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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. well the devs problay believed this was the best way to make the game or they would have made it differently
  2. ya I guess she could be a **** or something, but somehow I doubt that.
  3. Look I could understand what you mean if we were talking about a character from a novel or even a movie, were you could maybe get some interior thought or had elaborate character motivations. But what do you really get to know about Bastila, very very little. I could understand you defending Kotorfanatics words if he wasn't so ridgid in his in his assumptions about Bastila, almost as if he believes he knows her. It seems to be more of some sort of infatuation not just identifing with a character or interpreting there personality
  4. No one that you could have killed will have such a vitial role in the game(as said only about 1000 times by now.....actually probaly more than that)
  5. but if you make a game then using it then it is kind of the bible, you just can't make a world albiet a fantasy one w/o rules
  6. Don't ever underestimate the giant kitten
  7. even one of your points is disputed and you admitt that your take is wrong, you are alway like: But I still think Bastila would win, she is ah more mature than Anakin, or she would win because the way she tosses her pixelated hair would stun anakin as it has stunned me
  8. I remember it had Boba Fett riding around on a dinosaur or something
  9. twist any the way that makes you feel best
  10. ya too me thats the most interesting thing not to truely be known yet
  11. No you just argue for Bastila regardless if it makes any sense And a little off topic Godsmack is the crappiest band ever
  12. And theres no arguement you'd be willing to except because you are in love with Bastila
  13. I would say that you are definitely smarter than another person who post here about the EU all the time
  14. You try resisting Natalie Portman in all her realness
  15. And probaly if she fought Anakin would be able to admitt she had no chance
  16. I really have had trouble playing the first game DS and I imagine the same will be true on the new game
  17. 1st hog at the trough
  18. But shes not and your too far in the forest to see the trees
  19. Ya I'm sorry it just my chance to act like I'm twelve and sometimes I relish it
  20. I mean what do you really know about Bastila. That she loved her dad and didn't really get along with her mom. Not really a whole lot there. Her power? Only that she mastered battle meditation at an early age. Her maturity, she can't even admitt that you helped save her w/o brow beating her, fights with Carth over leadership oh ya and didn't she lose her lightsaber and get captured by simple thugs Anakin would have never been captured by simple thugs and that alone seems to be a good enough reason to pick him
  21. i can't really see were you are getting all this depth from
  22. In case someone might get offended, I'mk just kidding, I have a girlfriend who watches hours of Lifetime everyday so I think I'm intitled to act out a little
  23. no as I don't think gay is an insult as you seem to, maybe I would call you overly sensative, but I think Carth's story was one of the better ones. Now as to a life outside this board I do believe you do, I mean you must have time to read those books. And I didn't say that you particularly had anything for Bastila, but a guilty mind......
  24. but as long as there is profit to be made and a Nar sal ab to buy it and quote it then there will be one or two or three or 12
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