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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. The first bag of holding you get on the bridge after the goblin fortress. I never had a problem with the forest because I had a druid with wildernesses lore maxed out. As for the graphics glitches those happened with the coming of windows 7. I talked with the nvidia driver guys about fixing it but they only did a partial solution. Though there is an easy way to fix it, I just need to do some googling to find the program for the fix, I'll come back to you on that.
  2. Plus they weren't as clear as they could have been during the KS. They left a lot of things open to interpretation and did little to correct people who where getting the wrong picture. Only after it, did they start to solidify the image of PoE. Now I'm not saying the guys at OE did this on purpose, but it's what happened, for better or for worse.
  3. You had 2 bags of holding, scroll cases, potion cases, and gem bags in IWD2.
  4. Though I never did that, I always dropped the less valuable loot for that of more value. There was never a case where I needed to drop something that was over 5000 gold(high tier item), because there was no space. This is of course for a party of 6.
  5. No one here is asking for more. They can try their hand at making a better xp system in the next game, when they have time to think about it more.
  6. Now see that is just a wild guess you are peddling as facts.
  7. Yeah it's work like doing anything else in the game, but it's not as complex as he is trying to make it seem.
  8. Lol, you are trying to think of how to make it sound complex and it's showing. Also this is not combat xp only system we are talking about. As for how you do the xp system, it's pretty easy. First you look at the main quest line and all the creatures on that quest line, then you make it so that doing quest line you end up somewhere, xp wise, where all the encounters are passable with only the main quest line xp. Then you focus on side quests and the rest of the creatures, here you are focusing on there not being too much wasted xp, ie. you are trying to not get over the xp cap too much. See not that hard, when you are not looking to make it sound complicated.
  9. EU sent a letter to Serbia not to export any cheese or milk products to Russia, ie. anything that Russia has banned the EU from importing, we can't import either. Just lol, guess the EU really does care about it's market share in Russia. The sad thing is even if we exported everything we had to Russia it would still be 0.4% of their imports.
  10. As Stun said IWD2 already perfected the inventory system, I really have no idea why they are trying to reinvent the wheel here. But w/e, this is something that I can personally live with, even if I don't like it.
  11. Just hope that fraction of people doesn't turn in to most people, ie. just hope that us Grognards don't make the majority of the player base that is already niche as it is. As for the original post, well I don't know, the xp system is just numbers after all. The main question is going to be if there is enough time to do both systems. Though from what I have seen and heard from the beta, I seriously doubt the game will be released this year, so then again maybe there will be more then enough time.
  12. The problem with that line of thinking is that there are trash mobs and they are unavoidable. You are going to fight, a lot. Also the kill xp doesn't make you do those things, that's a false assumption. No one is making you go and kill everyone for every scrap of xp.
  13. You could do that in any of the IE games, though I remember that you couldn't really do that in the HoF mode, unless you cheesed and went full mage party. It all depends on how you want to play a game, after all looking at guides isn't that hard really.
  14. I know that this is extreme nitpicking, but wow she has a high forehead on her.
  15. Kill xp doesn't necessarily mean more xp for those who finish quest by killing everyone, numbers can always be tweaked.
  16. I agree, that was my biggest question in how they plan to scale difficulty some time ago. Picking dialog options can't really be made harder.
  17. You will be fine with that build. Just keep directx and graphics driver up to date.
  18. I remember that post, either way I think that the xp system is just a numbers game. The only difficult thing should be to figuring out how much xp each quest, creature, action gives in order for the game pace to be fluid.
  19. The icons are from IWD2 and they look great to me.
  20. Ugh Diablo 3 was selling like crazy before it was even released. Once it was released their sales speed dropped drastically.
  21. That would have been something I would expected to read in the known issues thread, instead they said they wanted to get our feedback on leveling up. Also why is there quest xp then. Strange either way.
  22. A save game editor would be awesome, the ability to mod attribute scores of you party, their skills+traits and xp would be great!
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