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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. They had a short but torrid love affair, but it ended after Nur Ad Surd wouldn't give him a reach around. It happens.
  2. Ya I do think Kotor 1 is better, but more because of Kotor 2's failings
  3. Allright, and my name isn't Mephisto either, and just so everyone knows, South Bend totally sucks, except for the Touchdown Jesus. I for one am never going back, and am working hard to free several unfortant individuals from that hell, such as my roommates Ben and Nghiep
  4. 7 is kind of catchy ahhhhhh 7 yep its catchy
  5. I t6hink you're over estimating women there, I mean its not like you can commit to an action and really predict the reaction. The most important thing in communicating with women is throwing all reason out the window and try not anticipate anything, just know that whatever happens its either your fault, or if things go well tell her about how it would have never have happen without her hand guiding it. As for the Pope. I personally don't have much contact with practicing Catholics and the ones I do know are breeding like rabbits. Theres really no excuse for the way the Vatican handled the whole Priest gone wild thing and my friend Skylar being a victum of this, makes me find it all the more distasteful. Isn't this the last Pope that Nostradamus listed, perhaps my reign of fire will begin soon.
  6. Everyone doesn't, but TOTJ sure does
  7. The only thing worse then being talked about, is not being talked about
  8. Its all based on Haitian
  9. Down with crappy Up with slaphappy
  10. Rodney James Dio. Hes evil, way evil The you can have Zakk Wilde weilding dual axes and reeming the flesh off Angela Lansbury with a symphony or eternal gloom and despair. and the someone could kill a lamb, check that a baby lamb Rock
  11. What are you talking about? Anyway you weren't even o these board a few months ago, you were on you hiatus doing god knows what to Kevin Anderson
  12. Obsidian hasn't done anything technically wrong. They've published a game that for the most part works and even though they really didn't have to they have released a patch and Lucaasarts will probaly eventually get around to making it available. Theres nothing anyone can say about doing the bare minimum, I'm sure many of you do the same in some elements in your life, so don't be a hypocrit now
  13. But those are funny too. When I went back to college my friends gave me this tabloid that had the headline, "World's Smartest Chimp Goes to College" and I hung it on my refrigerator. I still laugh anytime I get a coke ::looks at refrigerator and giggles::
  14. You should see me watching Shaq play, I've injured myself before.
  15. Whats accountability and where do you buy it at?
  16. Theres always been something about fat people exerting themselves physically that always gets a hardy chuckle out of me. Maybe I'm a "weightist"
  17. shhhhhhhh
  18. My name is Mephisto, I'm from sunny Rio, my computer was hewed from the bones of fornicators
  19. The only thing that I could be critical about is that the lightsabers seem to resemble billy clubs. That and Revans a dude
  20. Worse than TOTJ? Begads no.
  21. Are you talking about the Sail Boats?
  22. Actually die? I think that because his writer couldn't bare to see his creation die wrote that Optimus's ghost went to live in a Temple on a small planet, and there he waited until another Autobot set up an Autobot Academy there and then he struck. Teaching one Autobot to make an "increditable" Expando Sword, and even managed in some strange way to but the Autobot into a sort of coma or something. Anyway most rational Transformer fans just ignore this as the work of a retard who couldn't bare to see his creation die
  23. It definitely wouldn't be the first thing Star Wars inspired by another person's work
  24. Ya it was strange that he only became the Winnebago after he recieved the Matix, before he was just a goofy looking two door. That was a sad time for Transformers. Optimus had more rumors that he was still alive then Tupac. I remember one time he came back but he had some wierd Robot disease and it made all the Autobot turn on each other.
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