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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. And that is bad? It's actually terrifying to know how much of Earth's rich culture and history was lost through the ages because of wars and conquest, and only now is being rediscovered. And I wouldn't wish any nation to forget itself, because it seems very important for us human beings. Just look how even the smallest minorities fight for their right to have a sense of identity - most of the modern conflicts rage on today from denying people that right.
  2. Btw, just because pirates don't give a **** about anything I don't think they have any higher moral ground than other factions. They're pirates, they do pretty gruesome things all the time - plundering villages, outposts and merchant ships. They disrupt regional economy and don't bring anything beneficial in return. Both their leaders have quite a number of nasty things done behind their belts. So yeah, they're not as involved in faction wars because they don't have any high moral goals, their only goal is to plunder everything they can and screw everybody else. It's especially evident at Ukaizo - they'd lock it up, potentially dooming the whole world who won't be able to study and fix the Wheel, just so they can be the only ones to plunder its riches. Personally, I don't see anything worthy in them and I hope they all get exterminated or transformed into honest businesses when order ascends in the region.
  3. Incorporated, examples - Tikawara, Port Maje. Vailians don't really care for assimilation or segregation like other factions - all they care about is trade and they know that trade always brings people closer together.
  4. Well, you clearly seem to be fine with it. But many people aren't. And when I talk about culture and identity I don't mean only the backward social system they have, I also mean their history, clothes, language, etc. If you talk to some of the people they converted into their "machine" you can see that descendants from those nations who were conquered don't remember and don't care much for what was before, why their fathers fought for their freedom. They were all assimilated completely, nothing unique about them remains. The Huana are also being assimilated in RDC outposts - they are taught what to wear and what to say, how to act as a Rauataian. RDC doesn't care that locals don't like it, they just impose their way of life on locals, discarding any foreign culture and history as something inferior. Huana's caste system may be backward, but with invasion of so many foreign cultures they could have reformed it themselves one day following an example, not a forced whip. And saying any culture is inferior to another is just very condescending and conceited. Blowing up a powder house or killing a political leader of the whole region - both are crimes no matter how you look at it. But at least in case of RDC it is not necessary - there is a way to avoid doing that by declining RDC's offer to kill the Queen. RDC's inability to settle things diplomatically and resorting to numerous assassinations of political figures is also an act of terrorism. And they're not doing it for some higher cause for all people of Deadfire, they're doing it for them - for Rauatai to have a bread basket and another conquered land for their people. And while I don't admire Castol for his half-assed decision to make a quick buck by dealing with Furrante, I admire his desire for advancement of progress - he needed the money to fund animancy research, but his superiors only cared for adra mining and were stingy with their funding. With RDC in charge of Ukaizo slavery problem won't be an issue anymore, because money will then be flowing abundantly.
  5. Actually, devs officially responded to op's question in one of the early streams. The answer was - because. So, headcanon at will.
  6. VTC officially are against slavery (at least illegal one involving locals), so if you wanna keep Castol in his position at the trial another thing to do is to kill slavers and Furrante beforehand so there are no leads connecting him to them. I imagine with Ukaizo in VTC control Castol definitely won't have any funding problems anymore for his animancy research investments, so he won't need to resort to any shady and desperate deals like with those slavers.
  7. There's a reddit thread about reacitivity, but it doesn't have info on all the gods reactivity: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/8l1lhg/definitive_list_of_poe_1_reactivity_in_deadfire/
  8. What are other gods punishments for breaking an oath?
  9. Except that locals will lose their culture and self identity under RDC. Just look around, there are plenty of examples there already. Also, they did that with all other weaker nations whom they've conquered - Rauatai is a militaristic war machine that grinds everything into same looking apathetic "goo". Not true if you choose director Castol. They'll stay, establish permanent settlements, improve trade and build a research academy at Ukaizo for animancers all over the world to study it.
