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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. Hey, I'm just sharing my personal opinions. You don't have to agree to them.
  2. My view is not arrogant enough to think it is superior above all else and should be imposed on others. You keep bringing that up but who's that? A known freeloader and offender from Tikawara? Knowing his past record the warrior had every right to suspect him being a culprit. And that torture you speak of is a variant of stocks, a common thing even in the real world not long ago. I'm not saying he should pay for the crime he didn't commit, but I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary of how he's handled for that world. There were people complaining that they are being forced to be grateful and submissive to the Rauatains will for some quality of life they brought even when some Huana didn't feel like it. Lower castes in Huana culture seem to be submissive by the nature of their caste, otherwise there'd be a revolution ages ago, so sure, most of them were willing to submit to Rauataians and accommodate with other castes in one house. But better question is why is there a longhouse in the first place? Most likely it is there because Rauataians built their outpost on top of existing Huana village and those Huana were left without homes. So Rauataians built them this cheap barrack to live in, instead of bothering to build separate, more comfortable houses. I'm not defending their backward caste system, I'm defending their right for sovereignty and a right to find their own way without being forced to assimilate into other culture.
  3. It's tempting but without the robe all creatures there turn hostile.
  4. Your view of the Huana culture is the same as any other foreigner. To the foreigners it looks barbaric and oppressive, to Huana it seems perfectly fine and acceptable. Most Roparu are content with their lot in life, because like in real world Indian culture, they believe that the gods will reincarnate them into higher caste in the next life (which, unlike the real world, is actually quite possible). And far from all Huana are fine with being stuffed with other castes in one house and living like Rauataians want them to, there was a heated argument just outside of that house. Personally, I think trying to force your own culture on somebody else's without understanding the intricacies of it is a sure road to disaster, especially when religion is involved. But I support when people of other culture realize the flaws of their way of life and advantages of other cultures by themselves. It's what you can see in real world's modern multicultural/"melting pot" cities.
  5. Yea, no meta knowledge, no certainty. But I figure it's better to take any help at actually fixing the problem asap, instead of helping already dead souls to feel better while they're waiting. Them feeling better won't help fixing the very thing that keeps them stuck.
  6. Actually, Arkemyr's is not home initally. The best approach to rob him is non-violent one. And it starts with you going in through the window of the second floor of his shop (The Dark Cupboard) and stealing his robes from his room up top. After robbing his vault and giving the tablet to one of those women an imp sends a message that Arkemyr has returned and sends you an invite - that progresses into a quest about the observatory.
  7. But can you cheat death? Those guys certainly can - one is an undead lich, another has countless bodies, Arkemyr probably uses illusions of himself. We'll have to see if Akemyr shows up in the DLC after I exploded him like a balloon filled with red koolaid, won't we? I'm pretty sure he will, these guys tend to pop back up like mushrooms after rain. Btw, did he drop any good loot?
  8. But can you cheat death? Those guys certainly can - one is an undead lich, another has countless bodies, Arkemyr probably uses illusions of himself.
  9. Apparently to be included in the circle requires some super awesome research that'd interest them. And Aloth or the wizard Watcher hadn't even invented their own original spell, let alone research, so I doubt they'll deign. But who knows, maybe after killing some more archmagi they'll have no choice but to offer a seat
  10. You got it backwards - the soul first goes to the In-Between, then the Beyond, then reincarnation. With Wheel broken souls get stuck in the In-Between, nothing goes to the Beyond to feed the gods or reincarnate, the world dies. The In-Between is a temporary place for souls before they go to the Beyond and it is there that Watchers peer into to talk to souls.
  11. Sounds like your typical circle of archmagi Can't wait to see what they're planning in DLC.
  12. It's a circle of Archmagi. When you see somebody's name on a spell - that's a circle archmage. Names like Concelhaut, Arkemyr, Ninagauth, Minoletta, Llengrath, etc.
  13. Just listen to it yourself: https://youtu.be/miRfDt13UyI?t=1610 Basically, he doesn't help with fixing the Wheel, but provides temporary comfort for souls who are stuck in the In-Between until the Wheel is fixed. And Watchers won't be as bothered by ghosts floating around. I'd rather take the "help fixing the Wheel" option, personally.
  14. I didn't understand this option. What displaced souls? I thought the game told us that souls were still going to pass into the Beyond, just like they always did. Is that not actually happening? Iirc, there are souls stuck in the In-Between after he breaks the Wheel.
  15. When all life on the planet depends on how quickly if at all the Wheel is fixed I'd say yeah, it's a small price to pay. But hey, it's just my opinion, I'm sure being kind and benevolent all the time will make your Watcher sleep better at night My Watcher though is not afraid to make hard choices. Btw, if you read attentively that inspiration headstart is not only for the kith but against the gods as well. In the dialogue with Eothas it is implied they too won't seat idly by as the broken Wheel threatens their existence as well. So Eothas can give kith a headstart to figure it out faster than the gods and in their favor. I'm not sure how the gods are planning to fix the Wheel, but after their giant ****-up in POE2 and shady selfish nature in general I don't think kith can trust them at all.
  16. Nothing the real world hasn't already experienced. Even the most profitable business can be shut down with enough facts brought by scientific research and political pressure. For example, it was very profitable to insert lead in gasoline, which had serious repercussions for human health and ocean's purity. But with enough scientific researches backed by politicians this type of gasoline is now banned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetraethyllead It's not profitable if it kills you and all those around you, anybody can understand that.
  17. True enough. And without having meta knowledge as to how things gonna work out in potential POE3 there is indeed no way of telling which faction or ending gonna turn out the best.
  18. Doesn't seem likely if you go pro-VTC, but that's your opinion to have.
  19. Kind, but not pragmatic. I think giving people an inspiration that leads to incredible rate of innovations and insight may actually bring that permanent solution way faster. I guess it all comes down to how you roleplay your Watcher. My Watcher is pro-Galawain/Magran/Abydon who believes in strength and strengthening of kith.
  20. I'd rather leave them alone and let them reform themselves, it seems inevitable anyway. And, btw, that bad situation in the Gullet can be perfectly solved by Huana themselves, if you convince the prince. Leaving the situation to be resolved by Rauataians only leads to them razing the whole district without solving any actual underlying problems.
  21. I'd rather live in an exciting world shaped by animancers innovations than under a boring bootheel of a Rauatai empire. And all mistakes made by the Vailians concerning adra and animancy seem to stem from ignorance - they still don't understand a lot about them. I'd imagine learning that abusing souls for frivolities will spell potential doom on all the world will certainly reign in the most atrocious researches. But opening their eyes to the danger can only be gained through knowledge, which is why it is better that they have it from Ukaizo and Eothas inspiration.
  22. My answer will still be no. I've explained why in earlier posts - they're pro-military, have no respect for foreign cultures, assimilate natives whether they want it or not, aggressively conquer lands.
  23. None of them are better at that. But, personally, I'm allergic to pro-militaristic, "we'll bring you our democracy whether you want it or not" approach.
  24. Hey, I don't like them much either, but keep in mind that all cultures evolved by adapting to the environment. It is most likely that this caste system came into place for the Huana to survive after the cataclysm destroyed their old nation. So it is not beyond belief to imagine it can evolve again by being influenced by foreign factors. But I'm for gentle fusing approach, not for forceful militaristic approach.
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