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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Did someone mention skill and Eurovision in the same sentence. They are all horrible, that's why people watch it, and the bearded lady looks stupid, I'm sorry if that's not in keeping with the spirit of the times.
  2. I'll be the first to admit that I'm too dumb to get half the allusions he plays on, but it's different. There is enough samey boring movie making going on. Did he bridge the gap between porn and 'art', I dunno. It's a bit much though, I would feel awkward watching Nymphomaniac in most company.
  3. There was mention of 50 mercenaries. If they are there they are probably bodyguards for various VIPs. Maybe carry out renditions and the like. The recent action where an APC was stranded looked a bit too amateurish for them I think.
  4. She likes to shoot vampires while listening to wicked songs on itunes, you know to get her blood up for the hunt. Because audio clues aren't that important when you are trying to sneak up on decades old undead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv0ZPj0JLQ4
  5. Country is falling appart, they haven't got the manpower to send riot police. Besides, why would things be different with new guys in charge. They are just trying to maintain, much like Yanokovic.
  6. It's theater. I'm sure it helps Kiev to give the impression that a Russian invasion is imminent. If it were, 15000 troops would hardly make a difference.
  7. Gender really shouldn't be an issue given that online no one knows yours. The problem, at it's core, is the sheer volume of idiots in MMO games.
  8. Police brutality during occupy is completely irrelevant, plain and simple. If the intent was to show that, yes, police brutality happens in the west too you have succeeded. What do you want, a cookie ?.
  9. Hey, bro. You might want to take a look at this, too. Only in Russia(n-speaking areas) right? Wake up. Never suggested otherwise, but we were talking about Ukraine. Are you capable of talking about this without deflecting with examples of US brutality, of which I'm sure there are many. Seems to me a lot of people are stuck in a simplistic binary view here. Everyone tries to manipulate the media, they aren't all this ham fisted about it though.
  10. The Japanese and Chinese feel the same way, it's called resurgent nationalism and it's rarely a good thing. Rule of thumb : always mistrust your own country and it's motivations and never think anything is 'good' because it's good for your country. Nation states are all wolves fighting over the same carcass, plain and simple.
  11. Deflecting again. Nice. I already said Dubrovnic wasn't destroyed. You are the one clinging to one disputed 'massacre' and insinuating that all the depraved **** that happened in that conflic really wasn't.
  12. There were albanians in Srebrenica? Or are you just engaging in creative associations? What of the "dead"there that rose to vote in the subsequent election? Yes, we were so interested in killing every Albanian that we called Associated Press and OSCE observers to watch the conduct of the special forces operation in Racak, whereupon we massacred them all in front of the world's press. Lol. A special brand of naivete is needed to believe that. If the intention of the army was to actually commit genocide; 1) no one would have been able to stop them in time 2) there would be massive and obvious casualties and civillians would die in droves The Hutu's massacred the Tutsi's in Rwanda in several months armed with little more than machetes. The YNA was armed to the teeth. But you know..stick to your theory. You know, it's funny how you all accuse the West of propping up a facist regime and spend so much care making apologies for killers because they happened to be on your side, geopolitically speaking. You make me sick. Maybe it doesn't meet the criteria for genocide, so what, they were still atrocities.
  13. Ohh it's pretty clear that they went into Srebrenica with the intention of putting a whole lot of people in a hole in the ground. But I suppose Karadžić and Mladić and all their ilk are just misunderstood. I don't think anyone believes that there was a furher directive to kill every Albanian either, rather, for all the men of figthing age guilt by suspicion or association would leave them just as dead.
  14. It's got at least one preorder bonus quest.
  15. Huge PR disaster for the Serbs though. Pictures of mortar shelling hitting civilians did not look good on TV. I didn't mean to suggest the city was destroyed. Maybe a bit of hyperboly on my part.
  16. Funny thing, When I was just a kid my family went to Dubrownik before it got flattened. My dad found a drinking buddy in the owner of one of the tourist trap resturants we went to who told him that it wasn't going to be long before the whole of Jugoslavia would be at war with itself.
  17. It was high altitude and targeted against infrastructure, certainly part of the plan was to damage the economy, to bomb military assets effectively you need spotters on the ground. Every effort to avoid civilian casualties was taken, which is why it was so ineffective. In the end though, it was part of the leverage used to make Milosovic buckle. The west had just had enough. Ethnic cleansing and civil war dragging on and on just a short boatride from the Italian coast. It wasn't going to fly anymore.
  18. Learned a new word today https://www.google.dk/search?q=glasshole&rlz=2C1AFAB_enDK0537DK0538&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=vN1nU6TmFIHRrQePpYDYDQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=923
  19. Sometimes I wonder about you guys. If you met in a bar, how long before you would be throwing punches at eachother.
  20. Skyrim only really comes alive once you start modding it. There are tons of quality material available, tons of crap too but that's to be expected. No one would be mentioning it anymore if not for the mod comunity.
  21. Tutorials are best when they can be turned off or circumvented. In RPGs I usually suffer from compulsive restarting as I try and figure out what class and build I like.
  22. Just hypothetically, do you think the country would be disintegrating without Russian support. Things were already bad the way Maidan ended.
  23. Don't post imbedded vids of burning bodies or whatever. If you have to, post a link to a news site and give a warning. I haven't got time to watch all that **** just to check.
  24. I tried to find some numbers for GNP of the EU vs Russia, only got part of the way. Anyway the Russian economy is tiny compared and too dependent on natural resources. http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_European_Union http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Russia
  25. Just sayin', If I had to chose between aligning myself to a 4 billion economy obsessed with a long gone past or a 20 billion economy I know what I would chose.
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