  10. Looks like a troll thread, but here are some rebuking facts: Galawain, Abydon, Skaen, Eothas, Rymrgand, Berath (aspect of Usher) - male Hylea, Woedica, Ondra, Magran, Berath (aspect of Pallid Knight) - female Wael - all genders So, no, not all gods are female, they're pretty even, but more of them male. And if you give an example of Skaen being ugly why not bring a "many breasts" ugly fish headed Ondra or "burnt face" Woedica as female examples? Narrator is female because some devs probably chose her of being the most prominent & recognizable (did some high profile gigs for other games) among a bunch of Vox Machina VO actors who did most of VO work for Deadfire. All factions are represented by both sexes: Huana - the Queen and her brother Prince Principi - Furrante and Aeldys RDC - Karu and Atsura VTC - Castol and Alvari
  11. Well, I roleplay around Huana's "sad puppy eyes" stance - my protag favors Galawain/Magran/Abydon's ideals, so them Huana always whining how they were so cool before they lost Ukaizo just sounds as being weak and seeking excuses for their backward way of life. In all these ages they couldn't even find its location, let alone reclaim some semblance of their former glory through other means. So my protag thinks they don't deserve Ukaizo anymore, let somebody more strong take it. And besides, they wish but Ukaizo doesn't belong to them alone, it belongs to all of Eora, just as the gods and the Wheel belong to all of Eora - Huana may have lived there, but it was the Engwithans who brought them the knowledge that allowed for the construction of animancy machinery.
  12. I don't think it actually works. It's been datamined that protag can have an angry kiss with him, but that's about it. It doesn't mean he'd like to have a romance after that.
  13. Btw, it's interesting how people say VTC is pro-slavery, but actually it was just Castol's idea to work with Furrante, cuz he was looking for quick money to fund his research projects. During his trial he can even get banished for that, because officially VTC is against it. It's a good idea to kill the slavers and Furrante beforehand if you want to keep him in his position.
  14. I like that out of all romances it's the Watcher who initiates the romance in this one. And it is even well explained why. Never liked romances where companions actively try to jump into protag's pants, some aggressively so.
  15. Well, there is a way to avoid most of the horrible endgame shenanigans with VTC (maybe Huana too), at least. When RDC asks you to kill the Huana queen you can decline and they all turn hostile because you now know too much. That gives the Watcher a license to kill the lot of them for self-defense. With RDC out of the picture you don't have to blow up the powder house and skip straight to battle at Ukaizo. Whomever appears there to attack you depends on who has the second most rep with you, it seems. But in any case, it's unavoidable self-defense again.
  16. Hey, just gonna add my +1 here. Aloth is a great companion material, and I'm glad he's both in the sequel and is romanceable. Let's just hope his bugs are fixed.
  17. Well, if you like playing all custom party with mindless drones I can see why you'd want that. But many people value rpgs not simply for gameplay mechanics but for lively interactions with companions as well.
  18. I'd actually prefer the other way around - ditch all useless sidekicks and make more content for existing characters, especially old ones. It's always cool to explore growing bonds and attachment feelings between companions and protagonist in sequels. Good ideas for new companions can be endless, knowing when to make a cut is paramount for maintaining focused narrative.
  19. I did what the op suggested and nope, Maia still leaves after you talk to her. She just can't stand VTC it seems. At least Tekehu doesn't leave this way.
  20. Well, I got to the ending slides after fumbling both missives missions and Fort Maje's one is bugged in the ending slides. Atsura said that the spy had to leave Port Maje due to complications but in the ending slides it is said that the spy not only assassinated governor Clario but Huana village's leader as well Reported it as bugged: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100920-maias-quest-bug-in-ending-slides/
  21. In "The Courier's Calling" quest after convincing Tuaha in Port Maje to take the missive without dealing with her stalker it is said later that she leaves due to complications in her mission. Yet in the ending slides it is shown that she still assassinated both governor Clario and Huana village's leader. Here's a save file just before the ending slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FQe9-d8DdY-UtRdcN3Q1cxJ7L9WGhZSP Also, if the player simply attacks Tuaha, nearby Dawnstars shout that she's one of their own and turn hostile.
  22. Big junk mode incoming? Lol, knowing how people are I think it's safe to say that if devs won't do it officially sooner or later there'll be a nude mod floating around on Nexus.
  23. Killed half the party with misplaced empowered wizard spells a few times - some of those are broken af. Devs even confirmed a nerf incoming.
  24. I think he refers to her crazy dark side. Concelhaut is a villain, after all.
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