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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. https://youtu.be/ycZM13BOh5g?t=209 What and ass! Concelhaut sure knows what to say to sting the Watcher Anyway, those are all very cool.
  2. Funny, how dutiful=religious registers as good for him, but religious=traditional doesn't register at all. If anything, everything religious is also traditional. Any time you mention to Xoti or anybody else in her vicinity that gods are made up, or try to scientifically explain things you'll see her equivalent of "rolling eyes". I can understand Xoti being stubborn about it, because she's a religious nut. But I don't understand why Aloth, who definitely isn't religious and who wants progress for kith, sees religious backwards nuts as simply dutiful. Anyway, yeah, devs really should revise all reactions companions have in dialogues as some don't make any sense at all given their dispositions. And something really should be done about Aloth's illogical dispositions specifically.
  3. Morrgian was hated in DAO for the very same reasons - some people found her an intolerable bitch, because she disapproved of many things. "Morrigan disapproves" even became a meme. And DAO also had this stupid approval system. I hate it with a passion, personally. I'd rather companions judge me not by the number of times I cracked a joke but by my meaningful actions in the world. And Aloth's sullen face sure does indicate his overly serious no-nonsense attitude, the portrait is spot on. Guy needs to stop being so hard on himself and loosen up a bit once in a while, jeez He should spend more time in a luminous bathhouse, I think Personally, I like both Morrigan and Aloth, but these approval systems just go overboard sometimes and misrepresent characters. Btw, what do you, guys, suggest to swap his conflicting dispositions with? I think if he's anti-Leaden Key Stewardship should be replaced by pro-Progressive and if he's Pro-Leaden Key Autonomy should be replaced by pro-Skullduggery (shady). Also, he and Serafen has fewest number of dispositions, maybe one extra positive should be added.
  4. Aloth reminds me of this: He'd be like: I do hope they fix his bugs though.
  5. Yea, I recall something like that and even in Deadfire main plot it is said by the gods that if the Wheel is not fixed, all souls sooner or later will trickle into and get stuck in the Beyond, like in reservoir and people will die out. So soul essence seems like a finite resource, but malleable - it can accommodate increased population by splintering souls.
  6. I think there is one unanswered question about using soul essence - does it dissipate entirely or just gets scattered where once it was concentrated? In one of the streams devs explained how wizards cast spells - it was something about chipping off a bit of their soul to cast a spell and what's chipped later regenerates through essence floating around. Also, there was a lore tidbit about people who used refined luminous adra products (balms, potions, pipe smoking, etc.) - they are invigorated by it (sort of like Galawain's ending in POE1) and even start experiencing some Watcher like abilities. Doesn't say whether it's permanent though, only that it's considered dangerous for mental health when not used in moderation. So I'm not sure this fantastical fuel follows the same rules of conservation of energy as in the real world.
  7. Just to clarify here - it's not souls they mine but soul essence. It's not somebody's grandma's ghost they're desecrating, but formless energy. But fuel allegory is not bad. Thing is, just like with oil and coal which we can only extract at the surface, adra runs much deeper and through whole of Eora to the core. So even if they chip at the head of a pin, it's not gonna ruin anything noticeably. And besides that, adra can regenerate itself in time. For example, in POE1 the big statue was disconnected from the rest of the vein because its legs were chewed on by adra bugs. But five years later they regenerated and that allowed Eothas to power it up.
  8. They should make a patch to toggle underwear and when the party runs naked in Neketaka they should get arrested for indecent exposure.
  9. It could be it's date gated just like other random loot. Try killing him on different dates.
  10. Well, Xoti works with her hood too. Yea, that one exception too. I guess it's too much work to make it happen with all hairstyles, but still, I'd very much love if they did it. For now I'm running with hidden headwear in most cases.
  11. I just realized they made her hair work with a hat. Well, at least one character is not looking like a bald idiot wearing hats. What about the rest, devs?
  12. She's a meadow orlan. It's the forest orlans that are furry. Or as the SLAVE MASTERS say, Hearth Orlans and Wild Orlans. Isn't she the same type as Serafen? He sure looks furrier than her, she looks like a small blue human or elf.
  13. You can even do a follow up to his POE1 strengthening ending in POE2 ending - make Eothas inspire kith with his essence. Strong souls will surely be needed for what lies ahead after that ending.
  14. Well, I'm a fan of Galawain so I've seen what imports into POE2. First, he gives Eder +5 to max health, because he's a Dyrwoodan - all Dyrwoodans had their souls strengthened if Galawain ending was chosen in POE1. Also, he has a number of small dialogues with the Watcher - a minor interjection in one of the dialogues with the gods, a threat not to turn off the machine producing giant sea monsters in Sayka and an interjection when fighting magma dragon in Ashen Maw. Though none of these dialogues have any effect on anything as far as I've seen.
  15. Huh, I thought orlans were supposed to be furrier. Didn't even bother to strip them before this thread
  16. Yes, I've seen it too. She shouldn't have any nightmares related banter after you help her empty her lantern and yet it's there and quite frequent. I think this is also related to another bug - her quest spoils the main plot twist if done earlier than Ashen Maw. So perhaps a better fix is to, first and foremost, make her quest about emptying the lantern to trigger only after the Ashen Maw. And only after completing that lock the nightmares banter if the lantern was emptied.
  17. Here's my crash log and save file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1z_WEVM231pdUV587xSWtmzzZKvgsH7PB Or just follow the steps in the first post and you'll get a crash 100%.
  18. Many people seem to love these two pets but they yell their one-liners so often it becomes very annoying to keep them around. Can you please make them pipe down a notch?
  19. Exactly I mean, they sound so awesome they're just begging to be the next setting.
  20. Lamond's path is the one where Benweth can live. Benweth has one of the best leather armors on him though, so I guess letting him live is not a very popular choice In Mirke's path he's gets an funny accident. You can recruit her in whatever path except for the one where you make everyone hostile.
  21. There could be a whole unknown continent or two behind the storms, who knows. But as for POE3 I think there are still enough interesting known places to make a setting.
  22. Text fonts in normal dialogues are fine, imho. When scaled up though they can act weird. Like, in some dialogues with the gods they grow even larger than usual for whatever reason. Also, text box in scripted interaction dialogues is always scrolled down to the bottom, so to read anything you always have to scroll up, which is annoying.
  23. That map doesn't look right for some places. Also it's not whole Eora, just a known world map. Nobody knows what's to the east of Deadfire, for example, except that Rekke's people live somewhere out there.
  24. I don't see Mirke hanging around on the ship after she's recruited. Also, a minor nitpick - Modwyr doesn't have gossip about her even though she has some for other sidekicks.
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