Onthe subject of planets I have to agree to a point that the planets where of K2 seemed to be all hype especially what happen on Korriban. Dxum seemed to be the only real exception, I really liked the "split" level thing and wished the game had done more of that. On the other hand Onderon was horrible, it seemed to take about five minutes to get everything done between ambushes and really had wish they'd written it better, I really expected more from Obsidian in these cases.
As far as memoriable moments in K2, thats just it, most of mine are like this: Beating Nihilis with two critical strikes being annoyed that in the whole game he spent a total of 5 minutes actually doing anything. Atris: No real info here, "Oh, I have to go to Malachor, what a surprise its only been mentioned about 50 times during the game."
Malachor, good idea having me build up the charactes up to now and only letting me use Mira, who the first time was the last character I got and didn't even bother turning her to a Jedi, and the Bao Dur's droid, something that the only time I realized he was around was when there'd be a dialogue scene and he'd be stuck inside of Bao Durs head, great job! And then there's Kreia and the three dancing lightsabers, maybe the lamest ending they could have possible conceived. This was actually worse then in the end of the Throne of Bhaal expansion when the "Ravanger" just before the ending of the game summoned up a bunch of enchanted blades during the battle. If nothing else show a little originality