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Everything posted by Valsuelm

  1. Anyone who thinks that the Confederate flag is only associated with racism these days is mistaken.
  2. And we all know that's a prestigious meaningful award given to men or women who bleed, sweat, and cry peacefulness, awarded by an unbiased objective intelligent committee. Seriously, @#)*$ any Nobel prize. Their credibility is long since been blown away. Good for anyone who gets due to the possible monetary award, but other than that it's rubbish.
  3. Interesting indeed and I stand corrected in regards to my original post. I was unaware of the 'fan off' feature of some newer models. I'm still rocking my 550W Coolermaster that I bought in early 2006, that has lived and not needed upgrading through 3 builds now. Still works more than fine. I'm not sure I'd buy a PSU that had such a feature though as how are you to know if the fan is faulty and doesn't work if it's designed to sometimes run and sometimes not?
  4. Oh no.... all you mention are dead horses. The discussion, and the discussion of the discussion. Like vampires who once lived as horses, then rose to be undead horses, and yet had stakes driven through their hearts and their heads chopped off, the discussion of romance in PoE is in every way is beyond a dead horse. When the sequel to PoE is announced perhaps these dead horses can be resurrected in some unholy manner yet again, but right now everything to do with this subject deader than dead, and the folks trying to continue this discussion are like some aberrant perpetrators of necrophiliactic undead bestiality, as that is how dead and overdone this subject is on the PoE forums. I look forward to the day when I can look at the first page of this forum and not see the word 'romance' anywhere on it. Really. Let this thread and subject die please, either that or someone please move these threads to the off-topic or the general forum. This game deserves better threads and subjects discussed than this one, which is far beyond a dead horse at this point.
  5. Yup. We could conceivably see Putin be the Russian president until 2024 under current laws there as his most recent term started in 2012.
  6. If something as simple as the fan isn't working on a brand new PSU I'd return it under the warranty and get a new one. A faulty PSU is not something you want in your case.
  7. While that wouldn't quite be the same as what's going on in Ukraine as it is not as simple as the Ukraine dropping Russia for the EU (despite what most western news stories are saying) nor is there a Russian equivalent to the EU, without a doubt if the tables were turned and such a thing were to occur in today's world you would see the U.K. act in similar manner, and without a doubt many in the west would see it as perfectly ok.
  8. Comparing Afghanistan and Georgia to Ukraine/Crimea is like comparing apples and oranges to Aliens/UFOs. Georgia and Afghanistan were/are two very different situations, and Ukraine/Crimea is even more different. The strategic importance of Ukraine/ Crimea to Russia is arguably second to none except Russia itself. There are few if any similar situations to compare it to in the modern world. Any competent leader of Russia would be willing to go to war over external influences attempting to wrest control of it away, which is what the west is doing through back channels. The situation is much more comparable in strategic important value to say how Ireland is to the U.K., but even then maybe not so much. The EU/US/UK aren't messing around on Russia's block right now, or even in their backyard, they're messing around on Russia's back porch, and it's leaders would be smart to back off. Unfortunately for the world in this and many other regards, it's leaders aren't smart (we as a people don't hold them accountable). Here's a synopsis article that might put things in perspective simple like for you if aren't familiar with the history of the region: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/2014/03/02/memo-to-obama-this-was-their-red-line/
  9. But what about my divine right to rule?
  10. Not even remotely a weird argument. Putting aside the fact that I am for citizens owning grenades and rocket launchers legally as making them illegal really doesn't accomplish much good (I personally know some ex-military who do indeed own grenades outside of the realm of the law and at least one person who could build you a rocket launcher in his garage (and you might note they aren't running around blowing people up)), you assume very wrongly that any insurrection is going to be nothing but non-military vs. military. If a large scale rebellion ever arises in the U.S. (and most anywhere else) that will definitely not be the case. Believe it or not conversations amongst people in the U.S. military are had these days about what they'd do in the face of a rebellion, and it's no small amount of them they would join in it. It would not be long before most everything the government has in terms of resources is in the hands of those looking to overthrow it. I realize you're in Sweden where rebellion is not part of the everyday discussions (heck. you still have a King) and socialism/communism is embraced by near everyone there it seems. But in some places like the U.S., there are a lot of folks who do not forget how our freedoms were won, and who realize they are disappearing at an ever increasing rate. It is no coincidence that gun and ammo sales have gone through the roof in the last few years in this nation at the same time we see our Constitution all but ripped to shreds (there is not much of it that hasn't been gutted at this point), and watch our government do whatever it pleases no matter how unethical, unlawful, or evil it may be, with little to no consequences seen for the perpetrators of these deeds. While some folks like to discuss which of our rights we're willing to give up for X, and many more would rather just pretend everything is hunky dory because their life is going relatively well or they're just too ignorant, others are increasingly thinking the time for discussion is nearing an end, not to mention many realize the economy is on the precipice of an abyss. 15 years ago if you brought up revolution in your average church, bar, or other public discussion most people would look at you like you're an alien. Today, it's not an uncommon subject to hear being discussed, and more and more people are seeing it as something that is probably inevitable.
  11. Not only would a non-trivial amount of troops refuse to fight a non-trivial amount of troops would join the opposition to the government if/when it comes to that. Civil wars are usually messy, very. As for rights vs. privileges, when we started accepting that the government grants us privileges to do simple things such as drive a car we started forgetting what freedom is. The DMV is an abomination in a free nation, especially considering what it's come to be in most if not all U.S. states at this point (far far more than just a drivers licensing bureau).
