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Everything posted by Malekith

  1. Pity it will never happen. In fact Obsidian would made a better TES game than Bethesda as well. Bethesda should stick to publising and not making games. They are terrible at it.
  2. Melisan, the Five and Draconis... i quess They were all men. In green robes. How do you know that, since they wore robes and all that? Only two of them spoke... They all had the same face of a white guy and were human-sized. There is precisely one human-sized white guy in the Five. And none of their voices matched any of the Five. And they were discussing 'the Bhaalspawn' as if the entire room wasn't already filled with Bhaalspawn. I dunno. I just find it a huge stretch to match those guys up with the enemies we face in ToB. If that's who they were intended to be, then it seems obvious the robed guys were the equivalent of a placeholder until Bioware figured out exactly who they wanted your opponents to be in ToB, which is still very sloppy. No arguement about that. I believe they had a vargue idea about ToB plot, but they didn't knew who exactly the villains would be, so the rolled with "mysterious cowled figures" as it's the laziest trope around and could in theory act as placeholder for almost anything. But then they had to make the Five to include giants and dragons among their number...
  3. Melisan, the Five and Draconis... i quess They were all men. In green robes. How do you know that, since they wore robes and all that? Only two of them spoke...
  4. I'm amazed every day how many people want PE to be yet another AAA disappointing crap.
  5. Art + narration at the start end finish of the game like IWD, and maybe intodusing new areas with a consept art of the area and some discription and we are set. No need for cinematics whatsoever. Even if Obsidian desides to have scripted eventslike BG series had, they should be scipable. The first time they are alright, but everyone who has replayed BG2 knows that they are just a PITA
  6. Don't make the game combat focused. PE+Exp is alright, but PE2's expansion and PE3 are another matter. Ziet's in a formspring answer about how he would have made BG3 hit it spot on. If your character is so powerfull that is practicaly a demigod, the classic combat focussed- exploring the wilderness won't cut it anymore. By then the PS:T or MotB(but without 80% of it's combat) model is better.Have a narrative focused game, where your character faces chalenges other than bashing random idiots to the head. Your character is beyond that, and he should be able to one-hit almost anything in the game. Make the encounter's few but relevant, with suitable "epic" enemies that make sense. Don't make the enemie's janitor an 20 level fighter. Make him 2 and let your character demolish the whole base until the leader. And then balance the leader encounter for a fully rested party at full power. Don't design an attrition focused game. ToB could have worked better if it was narrative focused, with you strugling with Bhaal's essence, having to discover the Five's identities and way's to beat them yourself instead of telling you where they are from the start. And then have the only memorable fights to be the Five themselves, Watcher's Keep and the Abyss. No need to have random watchmen wielding +3 armor sets.
  7. The Rogue is a Rogue. It's just the 4E/MMO style Rogue, not the 2E/3E 'Utility' Rogue. MMO Roguey is nonsensical as well.
  8. Well, knights generally were the ones that were heavily armored with shields, and the peasands with pitchforks couldn't penetrate them. It describes PE fighters to a T. Guardian is also a good one. The point is classes should have names that describe their role in combat. As it is some names are nonsensical, like rogue for example. Plus, they come with heavy baggage from D&D use. No one would complain if the assassin or blademaster class was dps class, yet everyone was sceptical with rogue being the same.
  9. Well, it's OE's phault to a point. They could have changed the classes completely like Cipher and chanter, not naming them after D&D. **** Rogue, call him Assassin. Knight or warrior intead of Fighter. Shaman instead of Druid etc. If they wanted to change the mechanics to resemle something of a MOBA, they should have shred the D&D conection entirely. D&D was quasi-simulationist, and that is people assosiate with these names. Sawyer's philoshophy doesn't agree with that. Long post short, the classes are the problem and not their design.
  10. Will a Cipher PC be able to use his mind tricks outside of combat? Something like Force Persuade in KOTOR2, and being able to find/track souls in the game or something?
