-people who smile all the time
-dogs that constantly try to smell your crotch
-the elderly
-people who hug you when you're about to leave and you're not related
-blood on my toothbrush
-lending cds
-being around a friend's girlfriend or sister by yourself/unsupervised
-trying to explain the difference between saying a girl is a b1tch and saying she is acting like a b1tch
-anytime I hear,"Oh you play bass, I'm in this band and we need........
-having to talk to people who "Have just gotten into Kafka or somesuch"
-girls named Rose
-when you're at a party and you let one rip, and a girl you've liked finally comes over to talk to you, and shes say,"Oh, god do you smell that?" And you have to go,"Smell what?" And she like,"Something smells really bad, I thing a dog must have taken a sh1t or something, lets go over here." And you go some place else, but she can still smell it, and makes you check your shoes.