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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Exactly and CGI movies need to get alot better before anything like that gets done. I just don't think that anytime soon there will be any movies @ the KOTOR timeline.
  2. I'm saying I don't want to see Kyle Kataan or Mara Jade in a KOTOR style game, The beauty of kotor none of the characters beside dead sith lords were mentioned anywhere but in the game
  3. Theres really no point to making any expansion instead of just starting on a new game. Plus thats only done on PC and the bulk of Kotor sales are on xbox
  4. Well I certainly hope that the plot is much better then in Jedi Academy. I'm not sure if I want to really play anymore games set in the "eu". I would be interested if they got a good author to write a story and design a game around it after ROTJ
  5. well maybe "the emperor, like the movies will be mostly in the 3rd. game
  6. I have an Xbox and of course a computer, and I'm not sure how much more I want to hear. I saw anything about Kotor until I played through it twice and I wonder if I've already heard too much
  7. Right and thats mostly what I'm saying. I know that the way I day it is very inflamatory but I must admitt I get alot of enjoyment from being so. The Star Wars time line is just corrupted by too mant authors who really haven't done much of note outside these books. Star wars was easily my most beloved movie as a kid and I only want what is best for it
  8. But would you say they could be better, even much better?
  9. I've never read Shatterpoint who wrote it? Do you think that Star Wars novels could be consistantly as good as any other serial novel?
  10. Honoustly I haven't heard of any of these books besides the Kipling book, currently I've been reading alot of Frnaz Kafka and ancient stories like Tain, and the Kalevalla. Would you say the star wars novels are as good as these books you've read?
  11. Maybe
  12. have you read any books besides star wars
  13. Like I said I don't think its great, just not that bad. Hey and I didn't capitalize Anderson, yet another chance to question my intelligence. Nur Ab Sal, I was just wondering, what was the last book you really liked that wasn't a Star Wars book? Same question to you Sickboy.
  14. Happy, and the fact that anderson wrote the sun crusher is proof he has no business writing in the star wars world
  15. I think it would be pretty suspect if they had carth return, who story seem ed all but finished, and not Bastilla who's story was left wide opened, assuming that they lived.
  16. And if anyone thinks the whole suncrusher books were any good then you're immediatly disqualified from discussing any of this, because of your stupidity you are incrediable biased
  17. You don't seem to get what I'm saying. I don't worshipp Zahn, I just think that hes the only one who did an acceptable job The main problem with "eu" is that it has already been too congested, every area of time post ROTJ has been filled, and filled poorly. Even if a compitent author wanted to make a contribution it would be too difficult, because he would have to make provide for the crap that's already been writen. I say scrap it and start over. Take what little good there is, Mara Jade and a handful of good characters, take Zahn and maybe a couple of good established authors outside the star wars realm, most likely fantasy, and have them get together and write a competent and consistant storyline.
  18. Ya except besides the thrawn trilogy everything written about Mara Jade sucks. Really everything besides the thrawn trilogy really really suck The funnest thing is that people think Kyle Katarn is anything more than a video game character. I hope that one day there are more movies, so that the "eu" becomes known for what it is, authors who can't write mutilating the star wars universe. I love Salvatore, but the New Jedi Order books are a load of crap.
  19. as lame as that
  20. You know this is a little off topic, but the worst thing about this forum seems to be all the limey brits about
  21. I hope not, that would be kind of lame.
  22. Ya I thought that, but I didn't use the force, are you sure your thoughts are clear on this matter?
  23. ya i would think HK stays in the game no matter what, you had two droids in the first game you'll have two now why make new droids when you can just use the old ones and get points for continuality. Also droids are neutral and will stay in your party no matter what, important if alot of the npcs are biased about joining you,
  24. The only info I'd really want to see is that it got pushed up another month or so
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