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Everything posted by Malekith

  1. Sawyer has said that maiming drops the character in 1HP, so he is killed with every hit, plus stat penalties. So in effect the character becomes dead weight until you rest. The whole point is to not instantly reload when a character dies(since the game has permadeath) but instead to be able to continue even in weakened state until the next rest spot. I find it somewhat silly since with the stamina/health system where your character drops unconsious when he loses all stamina(but still has most of his health by that point since the rate is 4:1) in effect you need to "die" 3-4 times in order to die for real. By that point you play the game badly and you deserve to lose your companion, but whatever. As it is toggleable i don't realy care.
  2. I actualy am at the complete opposite camp. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Fallout New Vegas remade with Fallout 2 engine. (or even RPGmaker for that matter,it would still be better than Bethesda atrocity)
  3. Different engine, sure... but they're trying to replicate IE as best as possible.Why is this a crappy solution in 2014? Because all other games in 2014 have fixed cameras on their PC and thus scrolling is made extra difficult, since usually the camera is locked on them? If so, that's not a very good reason IMO. While dragging with the mouse seems reasonable (and I assume will be in) I have no reason not to believe simple mouse scrolling like in the BG's would feel absolutely fine in PE, rather than in other modern game with their PC-locked cameras. I don't see why they can't just make WASD move the camera around, pretty sure they did it in later Infinity Engine games. As long as it can be moved with mouse scrolling like IE games, every other option on top of that is fine.
  4. "For many people combat is a complete waste of time" This is the stupidest counter argument I have heard about games, to be made yet. As a matter of fact I don't believe that it even applies to you, let alone MANY other people. Most of the games in existence contain combat in them and it is the main feature of the game and the rest are either sport, racing, or SIMs. Well at least now I know that your replies to my posts are only meant to be contrary and thus I will avoid replaying to your posts. For me it doesn't apply. But i have lost count of how many times i have read in Witcher or Bioware forums that " i only play games for narrative and characters". Go see for yourself if you don't believe me. And i don't know anyone who played Obsidian games for the combat from all things. Like it or no, many people don't care about combat in their RPGs.(and no, i don't consider it a good thing but it's not up to me)
  5. Yeah I have been replaying Baldur's Gate lately and sorry but, it's combat is anything but tactical until very late game. So far 90% of my fights have boiled down to select all, click a mob, wait for it to die, click next mob, rinse wash repeat. The fights that do require some planning have also hilariously come down to luck. I had one fight against this two mage, ogre, and two fighter group. Had it won, my party was up, all but one mage dead. Then as we engage the final mage he casts something and my main character failed a save apparently, one shot kill game over. So much for tactics, one bad save paired with the mage scoring his best possible damage, and I lose. To be fair that has nothing to do with the perspective but with AD&D mechanics.
  6. You should read what I write more carefully, I never said that it wasn't, I only said that it wasn't fun. And that is precisely why I said "If I want a good story I will read a book". As for interactive stories, well I have yet to see them. I know many game claim to have them, but none of them truly do. Have you ever seen a good writer of books write a story for a game? I have seen lots of game writers, try to write novels. Fun for you. For many people combat is a complete waste of time. What someone finds fun in a game is completely arbitary. As for a 'real' writer writing in games, Rothfuss will be in the new Torment. We will see how it comes along. I don't expext miracles. Richard Morgan wrote for Crysis 2. You don't need me to tell you how that came along. Also, in most fantasy novels the plot is completely standard and uninspired. Same with the setting. The characters and the quality of the writing is what separates them from games, not the stories per se. Many renowned authors like Rothfuss,Jordan,Hobb,Brooks have very generic plot.
  7. Incuding choosing how the narrative progresses. Your view on interactivity is the one that is very close-minded. Mine includes clicking on enemies to hit as well as clicking on dialog options. I never said that games (or movies for that matter) come close to books in quality. But it's not one or the other situation. In games you have interactive storytelling in a way you can't in books. So it offers something books cannot. And it's not a matter of ****y writers. You can take the best author out there to write your game story. It will still be vastly inferior to his books. By the very fact that games must allow interaction from the player they cannot match a book story. Imagine your favorite book where the fans had the ability to decide how the story progresses and how characters develop. Chances are it would be inferior to what the author intended.
  8. The game is combat oriented, it never tried to hide that, thus it will not be to everyone tastes. Why? If I want a good story, I will read a book which will always have a better story then a game (unless it's a bad story/writer). I play games because they offer something that other mediums don't, interactivity, and if the game has a good story attached to it then that is just a happy bonus. Torment had more interactivity than IWD. Combat =! interactivity Plus, your comparison with books, there are different types of storytelling. Games can have interactive storytelling in a way that books cannot.
  9. And on the flip side it would be just a visual novel with combat tacked on to it just for the sake of it (Torment). While i think both scenarios should be avoided, between your two extremes i find the first one worse by many orders of magnitude.
  10. Yes but as Diablo 3, LoL and Dota has shown, isometric doesn't realy turn people off if your game is good.
  11. BS. Strategy games without a fixed view are a pain in the ass. The same applies in RPGs. If i'm spending more time fighting the camera than the enemies something isn't right.
  12. So Skyrim, Morrowind, Witcher etc. are terrible titles for you?
  13. ... such as? No disrespect, as I understand what you're getting at. The desire for it to just REALLY shine as a game name, like an amazing fireworks show versus a merely-good one. But, can we really act as though there are a plethora of "more appropriate word"s floating around, just waiting to be plucked and inserted into the name, if we can't actually come up with any ourselves? I meant a made up word relevant to the game. Could we had come up with Glanfathan ourselves before Sawyer revealed it? I just said that X:Pillars of Eternity sounds better to me than Pillars of Eternity alone. X can be whatevermade up word Sawyer deems appropriate(ingame location,a gods name, a factions name whatever)
  14. Nice, but we all know that "Glanfathan" means "Inhabitant of Eir Glanfath". Bit of nothing special, like "New Yorker"? It was just a placeholder.You understood what i meant. Sawyer can replace it with a more appropriate word anytime...
  15. Pillars of Eternity is ok, but it would work better as a subtitle. It doesn't roll in the tonque all that well. Glanfathan:Pillars of Eternity is better IMO. It still has Pillars of Eternity as the main title so it keeps the Eternity name racognition, but it canbe mentioned as Glanfathan that sounds cooler.
  16. I played DA:O exclusivly in top down view, as far back as the game allowed me. And the game looked better for it. Any other way the game was ugly, and the gameplay bad.
  17. I donated exactly because the game was 2D isomertic. Even if i like Obsidian, I wouldn't have gave a single dollar for a FS/TP game like New Vegas.
  18. The only animations i care about is death animations ala Fallout. Hit reactions and parries...no
  19. InXile entered an agreement with Deep Silver for distribution of physical copies.I imagine Obsidian will see how well Wasteland2 sells in stores and plan accordingly
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