't see why he couldn't get a galatic t-shirt or even a tank top
  18. I'm sorry but I don't like any of those ideas
  19. Somehow, I guess really I'm just hoping against hope that Darth Sion isn't the main villian, I mean I hope the main villian wouldn't go around with no shirt like some kind of trailerpark refugee. The only other villian apparent is the masked person and I think that they would make a better main villian
  20. I hate that idea. :angry: I think Revan should indeed have a small role in the new game, and have a little something about what happened after he went to Korriban ofcourse depending on if he went ls/ds path and then go do whatever he's doing somewhere else. The new game is about your new character.
  21. I agree just not this system. It would have to focus on a variaty of action that just aren't in the Kotor format
  22. I haven't seen you be funny once, and while we're talking about people getting what they deserve............................
  23. I think a rpg about a non jedi in this particular format would suck ass. If they made a KOTNR game it would have to be 1000 years after ROTJ with little to no mention of the "EU" after ROTJ so that basically it wouldn't suck
  24. eat something that comes out your a$$ and die :angry: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ate something that came out of my ass, but I have yet to die
  25. I guess I'll have to do it, Influence, you totally are no good and ah......... you probaly smell bad, possible like a fart
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