  12. Keep in mind it's China we're getting our news from, and they aren't known for their honesty in regards to telling the world of their internal affairs. Also that the Uyghur people have been oppressed to put it lightly under the Chinese government. Whoever did it, there's more than currently meets the eye in regards to why, especially given the location of the attack in relation to where those who China is saying did it are from.
  13. I've backed them both, and I very much look forward to both. However, I would like the art to be unique to each game and for them to go in their own natural directions and not be constrained in any way by the other. That said, I certainly wouldn't begrudge the devs shared resources if that makes sense to them. Art though, is something that can be at the core and feel of a game, so shared art doesn't sound like a good idea to me, anymore than shared music would.
  14. This subject is like except less catchy.
  15. There can always be what ifs. This is probably the best video on what ifs you'll ever see: Note that Suzanne obviously made no impression upon Chuck Shumer, as he's still leading the charge to take your rights away today. He is not naive though, he is an evil mofo. On the subject of Adam Lanza. Two things. 1. Most any resourceful teenager is going to be able to get their hands on the weapons he used, locked up or not. Where there is a will there is a way. 2. If the school where Adam allegedly murdered all of the folks he did wasn't a 'gun free' zone then perhaps at least one of the teachers would have had a weapon to stop Adam and prevent at least some of the carnage that occurred there that day. The fact is that most 'mass shootings' in recent times occur in 'gun free' zones. 'Gun free' zones are possibly the most asinine 'regulation of public safety' there is, and have no doubt caused far more harm than good.
  16. How so ? I mean if everyone had guns, at least they would have been able to shoot back, but that presumes everyone being armed all the time. Doesn't seem very plausible. I went to visit a a buddy of mine who happens to be an attorney in Tennessee recently. As I'm interested in legal things we often talk about what cases he's working on and so it happened that while I was there I watched a surveillance video recording of an armed man attempting to rob a convenience store late at night at gun point. There were three other patrons in the store when this occurred. You can see the would be robber wave his gun and tell people to get down. As he turned his attention to the cashier after issuing his warning two of the three patrons pulled legally owned guns out (one a man and one a woman), aimed them at the would be robber and over the course of about 5 seconds convinced him to lay his weapon down. Police came, the man was arrested, and no one was hurt. While it definitely depends on where you live, in many places in the U.S. at least you would be surprised how many people are carrying a gun on them at any given time.
  17. Here we go again... I'll sum it up quicklike. The truth is, anyone who is for gun control is either naive or downright evil. Most fall into the former category, and just really haven't thought things through all that well. In this particular situation, how great would it have been if out of the hundreds there at least a few citizens had been carrying a gun? Of course China can't have that, as an armed populace would mean revolt in many a Chinese place. And that is why nations are disarmed, and that is the true purpose of 'gun control', to prevent and/or minimize the effectiveness of citizen uprisings. And Woldan, some places have already outlawed pointy sharp things. Australia and the U.K. comes to mind. With most things, where there's a will there is a way, and this is something the naive just don't want to come to terms with. What's interesting about this case is that apparently ~10 armed men attacked joe average, so this was definitely well thought out in advance. I would like to know what their motive was.
  18. http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/51leg/2r/bills/sb1062p.pdf and a mission statement by an organization that supported the bill: http://www.azpolicy.org/bill-tracker/religious-freedom-restoration-act-sb-1062 Note that at the federal level a law already exists that does what sb1062 wanted to do and it has already passed Supreme Court scrutiny. However the same Supreme Court ruled that this law was not enforceable at the state level, hence Arizona and other states making state laws to such affect. Discrimination in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. We all discriminate all the time, every day with near every decision we make. However, I'm fairly sure you meant that sb1062 was somehow discriminatory in an evil way, (as 'discriminate' has become a negatively loaded word in the modern politically correct lexicon whose primary purpose is to quash people's ability to think) and that is just not the case, contrary to what many a talking head on TV and in the press would have you believe.
  19. You don't get anything for just existing, other than the right to die. Inalienable rights sir. It's concept that's been around for millennia. Thinking whatever you wish happens to be such a thing, and it's a fool's supposition to conjecture otherwise; evil to try and enforce otherwise.
  20. You mean kinda like how in my nation, yours, and many of those reading this thread how an internal issue of a nation that most couldn't point out on a map is making international news and trumping local issues in our respective nations that are much more important and relevant to the folks living in those nations? Red herrings indeed.
  21. The eating the poopoo videos were comical if anything, they certainly didn't galvanize hate. You're grasping at straws with that one.
  22. Obama wants you to have the right to eat poo poo. That sounds about right.
  23. Wow that's a clever post, okay lets be pedantic and not understand my original point. Yes you right its a basic human right to hate and this is something that countries allow. Is that better? It is a basic right to think whatever you wish no matter how right or wrong it may be. Wrong of course often being a subjective thing. You don't get basic rights from a constitution, you get them from just existing. Your Constitution happens to be one of the more @#$*(@#ed up ones in the western world by the way. Outlawing certain types of thought is arguably more evil than the whatever it is you're attempting to outlaw.
  24. Press oppression doesn't just come in the form of dead bodies, though Gary Webb was likely suicided, but not before he was definitely put under extreme pressure. Michael Rupert has spoken of the pressure he was put under and he backed far away of some of the things he had been reporting on as a result as he's aware of folks who get suicided like Webb (likely), Colonel Sabow (definitely), and others. Another somewhat mainstream example would be to look up and watch the documentary 'The Corporation', which is a good documentary for a variety of reasons, but it does give other examples of press oppression in the U.S.. Keep in mind that if the oppression is successful, you likely either don't know anything about it and/or what you know is misinformation.
  25. Actually... there are dead reporters in America. A recent one is Michael Hastings.
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