  11. My character want to make the world a better place...only for him.
  12. PS:T certainly wasn't about combat, and while it had interesting locations, "exploration" wasn't the focus (you didn't search every nook and cranny of PS:T's maps). So no, I wouldn't hold my breath for a game like PS:T, but that's not what they promised anyway, as PS:T is only 1/5th of the IE bunch. You can't imagine a personal story in a game where combat is a focus? Why? That the combat in PS:T was an afterthought doesn't mean that PE will have also. I said that PE will have a story that is kind of introspective journey, like Torment, KOTOR2, MOTB, not that the game would be the same design wise. You could have BG2 were Irenicus was a phychopath with terrible power, but who instead of wanting to steal your soul he just wanted to help you unlock your potential and study you and your power. As such he would be the antagonist only to a good player, while the evil one could use him and join forces with him. Or even completely remove him as the big bad and make him a side boss, like Nihilus in KOTOR, and have the strugle with your tainted blood be the game's focus. Nothing in BG2 design forces you to have an EPIC adventure/save the world/smackdown the big bad main story.
  13. What type of game is that?Planescape:Torment was an introspective journey. KOTOR2 as well. MotB as well.IWDs were very localized, nothing world shatering. BG was the only EPIC, but that was Bioware. From what we know BG3 from Black Isle would be much more personal journey. Everything Obsidian has made was personal. I don't see why they would change that now. Correction: A protagonist with a personal motivation doesn't necessarily mean a personal story. It's about dimensions, obviously; if the outcome of the quest is confined to your personal sphere (and maybe those closest to you), it's a personal quest. IWD's were kinda limited geographically but definitely fit my definition of an epic adventure - they didn't touch on personal issues very much. BG1 was about taking down a murderous, powerful villain, much like BG2. Again, the fact that you have a personal motivation doesn't mean that introspection is a great part of your questing, unless you find the small scenes between chapters in BG where you receive your special powers to offer deep psychological insights. Of all the IE games, I'd only place PS:T in the "non-epic adventure" category. You ignore the other games by the same designers though. Both Ziets(formspring) and Adam (kickstarter comments) have said that it won't be a "fight the big bad" type of story. http://spring.me/GZiets/q/488896341628450671 I expect something in the vein of PS:T/KotOR2/MotB mixed with faction gameplay ala New Vegas
  14. What type of game is that? Planescape:Torment was an introspective journey. KOTOR2 as well. MotB as well.IWDs were very localized, nothing world shatering. BG was the only EPIC, but that was Bioware. From what we know BG3 from Black Isle would be much more personal journey. Everything Obsidian has made was personal. I don't see why they would change that now.
  15. There is no such thing. The most controversial games are often huge hits. And remember, while often games feature rasism/sexism/whatever, the only ones who seems to care are idiot bloggers with no evidence it affects sales. The most controversial game of the last years was ironicaly Mass Effect 3 with it's idiotic ending, and not because of some sosial issue. For better or worse, evidence shows that gamers in general don't care about these things as kotaku would have you believe.
  16. Witcher fans confirmed for no less delusional than Bioware fans. I'm not a Witcher fan, but for what i saw(played only the first game) it's way closer to reality than Bioware's approach. Sure, is simplified, but most hook ups and one night stands work prety similar. That the whole seduction is sumed up in two lines is an abstraction, the same way Bioware "relationships" are sumed up in 12 lines.
  17. By this point you probably have heard, played enough BW games that you can have a reasonable expectation of what it will be. If you think that BW are crap then why do you waste your time with them? Well, i can't speak for him, but for me is that way. The only games from Bioware i have played are BG1+2(loved them) ,NWN+Exp(meh) , DA:O(good enough), DA2(kinda crap) I had dismissed Bioware since NWN, and returned only for DA:O(which i played years after it was released). But DA2 was disapointing, and what i hear for Bioware's last games isn't to my liking. DA:I hype makes it sound a return to the DA:O model(to a point), so i try to deside if i should dismiss Bioware once and for all and consider DA:O a a fluke like the BG series was, or if i should play it.
  18. Would you consider yourself a typical Canadian?
  19. He wants it so he can nerf the wolves
  20. Victorian Era (or at least part) setting Where do you base this? If this is true i would say Steampunk...ish
  21. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64404-new-chris-avellone-eternity-interview/
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