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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. I agree the event had to happen, I'm sorry that you lost Bastilla Nur Ab Sal, but she really didn't love you anyway.
  2. A+s all around for getting off topic once again
  3. Ya I don't really know anybody who didn't figure out fight club before it was over, most people got it in about 15-20 min. The Usual Suspects is kind of like that, but the whole piont of the movie is to find out who Kaiser Sosay is
  4. Whoppish, no. Sorry i guess its just a really bad joke. <chorus of boos>
  5. Ya I guess thats true, but at the very least I think it will be difficult to come up with interesting animation on the "defensive powers"
  6. I really don't see how you could say Bastila is as powerful as Anakin. Anakin does bring balance to the force Yoda, Obi Wan= Vader, The Emperor. And remember he manages to seduce Natalie Portman, the greatest test for any Jedi. So he's annoying its casting not the character.
  7. I'm talking to you Thingolfin, I'm a little rusty on my Tolkien though
  8. Was Fingolfin Taken?
  9. I'm not really sure, its an old one for sure, I guess you could back order it from them.
  10. Ya its there if you have a XboX you either need to get it off XboX live or get a disc from XboX the magazine.
  11. Though we know that a Jedi is only supposed to use the Force for knowledge and defense, with powers like force scream and force crush, it seems like the Sith have an advantage in Kotor 2. Also the chickpea is neither a chick or a pea discuss.
  12. The revelation of Vader being Luke's father was insane. I remember after it came out there was so much debate about it being true or not. I heard in an interview that James Earl Jones didn't think it was true when they recorded the voice tracks and he wondered how they were going to precede with the story after that. Revan's revelation was somewhat less dramatic, especially since there were alot of clues about it. I will admitt that I didn't really know about it the first time I played through the game, but I was more astonished that I had ignored the clues in the first place.
  13. You forgot about Jedi Don, the highest rank in the Jedi order
  14. I was hoping for something, kind of real world scary. Like if the sith all had quasi Italian Accents and asid stuff like: "You Jedi, think ya so smart, peince a muerta, I want your balls crushed." "You're not gonna die of a cancer, I promise" You know stuff like that.
  15. I agree with most of your ideas, but especially on the side quest comments. I think the side quest should show more about the culture and individual aspects of the races and factions of the galaxy. I really would have liked if you got the start of a quest on one planet and you got to go to anouther planet that wasn't required for the main mission. The Yavin station was the closest think to this, but it really is hardley realized. I think everyone hoped that the size of the game wouldn't just be sort of bare neccesities as far as the main quest went, with just missions like, since you are in the area, why don't you rescue this guy, or get this item
  16. sarcasism Its lost on you Jad'en. I'm so sorry.
  17. I hate people who use the name of turn of the century German authors, also people who really just hate star wars and are "high fantasy" fans who see this as an excuse to bash star wars...... I wish this game would just come out so the people who are going to complain about how they are so beyond its plot and what not can start talking about how they are too smart for some other game. I hate people who complain all the time and never see the irony in being a complainer complaining about complaining
  18. I've heard this, and if its true it is the biggest plot twist ever in Star Wars......... The Senator from Naboo......is the Emperor... If you ask I can't confirm this, but I heard it from a leak in Lucasfilms LTD
  19. I can't believe no one likes IG-88. When ESB came out he was one of the coolest characters we knew nothing about, and now he doesn't even get 5% of the vote.
  20. well how many pc users actually have the ability to take advantage of the "better graphics" Oh and I'd like a really sweet camaro to cruise the galaxy in
  21. Man, just like that Fred Durst, you must have been separated at birth
  22. At least thats what I hear, and you can get up to +2 in colostomy dueling
  23. or more so resemble it
  24. Well they buy the most games with there hard earned babysitting money
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