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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Laozi

    NCAA Finals

    Ya it sucks, well I hate to remind you, but the Cubs have started playing too :'(
  2. Yes another beautiful tune about incest from Francis
  3. Yes, but in modern times Seppuku is most often performed by folding a frisbee in half and then swallowing it.
  4. I had wondered whe they would make a movie out of the Knights Templar, hopefully they'll have alot about their war with the Masons, and not do a bunch of that Crusade crap
  5. Ya it does cause uncontrollable giggling. My Jack Russel would kill me and all witnesses if I were to subject him to something of the sort
  6. Well whatever...... Houston, Tx consumes more bourbon whiskey then the entire Eastcoast of the united states. Also in a completely unrelated fact Houston has been awarded the title "Fattest City in America" the last two years Or I guess it was "Most Overweight City" for the sake of being more PC
  7. ^^^ getting that post count up are we SW fan?
  8. You can use statistics to prove anything 31% of all people know that
  9. Unnecessary addendum: ya!
  10. Poor lime on your bodies to have them decompose faster. This will help keep unwanted authorities from having a body to tie you to the crime
  11. Do you watch the simpsons in english?
  12. Isn't that the plot of that movie the Shadow, or something?
  13. Baldur's Gate I & II are great games, II not as much though, mostly because instead of a III they did this extremely crappy expansion. I've modded them both a bit, its not really my thing as I tend to just buy new games. PS:T is a good game, IMO not quite as good, but I was a Forgotten Realms fan to begin with so I'm a bit biased. Some parts are ridiculously cheesy, but I actually like that sometimes.
  14. Ya, lets get him.
  15. I really liked most of the music in the game, but most especially in that guys Sith Temple. It was really well done and manged to cover come the fact that I was in the most poorly name character of alltime. The only track I didn't like was the one when you got back to the Jedi Enclave, That one really got on my nerves and it seemed not quite completed, like alot of things in this game
  16. Haven't you ever seen Barfly?
  17. Uncomfortable moment: Do you think this is wise?
  18. Atleast he didn't mention that you could also cook him breakfast, I guess thats a little forward
  19. At last voice of pure truth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Off the soap box and into the shoe box with you
  20. Nope, I'm not, atleast I don't think so, I'm basing most of this of an episode of Unsolved Mysteries I saw when I was about 10, and if I remember there was this fanciful tale of how Nostradamos was eating at this guys house and he had these two pigs one black and one white and he asked Nostradamos to guess what pig they where going to eat and he said the black one. Well then the guy told his cook to cook the white one. Well then dinner was served and the black pig was prepared and brought out, and the guy got really pissed at his cook and was like "I told you to cook the white one." And he was all, "Sir, I would have, but some dogs got into the kitchen and ate it." Proving that Nostradamos had psychic-kawhatsis-powers
  21. 007 can't be bufuddled so that counts Hugh out, the guys only got one stict and it gets pretty old pretty fast. I agree that Orlando seemed pretty stiff as Legalos, yet another roll that could have been filled by River Phoenix. Maybe hes too grim though. During the Fellowship of the Rings I wasn't too smitten with Viggo, especially the scene at Weathertop when he threw that torch and nailed the Nazgil in the face, talk about cheesy. But by the end he seemed to fall quite well into the role
  22. wha? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nostradamus compiled a list of the names of every Pope from when ever he was staring through the looking glass till now, and say what you want to say about his predictions and all, but he was right. The last pope on the list was John Paul the II. Now alot of people think that it means something big, but you could just make the arguement that he got bored. As for WW# I remember a couple of years ago they were saying it was suppose to be in 2007 after the twin brothers fall or whatever, but I guess it got pushed back to 2011. Must be a rain out or something. As for my reign of fire, feel free to join my quasi evil army of the night in elliminating drum circles, paculi, that comedian Dennis Leary, and any white guys with dreadlocks. There is a ofcourse a place for all of you, be sure to bring some koolaid and a roll of quarters to pay the cosmic toll. Also new shoes preferable something in a sneaker
  23. I don't know what to think about the idea of Star Wars rpgs. The last games was insanely easy, the one before it, pretty damn easy. The Rampant leveling after a while made me livid. One concept of an rpg is suppose to be the feeling of accomplishment you get in achieving levels, thats sort of hard to do when you get 30 levels in about 35 hrs. of gameplay. I know I know think of the children, and the casual rpgers, but I think alot of them might even log the same complaints. One positive thing, as a Star Wars fan, I liked the niche that the Kotor series has found. Its far enough away form any of the movies, so that none of the events will be affected one way or another, and they can do whatever to EU content, the fact is you can only make that stuff better, not worse. I would really hate if every idiots idea of the "Knights of the New Republic" idea came to any sort of realization. Its plain and simply a bad idea and I'd have to kill many Devs if Kyle Katarn, or Corran Horn made their way into any future game. I just really hope that Obsidian didn't kill the Kotor series with this release though
  24. I actually thought the Story was alot better, but then the game just sort of stopped. Its like you're just about to be intimate with some one you really like, and instead of making the magic, she turns around and kicks you in the balls and then starts going out with one of your friends. For lack of a better analogy
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